

survival strategy, and you need onlysome, not all, of the traits to pull offthe strategy effectively.There’s a great deal of evidence forAron’s point of view. Evolutionary biologistsonce believed that every animalspecies evolved to fit an ecologicalniche, that there was one ideal set ofbehaviors for that niche, and that speciesmembers whose behavior deviatedfrom that ideal would die off. But itturns out that it’s not only humans thatdivide into those who “watch and wait”and others who “just do it.” More than ahundred species in the animal kingdomare organized in roughly this way.From fruit flies to house cats tomountain goats, from sunfish to bushbabyprimates to Eurasian tit birds, scientistshave discovered that approximately20 percent of the members ofmany species are “slow to warm up,”422/929

while the other 80 percent are “fast”types who venture forth boldly withoutnoticing much of what’s going onaround them. (Intriguingly, the percentageof infants in Kagan’s lab who wereborn high-reactive was also, you’ll recall,about twenty.)If “fast” and “slow” animals hadparties, writes the evolutionary biologistDavid Sloan Wilson, “some of thefasts would bore everyone with theirloud conversation, while others wouldmutter into their beer that they don’tget any respect. Slow animals are bestdescribed as shy, sensitive types. Theydon’t assert themselves, but they areobservant and notice things that are invisibleto the bullies. They are thewriters and artists at the party whohave interesting conversations out ofearshot of the bullies. They are the inventorswho figure out new ways to423/929

while the other 80 percent are “fast”

types who venture forth boldly without

noticing much of what’s going on

around them. (Intriguingly, the percentage

of infants in Kagan’s lab who were

born high-reactive was also, you’ll recall,

about twenty.)

If “fast” and “slow” animals had

parties, writes the evolutionary biologist

David Sloan Wilson, “some of the

fasts would bore everyone with their

loud conversation, while others would

mutter into their beer that they don’t

get any respect. Slow animals are best

described as shy, sensitive types. They

don’t assert themselves, but they are

observant and notice things that are invisible

to the bullies. They are the

writers and artists at the party who

have interesting conversations out of

earshot of the bullies. They are the inventors

who figure out new ways to


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