

10THE COMMUNICATION GAPHow to Talk to Members of the OppositeTypeThe meeting of two personalities is likethe contact of two chemical substances; ifthere is any reaction, both are transformed.—CARL JUNGIf introverts and extroverts are thenorth and south of temperament—oppositeends of a single spectrum—thenhow can they possibly get along? Yetthe two types are often drawn to eachother—in friendship, business, and especiallyromance. These pairs can enjoy

great excitement and mutual admiration,a sense that each completes theother. One tends to listen, the other totalk; one is sensitive to beauty, but alsoto slings and arrows, while the otherbarrels cheerfully through his days; onepays the bills and the other arrangesthe children’s play dates. But it can alsocause problems when members of theseunions pull in opposite directions.Greg and Emily are an example of anintrovert-extrovert couple who love andmadden each other in equal measure.Greg, who just turned thirty, has abounding gait, a mop of dark hair continuallyfalling over his eyes, and aneasy laugh. Most people would describehim as gregarious. Emily, a maturetwenty-seven, is as self-contained asGreg is expansive. Graceful and softspoken,she keeps her auburn hair tied635/929

great excitement and mutual admiration,

a sense that each completes the

other. One tends to listen, the other to

talk; one is sensitive to beauty, but also

to slings and arrows, while the other

barrels cheerfully through his days; one

pays the bills and the other arranges

the children’s play dates. But it can also

cause problems when members of these

unions pull in opposite directions.

Greg and Emily are an example of an

introvert-extrovert couple who love and

madden each other in equal measure.

Greg, who just turned thirty, has a

bounding gait, a mop of dark hair continually

falling over his eyes, and an

easy laugh. Most people would describe

him as gregarious. Emily, a mature

twenty-seven, is as self-contained as

Greg is expansive. Graceful and softspoken,

she keeps her auburn hair tied


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