

you’ve collected as much data as possible?Or, by hesitating, do you risk losingothers’ trust and your own momentum?The answer isn’t obvious. Ifyou speak firmly on the basis of bad information,you can lead your people intodisaster. But if you exude uncertainty,then morale suffers, funderswon’t invest, and your organization cancollapse.The HBS teaching method implicitlycomes down on the side of certainty.The CEO may not know the best wayforward, but she has to act anyway.The HBS students, in turn, are expectedto opine. Ideally, the student who wasjust cold-called has already discussedthe case study with his Learning Team,so he’s ready to hold forth on the protagonist’sbest moves. After he finishes,the professor encourages other studentsto offer their own views. Half of the142/929

students’ grade, and a much larger percentageof their social status, is basedon whether they throw themselves intothis fray. If a student talks often andforcefully, then he’s a player; if hedoesn’t, he’s on the margins.Many of the students adapt easily tothis system. But not Don. He hastrouble elbowing his way into class discussions;in some classes he barelyspeaks at all. He prefers to contributeonly when he believes he hassomething insightful to add, or honestto-Goddisagrees with someone. Thissounds reasonable, but Don feels as ifhe should be more comfortable talkingjust so he can fill up his share of availableairtime.Don’s HBS friends, who tend to bethoughtful, reflective types like him,spend a lot of time talking about talkingin class. How much class143/929

you’ve collected as much data as possible?

Or, by hesitating, do you risk losing

others’ trust and your own momentum?

The answer isn’t obvious. If

you speak firmly on the basis of bad information,

you can lead your people into

disaster. But if you exude uncertainty,

then morale suffers, funders

won’t invest, and your organization can


The HBS teaching method implicitly

comes down on the side of certainty.

The CEO may not know the best way

forward, but she has to act anyway.

The HBS students, in turn, are expected

to opine. Ideally, the student who was

just cold-called has already discussed

the case study with his Learning Team,

so he’s ready to hold forth on the protagonist’s

best moves. After he finishes,

the professor encourages other students

to offer their own views. Half of the


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