

We know that there are physiologicallimits on who we are and how we act.But should we attempt to manipulateour behavior within the range availableto us, or should we simply be true toourselves? At what point does controllingour behavior become futile, orexhausting?If you’re an introvert in corporateAmerica, should you try to save yourtrue self for quiet weekends and spendyour weekdays striving to “get outthere, mix, speak more often, and connectwith your team and others, deployingall the energy and personalityyou can muster,” as Jack Welch advisedin a BusinessWeek online column? Ifyou’re an extroverted university student,should you save your true self forrowdy weekends and spend your weekdaysfocusing and studying? Can people586/929

fine-tune their own personalities thisway?The only good answer I’ve heard tothese questions comes from ProfessorBrian Little.587/929On the morning of October 12, 1979,Little visited the Royal Military CollegeSaint-Jean on the Richelieu River, fortykilometers south of Montreal, to addressa group of senior military officers.As an introvert might be expected todo, he’d prepared thoroughly for thespeech, not only rehearsing his remarksbut also making sure he could cite thelatest research. Even while deliveringhis talk, he was in what he calls classicintrovert mode, continually scanningthe room for audience displeasure and

fine-tune their own personalities this


The only good answer I’ve heard to

these questions comes from Professor

Brian Little.


On the morning of October 12, 1979,

Little visited the Royal Military College

Saint-Jean on the Richelieu River, forty

kilometers south of Montreal, to address

a group of senior military officers.

As an introvert might be expected to

do, he’d prepared thoroughly for the

speech, not only rehearsing his remarks

but also making sure he could cite the

latest research. Even while delivering

his talk, he was in what he calls classic

introvert mode, continually scanning

the room for audience displeasure and

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