The Christian Lifestyle Magazine, Issue 12

The Christian Lifestyle is a FREE tri-annual (three times per year-out in March, July and November) independent Christian publication and is not affiliated to any church. It is an evangelical tool, a platform to glorify God and share messages of hope, encouragement and triumph over the battles of everyday life. The magazine is distributed nationally through different industries and at most Christian events, conferences and is available in most of the major cities in South Africa. We tap into a range of features relevant to our daily lifestyle; including education, travel, marriage, parenting, finances, youth and so much more. It’s an exciting, eye catching read for all age groups and is available in both print and online digital formats. Our goal is for readers to engage with motivational, God-inspired content and come into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ. We also want to offer businesses an opportunity to advertise their products or services through our targeted campaigns and strategies and by doing so giving them access to a growing readership. https://tclmag.org.za/

The Christian Lifestyle is a FREE tri-annual (three times per year-out in March, July and November) independent Christian publication and is not affiliated to any church. It is an evangelical tool, a platform to glorify God and share messages of hope, encouragement and triumph over the battles of everyday life.

The magazine is distributed nationally through different industries and at most Christian events, conferences and is available in most of the major cities in South Africa.

We tap into a range of features relevant to our daily lifestyle; including education, travel, marriage, parenting, finances, youth and so much more. It’s an exciting, eye catching read for all age groups and is available in both print and online digital formats. Our goal is for readers to engage with motivational, God-inspired content and come into a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ.

We also want to offer businesses an opportunity to advertise their products or services through our targeted campaigns and strategies and by doing so giving them access to a growing readership.


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by Derrick Grobbelaar

As South Africans, we celebrate women’s month

during August, with 9 August being Women’s

day. These celebrations may vary. To some, it is

just another public holiday, meaning we can do

what we feel like doing when we feel like doing

it. To others, it is a day to attend some political or

other meetings where speeches are made about

women, their rights, challenges, achievements,

and the abuse of women that is so evident in our

country. Yet to others, it is a day filled with all the

responsibilities of any other day.

Throughout history, women have played a vital

role in society. Since the earliest days, we read

how God has used women in various ways. Some

of the roles they played could be described as not

generally associated with women. Some would

describe it as roles more suitable for men.

One such old testament example we find in

Judges 4 Deborah’s story. She was both a

prophetess and was judging Israel at the time.

Not one of these roles was usually associated

with women at the time. Israel was suffering

at the hands of the Canaanites due to their

disobedience. When they called on the Lord,

He used Deborah. What Deborah did, was very

uncommon for women to do at the time. This

lady summoned Barak, one of the military leaders,

to go and attack the Canaanites. He was unwilling

to go without Deborah going with him. She

agreed. Can you imagine an army warrior hesitant

to go to war without women accompanying him?

Barak’s weakness of faith caused another

woman to step on the scene. She is a lot less

famous than Deborah. In fact, besides her name

appearing in four verses of Judges 4 and two

more times in Judges 6, we see nothing else of

this woman called Jael. While Barak was pursuing

the Canaanite army, Sisera, the commanding

officer of the Canaanite army, was fleeing by


foot. On his way, Jael, what we would

call an ordinary woman, called him to her

tent. While he was sleeping, Jael killed

this suppressor of Israel by driving a peg

into his skull. The result of this heroic

act being Israel delivered form Canaanite

oppression. In the New Testament, we

read about various women such as Dorcas

and others, whose names were not even

mentioned, who played vital roles in their

communities. We also read that women

supported Jesus’s ministry in various ways.

The presence and influence of women

are pretty evident throughout our

communities. Today it is nothing different.

God is still using women in various roles

in society. These roles include prominent

roles in politics, science, engineering,

and business, to name but a few. These

women I would call the Deborahs of the

Old testament. Those who are known,

recognized, and celebrated. We thank

God for every one of them.

Our communities are, however, filled

with Jael’s. These are the infamous

women silently going about their business

every day. These are the women you will

not read about in the newspaper. You

will not see them on television. They

may not even have a personal blog, but

they are making a massive difference

in the lives of millions daily. They are

encouraging, healing, supporting, learning,

and comforting as only women can.

These are the unsung heroes of the day. You

will find them not only in various roles in our

communities, serving our communities. You will

find them caring for the sick and needy with

their own resources. You will also find a few at

home taking care of their own, and sometimes

even other children.

These women are the anchor and most

significant supporters and inspiration of some

of the world’s most powerful and influential

men. You will rarely read about them. You

rarely hear anybody singing their praise, but

these women keep households, communities,

and countries going.

Many men struggle to acknowledge the fact

that we need women. We need them in many

ways. Let us all recognize their immeasurable

value to this world.

May all woman realize their worth and

contribution to our world. Whether you are the

Deborah or the Jael, God values you highly, so

He paid for you with His blood.


















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