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it’s becoming the leader of their class.

For others it takes the form of doing

well academically or being well-liked.”

The upsides of the high-reactive temperament

have been documented in exciting

research that scientists are only

now beginning to pull together. One of

the most interesting findings, also reported

in Dobbs’s Atlantic article, comes

from the world of rhesus monkeys, a

species that shares about 95 percent of

its DNA with humans and has elaborate

social structures that resemble our own.

In these monkeys as well as in humans,

a gene known as the serotonintransporter

(SERT) gene, or 5-HTTLPR,

helps to regulate the processing of serotonin,

a neurotransmitter that affects

mood. A particular variation, or allele,

of this gene, sometimes referred to as

the “short” allele, is thought to be associated

with high reactivity and


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