

as a typical HBS student, tall, with graciousmanners, prominent cheekbones,a winsome smile, and a fashionablychoppy, surfer-dude haircut. He’d liketo find a job in private equity when hegraduates. But talk to Don for a whileand you’ll notice that his voice is softerthan those of his classmates, his headever so slightly cocked, his grin a littletentative. Don is “a bitter introvert,” ashe cheerfully puts it—bitter because themore time he spends at HBS, the moreconvinced he becomes that he’d betterchange his ways.Don likes having a lot of time to himself,but that’s not much of an option atHBS. His day begins early in the morning,when he meets for an hour and ahalf with his “Learning Team”—a preassignedstudy group in which participationis mandatory (students at HBSpractically go to the bathroom in140/929

teams). He spends the rest of the morningin class, where ninety students sittogether in a wood-paneled, U-shapedamphitheater with stadium seating. Theprofessor usually kicks off by directinga student to describe the case study ofthe day, which is based on a real-lifebusiness scenario—say, a CEO who’sconsidering changing her company’ssalary structure. The figure at the heartof the case study, in this case the CEO,is referred to as the “protagonist.” Ifyou were the protagonist, the professorasks—and soon you will be, is the implication—whatwould you do?The essence of the HBS education isthat leaders have to act confidently andmake decisions in the face of incompleteinformation. The teaching methodplays with an age-old question: If youdon’t have all the facts—and often youwon’t—should you wait to act until141/929

teams). He spends the rest of the morning

in class, where ninety students sit

together in a wood-paneled, U-shaped

amphitheater with stadium seating. The

professor usually kicks off by directing

a student to describe the case study of

the day, which is based on a real-life

business scenario—say, a CEO who’s

considering changing her company’s

salary structure. The figure at the heart

of the case study, in this case the CEO,

is referred to as the “protagonist.” If

you were the protagonist, the professor

asks—and soon you will be, is the implication—what

would you do?

The essence of the HBS education is

that leaders have to act confidently and

make decisions in the face of incomplete

information. The teaching method

plays with an age-old question: If you

don’t have all the facts—and often you

won’t—should you wait to act until


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