2022 SWACDA Program - UNT A Cappella Choir

The University of North Texas College of Music is proud to present their 2022 Southwestern American Choral Directors Association Conference program featuring the UNT A Cappella Choir under the direction of Allen Hightower. Designed by Matt Hellman.

The University of North Texas College of Music is proud to present their 2022 Southwestern American Choral Directors Association Conference program featuring the UNT A Cappella Choir under the direction of Allen Hightower. Designed by Matt Hellman.


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ranks among the great motets

of J.S. Bach. With text selected

from the eighth chapter of the

book of Romans, the Apostle

Paul assures the listener that the

Holy Spirit will indeed help us

in our weakness, serving as our

advocate before God, praying for

us through groans beyond our

capacity to comprehend. Set as a

double choir, the motet is divided

into four sections. The opening

section is set in 3/8 meter and in

exuberant joy gives the listener

the sense of the Spirit’s constant

and energized activity on our

behalf. In the second section we

hear Bach’s depiction of the Spirit

groanings before the throne of

God. The third section, set in fourpart

texture assures the listener

that the Spirit is at work to

achieve that which pleases God.

The motet closes with a reflective

chorale with text by the great

Reformer, Martin Luther, calling

upon the Spirit to deliver us

through trials and even through

death unto heaven.

Der Geist hilft unser

Schwachheit auf

JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH (1685-1750) (BWV 226) (1729)

Romans 8:26-27, Martin Luther (1483-1546)


Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf.

Denn wir wissen nicht,

Was wir beten sollen,

Wie sich’s gebühret;

Sondern der Geist selbst vertritt

Uns aufs beste mit unaussprechlichem


Der aber die Herzen forschet, der weiß,

Was des Geistes Sinn sei,


The Spirit comes to help our weakness,

For we do not know

What we should pray,

As we ought to pray;

But the Spirit itself pleads

For us in the best way with inexpressible


But he who searches our hearts knows

What the Spirit means

Denn er vertritt die Heiligen nach dem,

Das Gott gefället.

Du heilige Brunst, süßer Trost

Nun hilf uns, fröhlich und getrost

In deinem Dienst beständig bleiben,

Die Trübsal uns nicht abtreiben.

O Herr, durch dein Kraft uns bereit

Und stärk des Fleisches Blödigkeit,

Dass wir hie ritterlich ringen,

Durch Tod und Leben zu dir dringen.

Halleluja, halleluja.

Since he pleads for the saints

In the way that pleases God.

You sacred warmth, sweet consolation,

Now help us joyful and comforted

In your service, always to remain

Do not let sorrow drive us away!

O Lord, through your power make us ready

And strengthen the feebleness of our flesh

So that we may bravely struggle

Through life and death to reach you!

Alleluia, alleluia.

A Cappella Choir | UNT College of Music 9

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