

that the feedback I was getting wasoverly charitable, but I didn’t care.What mattered was that I’d addressedan audience that had received me well,and I felt good about the experience. Ihad begun to desensitize myself to thehorrors of public speaking.Since then, I’ve done plenty of speaking,to groups of ten and crowds ofhundreds. I’ve come to embrace thepower of the podium. For me this involvestaking specific steps, includingtreating every speech as a creative project,so that when I get ready for thebig day, I experience that delving-deepsensation I enjoy so much. I also speakon topics that matter to me deeply, andhave found that I feel much morecentered when I truly care about mysubject.This isn’t always possible, of course.Sometimes speakers need to talk about374/929

subjects that don’t interest them much,especially at work. I believe this isharder for introverts, who have troubleprojecting artificial enthusiasm. Butthere’s a hidden advantage to this inflexibility:it can motivate us to maketough but worthwhile career changes ifwe find ourselves compelled to speaktoo often about topics that leave uscold. There is no one more courageousthan the person who speaks with thecourage of his convictions.375/929

subjects that don’t interest them much,

especially at work. I believe this is

harder for introverts, who have trouble

projecting artificial enthusiasm. But

there’s a hidden advantage to this inflexibility:

it can motivate us to make

tough but worthwhile career changes if

we find ourselves compelled to speak

too often about topics that leave us

cold. There is no one more courageous

than the person who speaks with the

courage of his convictions.


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