

Author’s NoteI have been working on this book officiallysince 2005, and unofficially formy entire adult life. I have spoken andwritten to hundreds, perhaps thousands,of people about the topicscovered inside, and have read as manybooks, scholarly papers, magazinearticles, chat-room discussions, andblog posts. Some of these I mention inthe book; others informed almost everysentence I wrote. Quiet stands on manyshoulders, especially the scholars andresearchers whose work taught me somuch. In a perfect world, I would havenamed every one of my sources, mentors,and interviewees. But for the sakeof readability, some names appear onlyin the Notes or Acknowledgments.

For similar reasons, I did not use ellipsesor brackets in certain quotationsbut made sure that the extra or missingwords did not change the speaker’s orwriter’s meaning. If you would like toquote these written sources from theoriginal, the citations directing you tothe full quotations appear in the Notes.I’ve changed the names and identifyingdetails of some of the people whosestories I tell, and in the stories of myown work as a lawyer and consultant.To protect the privacy of the participantsin Charles di Cagno’s publicspeaking workshop, who did not planto be included in a book when theysigned up for the class, the story of myfirst evening in class is a compositebased on several sessions; so is thestory of Greg and Emily, which is basedon many interviews with similarcouples. Subject to the limitations of21/929

For similar reasons, I did not use ellipses

or brackets in certain quotations

but made sure that the extra or missing

words did not change the speaker’s or

writer’s meaning. If you would like to

quote these written sources from the

original, the citations directing you to

the full quotations appear in the Notes.

I’ve changed the names and identifying

details of some of the people whose

stories I tell, and in the stories of my

own work as a lawyer and consultant.

To protect the privacy of the participants

in Charles di Cagno’s public

speaking workshop, who did not plan

to be included in a book when they

signed up for the class, the story of my

first evening in class is a composite

based on several sessions; so is the

story of Greg and Emily, which is based

on many interviews with similar

couples. Subject to the limitations of


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