

just as dangerous as elegantly dressedones.But even though all human beingsmay be prone to mistaking audiencemembers for predators, each of us has adifferent threshold for triggering thefight-or-flight response. How threateninglymust the eyes of the audiencemembers narrow before you feel they’reabout to pounce? Does it happen beforeyou’ve even stepped onstage, or does ittake a few really good hecklers to triggerthat adrenaline rush? You can seehow a highly sensitive amygdala wouldmake you more susceptible to frownsand bored sighs and people who checktheir BlackBerrys while you’re in midsentence.And indeed, studies do showthat introverts are significantly morelikely than extroverts to fear publicspeaking.316/929

Kagan tells me about the time hewatched a fellow scientist give a wonderfultalk at a conference. Afterward,the speaker asked if they could havelunch. Kagan agreed, and the scientistproceeded to tell him that he gives lecturesevery month and, despite his capablestage persona, is terrified eachtime. Reading Kagan’s work had had abig impact on him, however.“You changed my life,” he toldKagan. “All this time I’ve been blamingmy mother, but now I think I’m a highreactive.”317/929So am I introverted because I inheritedmy parents’ high reactivity, copiedtheir behaviors, or both? Rememberthat the heritability statistics derived

Kagan tells me about the time he

watched a fellow scientist give a wonderful

talk at a conference. Afterward,

the speaker asked if they could have

lunch. Kagan agreed, and the scientist

proceeded to tell him that he gives lectures

every month and, despite his capable

stage persona, is terrified each

time. Reading Kagan’s work had had a

big impact on him, however.

“You changed my life,” he told

Kagan. “All this time I’ve been blaming

my mother, but now I think I’m a highreactive.”


So am I introverted because I inherited

my parents’ high reactivity, copied

their behaviors, or both? Remember

that the heritability statistics derived

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