

Ted Shinta, a teacher and adviser tothe Robotics Team at Monta Vista HighSchool, tells me something similar.“When I was in high school,” he says,“you were discouraged from voting instudent elections unless you were wearinga varsity jacket. At most highschools you have a popular group thattyrannizes the others. But here the kidsin that group don’t hold any powerover the other students. The studentbody is too academically oriented forthat.”A local college counselor namedPurvi Modi agrees. “Introversion is notlooked down upon,” she tells me. “It isaccepted. In some cases it is evenhighly respected and admired. It is coolto be a Master Chess Champion andplay in the band.” There’s an introvertextrovertspectrum here, as everywhere,but it’s as if the population is522/929

distributed a few extra degrees towardthe introverted end of the scale. Oneyoung woman, a Chinese-Americanabout to begin her freshman year at anelite East Coast college, noticed thisphenomenon after meeting some of herfuture classmates online, and worrieswhat the post-Cupertino future mighthold. “I met a couple of people on Facebook,”she says, “and they’re just so different.I’m really quiet. I’m not thatmuch of a partier or socializer, buteveryone there seems to be very socialand stuff. It’s just very different frommy friends. I’m not even sure if I’mgonna have friends when I get there.”One of her Facebook correspondentslives in nearby Palo Alto, and I ask howshe’ll respond if that person invites herto get together over the summer.“I probably wouldn’t do it,” she says.“It would be interesting to meet them523/929

Ted Shinta, a teacher and adviser to

the Robotics Team at Monta Vista High

School, tells me something similar.

“When I was in high school,” he says,

“you were discouraged from voting in

student elections unless you were wearing

a varsity jacket. At most high

schools you have a popular group that

tyrannizes the others. But here the kids

in that group don’t hold any power

over the other students. The student

body is too academically oriented for


A local college counselor named

Purvi Modi agrees. “Introversion is not

looked down upon,” she tells me. “It is

accepted. In some cases it is even

highly respected and admired. It is cool

to be a Master Chess Champion and

play in the band.” There’s an introvertextrovert

spectrum here, as everywhere,

but it’s as if the population is


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