

Alison remains her boisterous self,but she has also discovered how to be,and to benefit from, quiet.352/929Even though we can reach for the outerlimits of our temperaments, it can oftenbe better to situate ourselves squarelyinside our comfort zones.Consider the story of my client Esther,a tax lawyer at a large corporate lawfirm. A tiny brunette with a springystep and blue eyes as bright as headlamps,Esther was not shy and neverhad been. But she was decidedly introverted.Her favorite part of the day wasthe quiet ten minutes when she walkedto the bus along the tree-lined streets ofher neighborhood. Her second favorite

part was when she got to close the doorto her office and dig into her work.Esther had chosen her career well. Amathematician’s daughter, she loved tothink about intimidatingly complex taxproblems, and could discuss them withease. (In chapter 7, I examine why introvertsare so good at complex,focused problem-solving.) She was theyoungest member of a close-knit workinggroup operating inside a much largerlaw firm. This group comprised fiveother tax lawyers, all of whom supportedone another’s careers. Esther’s workconsisted of thinking deeply aboutquestions that fascinated her and workingclosely with trusted colleagues.But it happened that Esther’s smallgroup of tax lawyers periodically had togive presentations to the rest of the lawfirm. These talks were a source ofmisery for Esther, not because she was353/929

Alison remains her boisterous self,

but she has also discovered how to be,

and to benefit from, quiet.


Even though we can reach for the outer

limits of our temperaments, it can often

be better to situate ourselves squarely

inside our comfort zones.

Consider the story of my client Esther,

a tax lawyer at a large corporate law

firm. A tiny brunette with a springy

step and blue eyes as bright as headlamps,

Esther was not shy and never

had been. But she was decidedly introverted.

Her favorite part of the day was

the quiet ten minutes when she walked

to the bus along the tree-lined streets of

her neighborhood. Her second favorite

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