The Christian Lifestyle Magazine, Issue 12

The Christian Lifestyle is a FREE tri-annual (three times per year-out in March, July and November) independent Christian publication and is not affiliated to any church. It is an evangelical tool, a platform to glorify God and share messages of hope, encouragement and triumph over the battles of everyday life. The magazine is distributed nationally through different industries and at most Christian events, conferences and is available in most of the major cities in South Africa. We tap into a range of features relevant to our daily lifestyle; including education, travel, marriage, parenting, finances, youth and so much more. It’s an exciting, eye catching read for all age groups and is available in both print and online digital formats. Our goal is for readers to engage with motivational, God-inspired content and come into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ. We also want to offer businesses an opportunity to advertise their products or services through our targeted campaigns and strategies and by doing so giving them access to a growing readership. https://tclmag.org.za/

The Christian Lifestyle is a FREE tri-annual (three times per year-out in March, July and November) independent Christian publication and is not affiliated to any church. It is an evangelical tool, a platform to glorify God and share messages of hope, encouragement and triumph over the battles of everyday life.

The magazine is distributed nationally through different industries and at most Christian events, conferences and is available in most of the major cities in South Africa.

We tap into a range of features relevant to our daily lifestyle; including education, travel, marriage, parenting, finances, youth and so much more. It’s an exciting, eye catching read for all age groups and is available in both print and online digital formats. Our goal is for readers to engage with motivational, God-inspired content and come into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ.

We also want to offer businesses an opportunity to advertise their products or services through our targeted campaigns and strategies and by doing so giving them access to a growing readership.


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So while he was attacking the law all these years, he was actually practicing the law? However,

many Christians justified the “tithe” by saying it was before the Law of Moses, however, so was

the Sabbath. So please tell me again why they honor one and not the other? Gullible Christians

will do anything to go against the laws of Yahuah!

Facebook: DrKenneth Howard



Always been my stance on Tithing, however, I’ve never failed to give, as God purposed and still

purposes in my heart to give. WEW

Facebook: William Eugene Wildeman

Thank you for embracing the truth. This is one of the right things you have done since the

ministry began.

Facebook: Zebedee Forcados



Dollar, a well-known televangelist and founder of the

Christian World Changers Church based in College Park,

Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta have admitted that his past

teaching on tithing was not correct in a sermon from 26

June 2022 titled, The Great Misunderstanding”.

He however said,” I won’t apologize because if it wasn’t

for me going down that route, I would’ve never ended up

where I am right now. But I will say that I have no shame at

all at saying to you, throw away every book, every tape, and

every video I ever did on the subject of tithing unless it lines

up with this.”

However, many have taken to social media platforms

to question the remorse of his admission. One such criticism is by David

Croteau, Dean of Columbia Biblical Seminary, South Carolina,” What if Dollar

had said ‘Get those books and tapes back to us, and we will refund you the

money? Maybe that would have been so impressive if he could have done

something like that.”

Croteau used the example of Zacchaeus who restored fourfold to those

whom he had over-taxed (Luke 19 verse 1-10). Zacchaeus restored to those

from whom he had taken. Creflo Dollar had not done the same.

The prayer of salvation/ sinner’s prayer is not a magic formula. Its

meaning is deeper than reciting mere words. The Bible teaches us

in Rom 10:9-10 that “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’,

and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the death, you

will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are

justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and

are saved”. In other words it is an open confession of our belief in

the life, death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Moreover this confession is the activity of the heart spilling over

through the mouth. This is what the Apostle Paul means when he

said “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power

of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the

Jew, then to the Gentile” Romans 1:16.

Jesus Himself says in Revelation 3:20 “Listen! I am standing and

knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will

come in and we will eat together.” Maybe you are paging through

this magazine because someone invited you to check it out or you

just stumbled upon it as you surfed the internet. I do believe it is

not a co-incidence. If something in this publication resonates with

your spirit and inspires you do not hesitate to invite Jesus into your

world as he knocks on the door of your heart. There is nothing

more amazing than to fellowship with the King of kings. Below is an

example of a prayer to except Jesus’ invitation to a relationship with

God. You can also pray by yourself using your own words. There is

no special formula as long as you pray from your heart.


Dear Lord

I believe that you died on the cross for me to save me. You did for me

what I could not do for myself. From this day forward, help me to live

every day for you and in a way that pleases you. Thank you for not

giving up on me when I gave up on myself. Thank you that You know

the plans You have for me, to prosper me and not to harm me. Instruct

me and teach me in the way that I should go. Counsel me and watch

over me.

In Jesus Name



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