

and Oprahs of this world. But givethose same children negligent caregiversor a bad neighborhood, say somepsychologists, and they can turn intobullies, juvenile delinquents, or criminals.Lykken has controversially calledpsychopaths and heroes “twigs on thesame genetic branch.”Consider the mechanism by whichkids acquire their sense of right andwrong. Many psychologists believe thatchildren develop a conscience whenthey do something inappropriate andare rebuked by their caregivers. Disapprovalmakes them feel anxious, andsince anxiety is unpleasant, they learnto steer clear of antisocial behavior.This is known as internalizing their parents’standards of conduct, and its coreis anxiety.But what if some kids are less proneto anxiety than others, as is true of322/929

extremely low-reactive kids? Often thebest way to teach these children valuesis to give them positive role models andto channel their fearlessness into productiveactivities. A low-reactive childon an ice-hockey team enjoys his peers’esteem when he charges at his opponentswith a lowered shoulder, which isa “legal” move. But if he goes too far,raises his elbow, and gives another guya concussion, he lands in the penaltybox. Over time he learns to use his appetitefor risk and assertiveness wisely.Now imagine this same child growingup in a dangerous neighborhood withfew organized sports or other constructivechannels for his boldness. You cansee how he might fall into delinquency.It may be that some disadvantaged kidswho get into trouble suffer not solelyfrom poverty or neglect, say those whohold this view, but also from the323/929

and Oprahs of this world. But give

those same children negligent caregivers

or a bad neighborhood, say some

psychologists, and they can turn into

bullies, juvenile delinquents, or criminals.

Lykken has controversially called

psychopaths and heroes “twigs on the

same genetic branch.”

Consider the mechanism by which

kids acquire their sense of right and

wrong. Many psychologists believe that

children develop a conscience when

they do something inappropriate and

are rebuked by their caregivers. Disapproval

makes them feel anxious, and

since anxiety is unpleasant, they learn

to steer clear of antisocial behavior.

This is known as internalizing their parents’

standards of conduct, and its core

is anxiety.

But what if some kids are less prone

to anxiety than others, as is true of


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