

left Michelle feeling lonely.” He attributeshis own style to the demands ofwriting and to having been raisedmostly as an only child, and then saysthat he and Michelle have learned overthe years to meet each other’s needs,and to see them as legitimate.648/929It can also be hard for introverts andextroverts to understand each other’sways of resolving differences. One ofmy clients was an immaculately dressedlawyer named Celia. Celia wanted a divorce,but dreaded letting her husbandknow. She had good reasons for her decisionbut anticipated that he wouldbeg her to stay and that she wouldcrumple with guilt. Above all, Celia

wanted to deliver her newscompassionately.We decided to role-play their discussion,with me acting as her husband.“I want to end this marriage,” saidCelia. “I mean it this time.”“I’ve been doing everything I can tohold things together,” I pleaded. “Howcan you do this to me?”Celia thought for a minute.“I’ve spent a lot of time thinking thisthrough, and I believe this is the rightdecision,” she replied in a woodenvoice.“What can I do to change yourmind?” I asked.“Nothing,” said Celia flatly.Feeling for a minute what her husbandwould feel, I was dumbstruck. Shewas so rote, so dispassionate. She wasabout to divorce me—me, her husbandof eleven years! Didn’t she care?649/929

wanted to deliver her news


We decided to role-play their discussion,

with me acting as her husband.

“I want to end this marriage,” said

Celia. “I mean it this time.”

“I’ve been doing everything I can to

hold things together,” I pleaded. “How

can you do this to me?”

Celia thought for a minute.

“I’ve spent a lot of time thinking this

through, and I believe this is the right

decision,” she replied in a wooden


“What can I do to change your

mind?” I asked.

“Nothing,” said Celia flatly.

Feeling for a minute what her husband

would feel, I was dumbstruck. She

was so rote, so dispassionate. She was

about to divorce me—me, her husband

of eleven years! Didn’t she care?


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