

impassive. The men are clean-cut andathletic; they look like people who expectto be in charge, but in a friendly,Eagle Scout sort of way. I have the feelingthat if you asked one of them fordriving directions, he’d greet you witha can-do smile and throw himself intothe task of helping you to your destination—whetheror not he knew the way.I sit down next to a couple of studentswho are in the middle of planninga road trip—HBS students areforever coordinating pub crawls andparties, or describing an extreme-traveljunket they’ve just come back from.When they ask what brings me to campus,I say that I’m conducting interviewsfor a book about introversion andextroversion. I don’t tell them that afriend of mine, himself an HBS grad,once called the place the “Spiritual136/929

Capital of Extroversion.” But it turnsout that I don’t have to tell them.“Good luck finding an introvertaround here,” says one.“This school is predicated on extroversion,”adds the other. “Your gradesand social status depend on it. It’s justthe norm here. Everyone around you isspeaking up and being social and goingout.”“Isn’t there anyone on the quieterside?” I ask.They look at me curiously.“I couldn’t tell you,” says the firststudent dismissively.137/929Harvard Business School is not, by anymeasure, an ordinary place. Founded in1908, just when Dale Carnegie hit the

impassive. The men are clean-cut and

athletic; they look like people who expect

to be in charge, but in a friendly,

Eagle Scout sort of way. I have the feeling

that if you asked one of them for

driving directions, he’d greet you with

a can-do smile and throw himself into

the task of helping you to your destination—whether

or not he knew the way.

I sit down next to a couple of students

who are in the middle of planning

a road trip—HBS students are

forever coordinating pub crawls and

parties, or describing an extreme-travel

junket they’ve just come back from.

When they ask what brings me to campus,

I say that I’m conducting interviews

for a book about introversion and

extroversion. I don’t tell them that a

friend of mine, himself an HBS grad,

once called the place the “Spiritual


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