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“Hi, Janice!” said the caller that

morning, a confident-sounding man

named Alan. “Do you have time to


Dr. Dorn did not have time. A day

trader who prides herself on being in

and out of trading positions every half

hour, she was eager to start trading.

But Dorn heard a desperate note in

Alan’s voice. She agreed to take the


Alan was a sixty-year-old midwesterner

who struck Dorn as a salt-of-theearth

type, hardworking and loyal. He

had the jovial and assertive manner of

an extrovert, and he maintained his

good cheer despite the story of disaster

he proceeded to tell. Alan and his wife

had worked all their lives, and managed

to sock away a million dollars for

retirement. But four months earlier he’d

gotten the idea that, despite having no


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