

unpleasant condition like hunger orfear,” Csikszentmihalyi writes, “or bythe expectation of some future rewardsuch as money, status, or prestige.” Butin flow, “a person could work aroundthe clock for days on end, for no betterreason than to keep on working.”If you’re an introvert, find your flowby using your gifts. You have the powerof persistence, the tenacity to solvecomplex problems, and the clearsightednessto avoid pitfalls that tripothers up. You enjoy relative freedomfrom the temptations of superficialprizes like money and status. Indeed,your biggest challenge may be to fullyharness your strengths. You may be sobusy trying to appear like a zestful,reward-sensitive extrovert that you undervalueyour own talents, or feel underestimatedby those around you. Butwhen you’re focused on a project that498/929

you care about, you probably find thatyour energy is boundless.So stay true to your own nature. Ifyou like to do things in a slow andsteady way, don’t let others make youfeel as if you have to race. If you enjoydepth, don’t force yourself to seekbreadth. If you prefer single-tasking tomultitasking, stick to your guns. Beingrelatively unmoved by rewards givesyou the incalculable power to go yourown way. It’s up to you to use that independenceto good effect.Of course, that isn’t always easy.While writing this chapter, I correspondedwith Jack Welch, the former chairmanof General Electric. He had justpublished a BusinessWeek onlinecolumn called “Release Your Inner Extrovert,”in which he called for introvertsto act more extroverted on thejob. I suggested that extroverts499/929

unpleasant condition like hunger or

fear,” Csikszentmihalyi writes, “or by

the expectation of some future reward

such as money, status, or prestige.” But

in flow, “a person could work around

the clock for days on end, for no better

reason than to keep on working.”

If you’re an introvert, find your flow

by using your gifts. You have the power

of persistence, the tenacity to solve

complex problems, and the clearsightedness

to avoid pitfalls that trip

others up. You enjoy relative freedom

from the temptations of superficial

prizes like money and status. Indeed,

your biggest challenge may be to fully

harness your strengths. You may be so

busy trying to appear like a zestful,

reward-sensitive extrovert that you undervalue

your own talents, or feel underestimated

by those around you. But

when you’re focused on a project that


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