

thinking twice. The same person whofinds it difficult to introduce himself tostrangers might establish a presence onlineand then extend these relationshipsinto the real world.194/929What would have happened if theSubarctic Survival Situation had beenconducted online, with the benefit ofall the voices in the room—the RosaParkses and the Craig Newmarks andthe Darwin Smiths? What if it had beena group of proactive castaways led byan introvert with a gift for calmly encouragingthem to contribute? What ifthere had been an introvert and an extrovertsharing the helm, like RosaParks and Martin Luther King Jr.?

Might they have reached the rightresult?It’s impossible to say. No one hasever run these studies, as far as Iknow—which is a shame. It’s understandablethat the HBS model of leadershipplaces such a high premium onconfidence and quick decision-making.If assertive people tend to get theirway, then it’s a useful skill for leaderswhose work depends on influencingothers. Decisiveness inspires confidence,while wavering (or even appearingto waver) can threaten morale.But one can take these truths too far;in some circumstances quiet, modeststyles of leadership may be equally ormore effective. As I left the HBS campus,I stopped by a display of notableWall Street Journal cartoons in theBaker Library lobby. One showed a195/929

Might they have reached the right


It’s impossible to say. No one has

ever run these studies, as far as I

know—which is a shame. It’s understandable

that the HBS model of leadership

places such a high premium on

confidence and quick decision-making.

If assertive people tend to get their

way, then it’s a useful skill for leaders

whose work depends on influencing

others. Decisiveness inspires confidence,

while wavering (or even appearing

to waver) can threaten morale.

But one can take these truths too far;

in some circumstances quiet, modest

styles of leadership may be equally or

more effective. As I left the HBS campus,

I stopped by a display of notable

Wall Street Journal cartoons in the

Baker Library lobby. One showed a


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