The Christian Lifestyle Magazine, Issue 12

The Christian Lifestyle is a FREE tri-annual (three times per year-out in March, July and November) independent Christian publication and is not affiliated to any church. It is an evangelical tool, a platform to glorify God and share messages of hope, encouragement and triumph over the battles of everyday life. The magazine is distributed nationally through different industries and at most Christian events, conferences and is available in most of the major cities in South Africa. We tap into a range of features relevant to our daily lifestyle; including education, travel, marriage, parenting, finances, youth and so much more. It’s an exciting, eye catching read for all age groups and is available in both print and online digital formats. Our goal is for readers to engage with motivational, God-inspired content and come into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ. We also want to offer businesses an opportunity to advertise their products or services through our targeted campaigns and strategies and by doing so giving them access to a growing readership. https://tclmag.org.za/

The Christian Lifestyle is a FREE tri-annual (three times per year-out in March, July and November) independent Christian publication and is not affiliated to any church. It is an evangelical tool, a platform to glorify God and share messages of hope, encouragement and triumph over the battles of everyday life.

The magazine is distributed nationally through different industries and at most Christian events, conferences and is available in most of the major cities in South Africa.

We tap into a range of features relevant to our daily lifestyle; including education, travel, marriage, parenting, finances, youth and so much more. It’s an exciting, eye catching read for all age groups and is available in both print and online digital formats. Our goal is for readers to engage with motivational, God-inspired content and come into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ.

We also want to offer businesses an opportunity to advertise their products or services through our targeted campaigns and strategies and by doing so giving them access to a growing readership.


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In a time when our lives felt

by God? The giant slayer wasn’t a man

serve your gods or worship the gold

completely out of control, with the

of weak faith since he followed God’s

item you’ve set up, oh king. Love it!

enemy relentlessly attempting to


Our God can save us, but even if not.

shape our thinking, I was reminded

You may suppose these Old

We won’t bow My God can answer

of a Proverbs verse that I treasure. A

Testament examples were hampered

my petition, but I’ll still trust Him if He

friend gave me a coffee cup with it

by sin. I did. So, let’s browse the New


beautifully printed across the front!

Testament, shall we? Paul, who wrote

Prayer is a very powerful tool, and

What a good way to start the day!

most of the New Testament, prays 3

the Bible teaches that it is impossible

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord

times for God to remove a “thorn in

to please God without faith! That

with all your heart, and lean not on

his flesh,” but God answers no and His

being said, our faith should be in

your own understanding.” Trust Him!

grace will carry him through (2

the One we’re praying to, not in the





My wife ran towards God rather

than away from Him as she wrestled

with Him to see things from His

perspective. She found peace and

breakthrough while reading the book

of Samuel and the account of Hannah,

who couldn’t have a child. 1 Samuel

1:6 says the Lord closed Hannah’s

womb, but she prayed and cried out

to Him, and He answered her prayer.

She gave birth to his plan and glory.

Samuel. A great prophet embraced

God. God knows best; trust Him. God

had opened my wife’s eyes to our

situation. We don’t use his methods.

He wants us to believe Him even


12:7-10). In


Jesus prays.

Jesus, facing

the agony of

the cross and

dying for the

sins of the

world, prayed


26:29. “Father,

if it’s possible,

let this cup

pass from Me;

however, Your will be done!” Who











thing we’re praying for or

in the prayer itself! We

can trust Him even if He

says no. Living faith is one

that is rooted in the Living

God. I’d like to encourage

you. Don’t rely on your

own understanding! Don’t

let misunderstandings and

disappointments influence

your thinking. The amazing

thing is that we can trust

Him even when the

outcome does not match

our prayers. I recall the

night after our friend’s baby girl died.

when we don’t understand. Because

could accuse Paul or Jesus of lacking

We stayed up all night praying and

Hannah believed in Him, God

faith? But God ignored their requests.

worshiping the Lord. We were hurt

reopened Hannah’s womb. Too often,

Let that sink in. Father’s plan, will,

and weak as a result of our ordeals,

By: Leeroy Booysen &

Jethro Smith

“Our faith should be in the One we’re

praying to, not in the thing we’re

praying for or in the prayer itself!”

At around 6 a.m., eleven months

into our marriage, I’m holding my

pregnant wife in my arms as she drifts

in and out of consciousness. Every

few minutes, I can feel her body go

limp between gut-wrenching cries

of agony. I’m praying nonstop, trying

not to think about the possibility that

she’ll cross over to the other side

and leave me sitting on the bedroom

floor, holding her limp body. After a

few days in the hospital, she returned

with a flat stomach and a deep, silent

sadness that I couldn’t solve or cure.

Her joy seemed to die that day, along

with our unborn child.

She didn’t get out of bed for a few

days after that. Days when she was

engulfed by darkness. She’d wake up

in tears and stay that way until sunset.

“God, why did this happen?” “Will

we ever be able to have children?”

“We are terrified! We don’t want to

go through that trauma again!” These

kinds of thoughts served as a

soundtrack for this season.

Days turned into weeks, then

months, and I wondered when this

period of deep mourning would end!

Will it ever end? My wife was now

dealing with nagging questions that

couldn’t be neatly answered. “Am I

sterile?” “Will I ever be able to have

children?” If this season wasn’t difficult

enough, a couple we really love in the

Lord went through something similar

and gave birth to a stillborn (we found

out we were pregnant within weeks

of each other and our kids were going

to grow up together). “But why, Lord?

We prayed! We intervened!” “Why,

Lord? Will it ever end?” Have you

ever wondered if God didn’t answer

your prayers because your faith

wasn’t strong enough? Or how about

another believer implying, “If only you

had more faith, if only you prayed


Our own opinions and

understanding can be so

dangerous that they can shape

and change our attitude toward

circumstances, people, and God

for better or for worse! How many

times have we attempted to fit this

complicated, wonderful life into a cute

little package that we can manage,

understand, and control? Can you

recall the last time you heard untrue

gossip about someone? Saying things

that sound good and spiritual but end

up betraying God’s image and heart.

This is exactly what Christians do

unknowingly when we begin to form

our own opinions that contradict what

the Bible teaches.

we blame our lack of faith for God’s

unanswered prayers.

We can deeply and unknowingly

hurt others in an instant simply by

implying, “God didn’t answer your

prayers because you lacked faith or

didn’t pray enough!” Could it be that

God’s will, plan, and purpose are

different from what I’m praying for?

To comprehend God’s ways, read

scripture. Jesus told His disciples

to pray for the Father’s will in Matt

6:9-13. John teaches that if we pray

according to God’s will, it will be

done. Moses, a man of faith, begs the

Lord to enter the promised land in

Deuteronomy 3:23-27. LORD says,

“Enough” “Don’t talk to Me about

this!” 2 Sam 12: King David begs God

to spare the child born of his sin with

Bathsheba. He fasts and cries. Later,

David wished to build a temple for

the Lord, but God refused. His son

builds the temple. David was denied

and purpose was different than their

own. In Daniel 3:17-18, Shadrach,

Meshach, and Abednego declare their

confidence. If tossed into the flames,

our God can save us. And He’ll save

us, oh king. If He doesn’t, we won’t

but we were able to trust Him, and so

can you!

It’s a decision you can make right

now that you’ll never regret! Trust

Him with all your heart.


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