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experimenters used an fMRI scanner to

take snapshots of the volunteers’ brains

as they conformed to or broke with

group opinion.

The results were both disturbing and

illuminating. First, they corroborated

Asch’s findings. When the volunteers

played the game on their own, they

gave the wrong answer only 13.8 percent

of the time. But when they played

with a group whose members gave unanimously

wrong answers, they agreed

with the group 41 percent of the time.

But Berns’s study also shed light on

exactly why we’re such conformists.

When the volunteers played alone, the

brain scans showed activity in a network

of brain regions including the occipital

cortex and parietal cortex, which

are associated with visual and spatial

perception, and in the frontal cortex,

which is associated with conscious


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