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highly. Free Trait Theory explains why

an introvert might throw his extroverted

wife a surprise party or join the

PTA at his daughter’s school. It explains

how it’s possible for an extroverted scientist

to behave with reserve in her

laboratory, for an agreeable person to

act hard-nosed during a business negotiation,

and for a cantankerous uncle to

treat his niece tenderly when he takes

her out for ice cream. As these examples

suggest, Free Trait Theory applies

in many different contexts, but it’s

especially relevant for introverts living

under the Extrovert Ideal.

According to Little, our lives are dramatically

enhanced when we’re involved

in core personal projects that we

consider meaningful, manageable, and

not unduly stressful, and that are supported

by others. When someone asks

us “How are things?” we may give a


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