

proportionately.’ I believe that’s whatmakes someone really good at selling orconsulting—the number-one thing isthey’ve got to really listen well. When Ilook at the top salespeople in my organization,none of those extrovertedqualities are the key to their success.”680/929And now back to Greg and Emily’s impasse.We’ve just acquired two crucialpieces of information: first, Emily’s distastefor conversational multitasking isreal and explicable; and second, whenintroverts are able to experience conversationsin their own way, they makedeep and enjoyable connections withothers.It was only once they accepted thesetwo realities that Greg and Emily found

a way to break their stalemate. Insteadof focusing on the number of dinnerparties they’d give, they started talkingabout the format of the parties. Insteadof seating everyone around a big table,which would require the kind of allhandsconversational multitaskingEmily dislikes so much, why not servedinner buffet style, with people eatingin small, casual conversational groupingson the sofas and floor pillows?This would allow Greg to gravitate tohis usual spot at the center of the roomand Emily to hers on the outskirts,where she could have the kind ofintimate, one-on-one conversations sheenjoys.This issue solved, the couple wasnow free to address the thornier questionof how many parties to give. Aftersome back-and-forth, they agreed ontwo evenings a month—twenty-four681/929

a way to break their stalemate. Instead

of focusing on the number of dinner

parties they’d give, they started talking

about the format of the parties. Instead

of seating everyone around a big table,

which would require the kind of allhands

conversational multitasking

Emily dislikes so much, why not serve

dinner buffet style, with people eating

in small, casual conversational groupings

on the sofas and floor pillows?

This would allow Greg to gravitate to

his usual spot at the center of the room

and Emily to hers on the outskirts,

where she could have the kind of

intimate, one-on-one conversations she


This issue solved, the couple was

now free to address the thornier question

of how many parties to give. After

some back-and-forth, they agreed on

two evenings a month—twenty-four


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