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centers in the American brains, while

the submissive pictures did the same

for the Japanese.

From a Western perspective, it can be

hard to see what’s so attractive about

submitting to the will of others. But

what looks to a Westerner like subordination

can seem like basic politeness

to many Asians. Don Chen, the Chinese-

American Harvard Business School student

you met in chapter 2, told me

about the time he shared an apartment

with a group of Asian friends plus his

close Caucasian friend, a gentle, easygoing

guy Don felt would fit right in.

Conflicts arose when the Caucasian

friend noticed dishes piling up in the

sink and asked his Asian roommates to

do their fair share of the washing up. It

wasn’t an unreasonable complaint, says

Don, and his friend thought he phrased

his request politely and respectfully.


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