The Christian Lifestyle Magazine, Issue 12

The Christian Lifestyle is a FREE tri-annual (three times per year-out in March, July and November) independent Christian publication and is not affiliated to any church. It is an evangelical tool, a platform to glorify God and share messages of hope, encouragement and triumph over the battles of everyday life. The magazine is distributed nationally through different industries and at most Christian events, conferences and is available in most of the major cities in South Africa. We tap into a range of features relevant to our daily lifestyle; including education, travel, marriage, parenting, finances, youth and so much more. It’s an exciting, eye catching read for all age groups and is available in both print and online digital formats. Our goal is for readers to engage with motivational, God-inspired content and come into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ. We also want to offer businesses an opportunity to advertise their products or services through our targeted campaigns and strategies and by doing so giving them access to a growing readership. https://tclmag.org.za/

The Christian Lifestyle is a FREE tri-annual (three times per year-out in March, July and November) independent Christian publication and is not affiliated to any church. It is an evangelical tool, a platform to glorify God and share messages of hope, encouragement and triumph over the battles of everyday life.

The magazine is distributed nationally through different industries and at most Christian events, conferences and is available in most of the major cities in South Africa.

We tap into a range of features relevant to our daily lifestyle; including education, travel, marriage, parenting, finances, youth and so much more. It’s an exciting, eye catching read for all age groups and is available in both print and online digital formats. Our goal is for readers to engage with motivational, God-inspired content and come into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ.

We also want to offer businesses an opportunity to advertise their products or services through our targeted campaigns and strategies and by doing so giving them access to a growing readership.


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identity and the likes.


I am under no disillusion that I have the solutions to any

May we effect change for generations to come.







of the above – I might have a few recommendations but

that is a far stretch from an actual solution that serves

our people – God’s people.

My conscience is stirred as I ponder these thoughts

deeply. Often finding myself thinking of ways to

implement Kingdom Principles in my everyday walk and

in business. I have been graciously granted platforms to

influence people around the world in very many countries

through my words and speech.


Are all of us serving God as we should?

May we walk in the path of truth – standing steadfast in

the surety of my favorite bible verse: “See, I am sending

an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and

bring you to the place I have prepared for you.”

Indeed, we are pre-destined to a place and space

already prepared for each one of us.

What a PROMISE from our GOD of Glory!

Article written by: Dr (hc) Yolanda Petersen

Exodus 23:20 – “See,

I am sending an angel

ahead of you to guard

you along the way and

bring you to the place I

have prepared for you.”

I am then reminded of the sobering piece of scripture

– Matthew 25:29 “For to everyone who has more will be

given, and he will have in abundance; but from him who

has not, even what he has will be taken away”.

I always ensure that I end my talks, coaching sessions,

counselling sessions and business meetings on a positive

note. This is intentional and deliberate!




As a business woman, a

mother, sister, daughter and

friend in an ever changing global

climate, may that be socially,

economically or simply general

life – we all have that one

scripture verse that we cling to.

We embrace our preferred verse

with all our might in times of joy

and trouble and of course every

moment in between.

I have the privilege of serving

on a few international boards

– some in a global advisory

capacity and others as an active

director. I have also had the

immense honour of speaking

on platforms across the globe

on a multitude of weighty (but

very relevant) topics. At times,

I am invited as a panelist/

speaker, a plethora of times,

praise God, as the Chief Guest

Speaker representing our home

country, South Africa, tackling

issues such as the United

Nations Policy Implementation

Challenges and Opportunities;

World Researchers Summit

2022, International Women’s

Day, United Nations: Women,

Gender and Development

as it relates to the UN SDG

5, Women in Mining -SA,

Businessuite Women on Twitter

Spaces to name but a few. The

talks continue this month of

July 2022, again I am blessed

to represent South Africa as the

Chief speaker on two pertinent


As grand as all of this may

sound – the question I always

ask myself is: “How do I action

effectively and efficiently,

simultaneously acknowledging

that in ALL things the glory

belongs to GOD - Alone!

How do we go up against

a secular world, especially in

business and not lose our way?

How do we hold fast to our

Christian beliefs and operate

from a space of sound biblical

truth and sound theology?

Yes - these questions beg an


In my opinion it is becoming

increasingly more difficult. Fact!

As Paul Washer so aptly states:

“The lost world is not so much

gospel hardened as it is gospel

ignorant because many of those

who proclaim the gospel are

also ignorant of its most basic


Should the current way of the

world surprise us as Christian

Men and Women in business? –

Absolutely NOT!

We are assured in Matthew

24:13 – “But the one who

stands firm to the end will be


We are certainly living in

an era unparalleled, where

adversity is rife, human apathy

is at its highest. The diversion

from living a righteous, holy

and pure life is fading against

the backdrop of an exploitative

world view garnished through

social media, main stream

music (we could confidently

add current-day main stream

Christian music), literature,

education, economy, modern

family structure, gender mis-

My hope is that we use our God-given talents, skills and

abilities and prove to be faithful in what has been allotted

to us. May the grace bestowed and entrusted upon each

one of us increase and multiply to the advancement of

the Gods Kingdom.

May we be cognisant of the

SEASON GOD has us in! May

we trust that God can do

exceedingly and abundantly more

than we could ever envisage.

Understanding that there are

covenantal terms attached to

God’s blessing. Blessings HE so

lavishly longs to bestow on those

who love HIM and follow His


As Christian Women in

Business, in life and in

motherhood requires nonconformity.

Going against the

grain of the patterns of this world

is our saving grace. Growing

daily in Christian value and virtue

is key. Acute awareness of our

constant need for transformation

and the renewal of our minds,

grants us the peace the world so

desperately seeks.

I am too of the opinion that

sound discipleship in the modern

day church is needed.


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