The Christian Lifestyle Magazine, Issue 12

The Christian Lifestyle is a FREE tri-annual (three times per year-out in March, July and November) independent Christian publication and is not affiliated to any church. It is an evangelical tool, a platform to glorify God and share messages of hope, encouragement and triumph over the battles of everyday life. The magazine is distributed nationally through different industries and at most Christian events, conferences and is available in most of the major cities in South Africa. We tap into a range of features relevant to our daily lifestyle; including education, travel, marriage, parenting, finances, youth and so much more. It’s an exciting, eye catching read for all age groups and is available in both print and online digital formats. Our goal is for readers to engage with motivational, God-inspired content and come into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ. We also want to offer businesses an opportunity to advertise their products or services through our targeted campaigns and strategies and by doing so giving them access to a growing readership. https://tclmag.org.za/

The Christian Lifestyle is a FREE tri-annual (three times per year-out in March, July and November) independent Christian publication and is not affiliated to any church. It is an evangelical tool, a platform to glorify God and share messages of hope, encouragement and triumph over the battles of everyday life.

The magazine is distributed nationally through different industries and at most Christian events, conferences and is available in most of the major cities in South Africa.

We tap into a range of features relevant to our daily lifestyle; including education, travel, marriage, parenting, finances, youth and so much more. It’s an exciting, eye catching read for all age groups and is available in both print and online digital formats. Our goal is for readers to engage with motivational, God-inspired content and come into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ.

We also want to offer businesses an opportunity to advertise their products or services through our targeted campaigns and strategies and by doing so giving them access to a growing readership.


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By: Dominique Adonis




“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be

enlightened in order that you may know the hope

to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious

inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably

great power for us who believe.” – Eph. 1:18-19

Seeing the bigger picture helps makes sense

of the pixel that is your life. When we can see

and understand it, the distortion of frustration

and discouragement gets moved from mountain

status to challenges that can be faced and

overcome. Ask God to help you see the bigger

picture as revealed in God’s word and watch

God put your life into perspective. Nothing like

proper perspective to catapult you from where

you are to where God calls you to.




Philippians 3:12-14

1 Corinthians 9:26-27

Psalm 141:3

Proverbs 21:5

Galatians 5:16

Romans 12:2

1 Timothy 4:8

“I admit that I haven’t yet acquired

was intentional


the absolute fullness that I’m

when He knit

“And we know that in all things God works for the

pursuing, but I run with passion into

you together in

good of those who love him, who have been called

His abundance so that I may reach

your mother’s

according to his purpose.” – Rom. 8:28

the purpose that Jesus Christ has

womb. “For

Not knowing your purpose is not detrimental.

called me to fulfil and wants me

you created my

Unfortunately, it trips us up every time. We

to discover. I don’t depend on my

inmost being;

literally get paralyzed thinking about how

own strength to accomplish this;

you knit me

we don’t know our purpose. The truth is…

however, I do have one compelling

focus: I forget all of the past as I

fasten my heart to the future instead. I

run straight for the divine invitation of

reaching the heavenly goal and gaining

the victory prize through the anointing

of Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14, The

Passion Translation

It has been said that the road to

hell is paved with good intentions.

And while I can appreciate this

quote and the motivation behind

it, I feel the need to clarify that the

matter of heaven and hell is not

determined by intentions but by

faith (Eph. 2:8-9), so there’s that!

And that being intentional is more

than just the wishy-washy desire

to do or see something come to

fruition. Being intentional speaks of

taking deliberate action towards a

desired end or goal.

We all crave significance, we

want our lives to matter and that’s

because God created us on purpose,

for a purpose. You can say that God

together in my

mother’s womb.”

– Psalm 139:13 NIV

Your eye color, hair texture all the

way to your ethnicity, and gender

were carefully planned. There are no

mistakes with God. To your parents,

you might have been a mistake, but

you were in the mind of God long

before He created you. “Before I

shaped you in the womb I knew all

about you. Before you saw the light of

day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet

to the nations—that’s what I had in

mind for you.” – Jeremiah 1:5 The


God works all things, including

your life, according to His purpose

and purpose is a powerful thing. Dr.

Myles Munroe said, “where purpose

is unknown, abuse is inevitable.”

Allow me to add.. “where purpose

is unknown or ignored, abuse is

inevitable.” Purpose determines

the function of a thing. A crystal

vase cannot be used as a cricket

bat, it will break because it was not

created for that purpose. And so we

sit with broken, hearts, minds, and

lives because we or someone else

operated outside of purpose. The

awareness and revelation of purpose

will cause us to be intentional, about

time, relationships, resources, and


An unintentional life accepts

everything and does nothing. An

intentional life embraces only the

things that will add to the mission

of significance.” – John C. Maxwell.

A passionate prayer life doesn’t just

happen, healthy habits can’t fall

from the sky. A successful career

and credibility will not happen

overnight and marriage is hard work.

All of life’s most important aspects

demand intentionality. God has

given us His Holy Spirit to empower

us, however, we must be intentional

about doing our part.

understanding God’s purpose is our handle on

understanding and accepting ours. Because

when we know and understand the purposes of

God we can trust His ways and His heart. Walk

in God’s purposes and watch Him entrust Him

with the details of your specific purpose.


“Give careful thought to the paths for your feet

and be steadfast in all your ways.” – Prov. 4:26

It’s a mess out here as we compare the

vulnerabilities and weaknesses of our own lives

with the picture-perfect lives others are posting

on their social media platforms. Don’t get it

twisted we cannot compare apples to grapes.

The truth of the matter is that comparison is

the thief of joy. Who has God called YOU to be?

What has God blessed YOU with? What is God

calling YOU to do? Therein lies your superpower.

Once you’ve mapped out YOU.. you can be

strategic in your lane.



“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the

dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ

Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal

bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” – Rom.




• Which key areas in your

life require you to be

more intentional?

• What small changes you

can make to ensure that

you’re more intentional

and consistent in doing so?

Nothing defeats the purpose of the life God has called us

to like self-effort and its cousin, self-reliance. Do not make

the mistakes I’ve made in this area, it is time-consuming,

heartbreaking and an expensive lesson to learn, literally. Please

learn from my mistake and take the steps needed to fully rely

on the power made available to you through surrendering your

life to God’s Holy Spirit.


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