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that they’re acting in character most of

the time, effectively turning their workdays

into one giant restorative niche.

Finding restorative niches isn’t always

easy. You might want to read

quietly by the fire on Saturday nights,

but if your spouse wishes you’d spend

those evenings out with her large circle

of friends, then what? You might want

to retreat to the oasis of your private

office in between sales calls, but what if

your company just switched over to an

open office plan? If you plan to exercise

free traits, you’ll need the help of

friends, family, and colleagues. Which

is why Professor Little calls, with great

passion, for each of us to enter into “a

Free Trait Agreement.”

This is the final piece of Free Trait

Theory. A Free Trait Agreement acknowledges

that we’ll each act out of

character some of the time—in


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