

tend to leak those emotions later in unexpectedways. The psychologist JudithGrob asked people to hide their emotionsas she showed them disgustingimages. She even had them hold pensin their mouths to prevent them fromfrowning. She found that this group reportedfeeling less disgusted by the picturesthan did those who’d been allowedto react naturally. Later,however, the people who hid theiremotions suffered side effects. Theirmemory was impaired, and the negativeemotions they’d suppressed seemedto color their outlook. When Grob hadthem fill in the missing letter to theword “gr_ss,” for example, they weremore likely than others to offer “gross”rather than “grass.” “People who tendto [suppress their negative emotions]regularly,” concludes Grob, “might start632/929

to see the world in a more negativelight.”That’s why these days Professor Littleis in restorative mode, retired from theuniversity and reveling in his wife’scompany in their house in the Canadiancountryside. Little says that his wife,Sue Phillips, the director of the Schoolof Public Policy and Administration atCarleton University, is so much likehim that they don’t need a Free TraitAgreement to govern their relationship.But his Free Trait Agreement with himselfprovides that he do his remaining“scholarly and professional deeds withgood grace,” but not “hang aroundlonger than necessary.”Then he goes home and snuggles bythe fire with Sue.633/929

to see the world in a more negative


That’s why these days Professor Little

is in restorative mode, retired from the

university and reveling in his wife’s

company in their house in the Canadian

countryside. Little says that his wife,

Sue Phillips, the director of the School

of Public Policy and Administration at

Carleton University, is so much like

him that they don’t need a Free Trait

Agreement to govern their relationship.

But his Free Trait Agreement with himself

provides that he do his remaining

“scholarly and professional deeds with

good grace,” but not “hang around

longer than necessary.”

Then he goes home and snuggles by

the fire with Sue.


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