

494/929If you want to determine whetheryou are reward-oriented, threatoriented,or both, try asking yourselfwhether the following groupsof statements are true of you.If you are reward-oriented:1. When I get something I want, I feelexcited and energized.2. When I want something, I usuallygo all out to get it.3. When I see an opportunity forsomething I like, I get excitedright away.4. When good things happen to me, itaffects me strongly.

495/9295. I have very few fears compared tomy friends.If you are threat-oriented:1. Criticism or scolding hurts mequite a bit.2. I feel pretty worried or upset whenI think or know somebody isangry at me.3. If I think something unpleasant isgoing to happen, I usually getpretty “worked up.”4. I feel worried when I think I havedone poorly at somethingimportant.


If you want to determine whether

you are reward-oriented, threatoriented,

or both, try asking yourself

whether the following groups

of statements are true of you.

If you are reward-oriented:

1. When I get something I want, I feel

excited and energized.

2. When I want something, I usually

go all out to get it.

3. When I see an opportunity for

something I like, I get excited

right away.

4. When good things happen to me, it

affects me strongly.

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