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reading, strategizing, writing, and researching?

Will I have a private workspace

or be subject to the constant demands

of an open office plan? If the job

doesn’t give me enough restorative

niches, will I have enough free time on

evenings and weekends to grant them

to myself?

Extroverts will want to look for restorative

niches, too. Does the job involve

talking, traveling, and meeting

new people? Is the office space stimulating

enough? If the job isn’t a perfect

fit, are the hours flexible enough that I

can blow off steam after work? Think

through the job description carefully.

One highly extroverted woman I interviewed

was excited about a position as

the “community organizer” for a parenting

website, until she realized that

she’d be sitting by herself behind a

computer every day from nine to five.


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