[Read EBOOK] ...And On the Sixth Day God Created the Horse: A Beautiful 365-Day Journey Of

Link >> https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/B0B8XQJQPN =============================== Explore the horse's extraordinary and often unknown life throughout history, and fall in love with these amazing animals even more! There was absolutely nothing untouched by the horse. In this collection of astonishing true stories, glimpse at how horses have left their hoof prints in each part of our history.Uncover the world of the horse like never before. Discover:The most famous horses throughout the last Link >> https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/B0B8XQJQPN

Explore the horse's extraordinary and often unknown life throughout history, and fall in love with these amazing animals even more! There was absolutely nothing untouched by the horse. In this collection of astonishing true stories, glimpse at how horses have left their hoof prints in each part of our history.Uncover the world of the horse like never before. Discover:The most famous horses throughout the last



...And On the Sixth Day God Created the Horse: A Beautiful

365-Day Journey Of Horses Throughout History

Sinopsis :

Explore the horse's extraordinary and often unknown life

throughout history, and fall in love with these amazing animals

even more! There was absolutely nothing untouched by the

horse. In this collection of astonishing true stories, glimpse at

how horses have left their hoof prints in each part of our

history.Uncover the world of the horse like never before.

Discover:The most famous horses throughout the last five

thousand years!The personal written accounts of soldiers and

the deep love and devotion they had for their

warhorses.Unbelievable jobs of the horse - from war horses to

pit ponies, shunting horses to lifeboat horses, fire horses to

powering ferry boats and locomotives, and that is only the

beginning!How religions used horses for their rituals, warfare,

marriage, tithing, and the afterlife.Incredible stories of how

women gained their independence on the back of the horse

and changed the world!How exploration reached the poles and

the ends of the earth with the horse by man's side all the

way.How entertainment and the movie industry was

discovered by way of the horse!Many discoveries in medicine

were made with the help of the horse, and some will surprise

you!And so much more!! The stories are endless and the

history is amazing.This book celebrates the horse in the most

unique and beautiful way and will open your eyes to the

immense contributions or fate of these amazing equines. The

perfect gift for the horse-lover or anyone who loves history.

This book is truly one of a kind.Buy now to celebrate the

history of the horse!WINNER 2022 Equus Film &ampArts Fest

Best in Equine Short Stories

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