

marriage proposal in 1903, he proclaimedhimself the happiest man alive.She responded with a flood of love letters.They were married in 1905 andwent on to have six children.Despite the excitement of their courtship,their differences caused troublefrom the start. Eleanor craved intimacyand weighty conversations; he lovedparties, flirting, and gossip. The manwho would declare that he had nothingto fear but fear itself could not understandhis wife’s struggles with shyness.When Franklin was appointed assistantsecretary of the navy in 1913, the paceof his social life grew ever more frenziedand the settings more gilded—eliteprivate clubs, his Harvard friends’ mansions.He caroused later and later intothe night. Eleanor went home earlierand earlier.382/929

In the meantime, Eleanor found herselfwith a full calendar of social duties.She was expected to pay visits to thewives of other Washington luminaries,leaving calling cards at their doors andholding open houses in her own home.She didn’t relish this role, so she hireda social secretary named Lucy Mercerto help her. Which seemed a goodidea—until the summer of 1917, whenEleanor took the children to Maine forthe summer, leaving Franklin behind inWashington with Mercer. The twobegan a lifelong affair. Lucy was justthe kind of lively beauty Franklin hadbeen expected to marry in the firstplace.Eleanor found out about Franklin’sbetrayal when she stumbled on a packetof love letters in his suitcase. Shewas devastated, but stayed in the marriage.And although they never383/929

marriage proposal in 1903, he proclaimed

himself the happiest man alive.

She responded with a flood of love letters.

They were married in 1905 and

went on to have six children.

Despite the excitement of their courtship,

their differences caused trouble

from the start. Eleanor craved intimacy

and weighty conversations; he loved

parties, flirting, and gossip. The man

who would declare that he had nothing

to fear but fear itself could not understand

his wife’s struggles with shyness.

When Franklin was appointed assistant

secretary of the navy in 1913, the pace

of his social life grew ever more frenzied

and the settings more gilded—elite

private clubs, his Harvard friends’ mansions.

He caroused later and later into

the night. Eleanor went home earlier

and earlier.


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