

Salesmanship as a Virtue: Live withTony Robbins110/929“Are you excited?” cries a young womannamed Stacy as I hand her my registrationforms. Her honeyed voicerises into one big exclamation point. Inod and smile as brightly as I can.Across the lobby of the Atlanta ConventionCenter, I hear people shrieking.“What’s that noise?” I ask.“They’re getting everyone pumped upto go inside!” Stacy enthuses. “That’spart of the whole UPW experience.”She hands me a purple spiral binderand a laminated nametag to weararound my neck. UNLEASH THEPOWER WITHIN, proclaims the binderin big block letters. Welcome to TonyRobbins’s entry-level seminar.I’ve paid $895 in exchange, accordingto the promotional materials, for

learning how to be more energetic, gainmomentum in my life, and conquer myfears. But the truth is that I’m not hereto unleash the power within me(though I’m always happy to pick up afew pointers); I’m here because thisseminar is the first stop on my journeyto understand the Extrovert Ideal.I’ve seen Tony Robbins’s infomercials—heclaims that there’s always oneairing at any given moment—and hestrikes me as one of the more extrovertedpeople on earth. But he’s not justany extrovert. He’s the king of self-help,with a client roster that has includedPresident Clinton, Tiger Woods, NelsonMandela, Margaret Thatcher, PrincessDiana, Mikhail Gorbachev, MotherTeresa, Serena Williams, DonnaKaran—and 50 million other people.And the self-help industry, into whichhundreds of thousands of Americans111/929

Salesmanship as a Virtue: Live with

Tony Robbins


“Are you excited?” cries a young woman

named Stacy as I hand her my registration

forms. Her honeyed voice

rises into one big exclamation point. I

nod and smile as brightly as I can.

Across the lobby of the Atlanta Convention

Center, I hear people shrieking.

“What’s that noise?” I ask.

“They’re getting everyone pumped up

to go inside!” Stacy enthuses. “That’s

part of the whole UPW experience.”

She hands me a purple spiral binder

and a laminated nametag to wear

around my neck. UNLEASH THE

POWER WITHIN, proclaims the binder

in big block letters. Welcome to Tony

Robbins’s entry-level seminar.

I’ve paid $895 in exchange, according

to the promotional materials, for

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