

What exactly do I mean when I say thatLaura is an introvert? When I startedwriting this book, the first thing Iwanted to find out was precisely howresearchers define introversion and extroversion.I knew that in 1921 the influentialpsychologist Carl Jung hadpublished a bombshell of a book, PsychologicalTypes, popularizing the termsintrovert and extrovert as the centralbuilding blocks of personality. Introvertsare drawn to the inner world ofthought and feeling, said Jung, extrovertsto the external life of people andactivities. Introverts focus on the meaningthey make of the events swirlingaround them; extroverts plunge into theevents themselves. Introverts rechargetheir batteries by being alone;48/929

extroverts need to recharge when theydon’t socialize enough. If you’ve evertaken a Myers-Briggs personality test,which is based on Jung’s thinking andused by the majority of universities andFortune 100 companies, then you mayalready be familiar with these ideas.But what do contemporary researchershave to say? I soon discovered thatthere is no all-purpose definition of introversionor extroversion; these arenot unitary categories, like “curlyhaired”or “sixteen-year-old,” in whicheveryone can agree on who qualifies forinclusion. For example, adherents ofthe Big Five school of personality psychology(which argues that human personalitycan be boiled down to fiveprimary traits) define introversion notin terms of a rich inner life but as alack of qualities such as assertivenessand sociability. There are almost as49/929

extroverts need to recharge when they

don’t socialize enough. If you’ve ever

taken a Myers-Briggs personality test,

which is based on Jung’s thinking and

used by the majority of universities and

Fortune 100 companies, then you may

already be familiar with these ideas.

But what do contemporary researchers

have to say? I soon discovered that

there is no all-purpose definition of introversion

or extroversion; these are

not unitary categories, like “curlyhaired”

or “sixteen-year-old,” in which

everyone can agree on who qualifies for

inclusion. For example, adherents of

the Big Five school of personality psychology

(which argues that human personality

can be boiled down to five

primary traits) define introversion not

in terms of a rich inner life but as a

lack of qualities such as assertiveness

and sociability. There are almost as


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