

5-HTTLPR that characterized the rhesusmonkeys of chapter 3) inside an fMRImachine and show them pictures ofscared faces, accident victims, mutilatedbodies, and polluted scenery, theamygdala—the part of the brain thatplays such an important role in processingemotions—becomes strongly activated.Aron and a team of scientistshave also found that when sensitivepeople see faces of people experiencingstrong feelings, they have more activationthan others do in areas of the brainassociated with empathy and with tryingto control strong emotions.It’s as if, like Eleanor Roosevelt, theycan’t help but feel what others feel.400/929

In 1921, FDR contracted polio. It was aterrible blow, and he considered retiringto the country to live out his life asan invalid gentleman. But Eleanor kepthis contacts with the Democratic Partyalive while he recovered, even agreeingto address a party fund-raiser. She wasterrified of public speaking, and notmuch good at it—she had a highpitchedvoice and laughed nervously atall the wrong times. But she trained forthe event and made her way throughthe speech.After that, Eleanor was still unsure ofherself, but she began working to fixthe social problems she saw all aroundher. She became a champion of women’sissues and forged alliances withother serious-minded people. By 1928,when FDR was elected governor of NewYork, she was the director of the Bureauof Women’s Activities for the401/929

5-HTTLPR that characterized the rhesus

monkeys of chapter 3) inside an fMRI

machine and show them pictures of

scared faces, accident victims, mutilated

bodies, and polluted scenery, the

amygdala—the part of the brain that

plays such an important role in processing

emotions—becomes strongly activated.

Aron and a team of scientists

have also found that when sensitive

people see faces of people experiencing

strong feelings, they have more activation

than others do in areas of the brain

associated with empathy and with trying

to control strong emotions.

It’s as if, like Eleanor Roosevelt, they

can’t help but feel what others feel.


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