

your sweet spot as possible. People whoare aware of their sweet spots have thepower to leave jobs that exhaust themand start new and satisfying businesses.They can hunt for homes based on thetemperaments of their family members—withcozy window seats and othernooks and crannies for the introverts,and large, open living-diningspaces for the extroverts.Understanding your sweet spot canincrease your satisfaction in everyarena of your life, but it goes even furtherthan that. Evidence suggests thatsweet spots can have life-or-death consequences.According to a recent studyof military personnel conductedthrough the Walter Reed Army Instituteof Research, introverts function betterthan extroverts when sleep deprived,which is a cortically de-arousing condition(because losing sleep makes us less364/929

alert, active, and energetic). Drowsy extrovertsbehind the wheel should be especiallycareful—at least until they increasetheir arousal levels by chuggingcoffee or cranking up the radio. Conversely,introverts driving in loud,overly arousing traffic noise shouldwork to stay focused, since the noisemay impair their thinking.Now that we know about optimallevels of stimulation, Esther’s problem—wingingit at the podium—alsomakes sense. Overarousal interfereswith attention and short-termmemory—key components of the abilityto speak on the fly. And since publicspeaking is an inherently stimulatingactivity—even for those, like Esther,who suffer no stage fright—introvertscan find their attention impaired justwhen they need it most. Esther couldlive to be a one-hundred-year-old365/929

your sweet spot as possible. People who

are aware of their sweet spots have the

power to leave jobs that exhaust them

and start new and satisfying businesses.

They can hunt for homes based on the

temperaments of their family members—with

cozy window seats and other

nooks and crannies for the introverts,

and large, open living-dining

spaces for the extroverts.

Understanding your sweet spot can

increase your satisfaction in every

arena of your life, but it goes even further

than that. Evidence suggests that

sweet spots can have life-or-death consequences.

According to a recent study

of military personnel conducted

through the Walter Reed Army Institute

of Research, introverts function better

than extroverts when sleep deprived,

which is a cortically de-arousing condition

(because losing sleep makes us less


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