

other pair the difference was muchmore subtle. For each pair, the scientistsasked whether the second photowas the same as the first. They foundthat sensitive people spent more timethan others looking at the photos withthe subtle differences. Their brains alsoshowed more activity in regions thathelp to make associations betweenthose images and other stored information.In other words, the sensitivepeople were processing the photos at amore elaborate level than their peers,reflecting more on those fenceposts andhaystacks.This study is very new, and its conclusionsstill need to be replicated andexplored in other contexts. But itechoes Jerome Kagan’s findings thathigh-reactive first graders spend moretime than other children comparingchoices when they play matching396/929

games or reading unfamiliar words.And it suggests, says Jadzia Jagiellowicz,the lead scientist at Stony Brook,that sensitive types think in an unusuallycomplex fashion. It may also helpexplain why they’re so bored by smalltalk. “If you’re thinking in more complicatedways,” she told me, “then talkingabout the weather or where youwent for the holidays is not quite as interestingas talking about values ormorality.”The other thing Aron found aboutsensitive people is that sometimesthey’re highly empathic. It’s as if theyhave thinner boundaries separatingthem from other people’s emotions andfrom the tragedies and cruelties of theworld. They tend to have unusuallystrong consciences. They avoid violentmovies and TV shows; they’re acutelyaware of the consequences of a lapse in397/929

games or reading unfamiliar words.

And it suggests, says Jadzia Jagiellowicz,

the lead scientist at Stony Brook,

that sensitive types think in an unusually

complex fashion. It may also help

explain why they’re so bored by small

talk. “If you’re thinking in more complicated

ways,” she told me, “then talking

about the weather or where you

went for the holidays is not quite as interesting

as talking about values or


The other thing Aron found about

sensitive people is that sometimes

they’re highly empathic. It’s as if they

have thinner boundaries separating

them from other people’s emotions and

from the tragedies and cruelties of the

world. They tend to have unusually

strong consciences. They avoid violent

movies and TV shows; they’re acutely

aware of the consequences of a lapse in


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