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professionals working in the U.S., the

U.K., and Australia between 1982 and

1984. “It’s a truism in tech that open

source attracts introverts,” says Dave

W. Smith, a consultant and software developer

in Silicon Valley, referring to

the practice of producing software by

opening the source code to the online

public and allowing anyone to copy,

improve upon, and distribute it. Many

of these people were motivated by a desire

to contribute to the broader good,

and to see their achievements recognized

by a community they valued.

But the earliest open-source creators

didn’t share office space—often they

didn’t even live in the same country.

Their collaborations took place largely

in the ether. This is not an insignificant

detail. If you had gathered the same

people who created Linux, installed

them in a giant conference room for a


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