

conversation to a deeper level, only tofind out we are the only ones there.”There will be plenty of time for serioustalk this weekend, we’re assured. Butwe’ll also be free to come and go as weplease. Strickland knows that most ofus will have weathered a lifetime ofmandatory group activities, and shewants to show us a different model, ifonly for a few days.Walker Creek Ranch sits on 1,741acres of unspoiled Northern Californiawilderness. It offers hiking trails andwildlife and vast crystalline skies, butat its center is a cozy, barnlike conferencecenter where about thirty of usgather on a Thursday afternoon in themiddle of June. The Buckeye Lodge isoutfitted with grey industrial carpets,large whiteboards, and picture windowsoverlooking sunny redwoodforests. Alongside the usual piles of386/929

registration forms and name badges,there’s a flip chart where we’re asked towrite our name and Myers-Briggs personalitytype. I scan the list. Everyone’san introvert except for Strickland, whois warm, welcoming, and expressive.(According to Aron’s research, the majority,though not all, of sensitivepeople are introverts.)The tables and chairs in the room areorganized in a big square so that wecan all sit and face one another. Stricklandinvites us—participation optional—toshare what brought us here. Asoftware engineer named Tom kicks off,describing with great passion his reliefat learning that there was “a physiologicalbasis for the trait of sensitivity.Here’s the research! This is how I am! Idon’t have to try to meet anyone’s expectationsanymore. I don’t need to feelapologetic or defensive in any way.”387/929

conversation to a deeper level, only to

find out we are the only ones there.”

There will be plenty of time for serious

talk this weekend, we’re assured. But

we’ll also be free to come and go as we

please. Strickland knows that most of

us will have weathered a lifetime of

mandatory group activities, and she

wants to show us a different model, if

only for a few days.

Walker Creek Ranch sits on 1,741

acres of unspoiled Northern California

wilderness. It offers hiking trails and

wildlife and vast crystalline skies, but

at its center is a cozy, barnlike conference

center where about thirty of us

gather on a Thursday afternoon in the

middle of June. The Buckeye Lodge is

outfitted with grey industrial carpets,

large whiteboards, and picture windows

overlooking sunny redwood

forests. Alongside the usual piles of


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