

type of person who shows up at a garageon a rainy Wednesday night to talkabout microchips. But it’s an importantfirst step.The young man, whose name isStephen Wozniak, is thrilled to hear ofthe Altair. He’s been obsessed withelectronics since the age of three. Whenhe was eleven he came across amagazine article about the first computer,the ENIAC, or Electronic NumericalIntegrator and Computer, and eversince, his dream has been to build amachine so small and easy to use thatyou could keep it at home. And now,inside this garage, here is news thatThe Dream—he thinks of it with capitalletters—might one day materialize.As he’ll later recall in his memoir,iWoz, where most of this story appears,Wozniak is also excited to be surroundedby kindred spirits. To the216/929

Homebrew crowd, computers are a toolfor social justice, and he feels the sameway. Not that he talks to anyone at thisfirst meeting—he’s way too shy forthat. But that night he goes home andsketches his first design for a personalcomputer, with a keyboard and ascreen just like the kind we use today.Three months later he builds a prototypeof that machine. And ten monthsafter that, he and Steve Jobs cofoundApple Computer.Today Steve Wozniak is a revered figurein Silicon Valley—there’s a street inSan Jose, California, named Woz’sWay—and is sometimes called the nerdsoul of Apple. He has learned over timeto open up and speak publicly, even appearingas a contestant on Dancing withthe Stars, where he displayed an endearingmixture of stiffness and goodcheer. I once saw Wozniak speak at a217/929

Homebrew crowd, computers are a tool

for social justice, and he feels the same

way. Not that he talks to anyone at this

first meeting—he’s way too shy for

that. But that night he goes home and

sketches his first design for a personal

computer, with a keyboard and a

screen just like the kind we use today.

Three months later he builds a prototype

of that machine. And ten months

after that, he and Steve Jobs cofound

Apple Computer.

Today Steve Wozniak is a revered figure

in Silicon Valley—there’s a street in

San Jose, California, named Woz’s

Way—and is sometimes called the nerd

soul of Apple. He has learned over time

to open up and speak publicly, even appearing

as a contestant on Dancing with

the Stars, where he displayed an endearing

mixture of stiffness and good

cheer. I once saw Wozniak speak at a


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