SRIJAN 2002-2003(1st Edition)

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stares. Boys and men alike, stopped doing whatever they were doing, as she glided by like a model on the run way. If rumors were to

be believed she once buggered up the traffic from a side walk, outside the college. Whistles and catcalls were a way of life. And after

a brief of befriending, the beauty queen Ram was proud of her. And he was equally proud of the fact that he took pride in his beautiful

friend. She was an expert at brevity, didn't reveal much about herself. People were always on the lookout to fmd out more about her.

This further added to her goddess status. A single word uttered out of place could be the news on the campus. The news that she would

eventually date Ram had spread like forest fire. Ram too enjoyed a status among the men that equaled Sukanya's among the girls.

Presumably both were celebrities of sorts. Sukanya for obvious reasons and Ram for his intelligence, smartness, athletic body and to

crown it all, a charming nature.

After attending all the scheduled classes Ram made his way to the canteen and eased himself on a chair next to Sukanya's who

was waiting there for three hours.

"How are doing this morning? "asked Ram.

"I am fine"

"I assume studies are going on well"


"By the way how's Renee?"

"Oh! She is recuperating well", Renee was her cat that had injured it self while fighting with a stray cat.

"What about the movie this afternoon", enquired Sukanya?

"I would have been obliged but got some family arrears to run."

"That means no movie today"

"I am sorry but no..."

"Ok, no probs"

"Ok see ya tomorrow". And the usual good bye rituals followed.

Rain's Dilemma

Ram had lied for the first time. How he wanted this day to come and when it comes he denies permission. One half of him, Ram

the college hero, was constantly snarling at him .Whereas the other half, Ram, the son of Vir charka Maj. Mallik, the cool, calm and

better half cheered him for his audacity. It was a sort of no win situation.

Ram was in love with Sukanya and equally fond of her. He had to choose his way and this is what he did yesterday on the bridge.

He had two paths to pick from. First one being easy and most obvious - to take the plunge and go about as a lover boy. There was

indeed no harm in loving somebody and being loved but only as far as it does not cast its spell on other more important things. Ram

felt, in taking the first path there was a bleak possibility of things going haywire and he was not the sort of person who left things to

chance. How could the lone heir of the Malliks indulge in anything that could'put the family name at stake? Though the odds were

heavily in favor of going about it but what resisted him were the extremely high stakes. This was when he started searching for another

option, not an easy one. But it seemed to be more reasonable and full proof. He would take things one at a time and would let time

decide if it was the correct decision. Before leaving his sanctuary, the bridge he had indeed taken his decision.

Sukanya called up that evening.

"Hello can I speak to Ram"

"May I know who's calling", asked Mrs. Mallik.

"Namaste! Auntyji this is Sukanya here"

"How are you dear ? calling after a long time, hold on a sec; Pll call Ram"

Ram took the receiver confidently and expressed his reluctance to go anywhere out with her.

Sukanya was surprised. In a state of commotion she continued the conversation.

"What's the big deal? It was you who initiated the relationship and now you are backing off."

"Sukanya dear! I am not backing off it's just that I am in the middle of doing things more important that freaking out "

"Come on Ram you don't have to be that blunt with me, speak out what's on your mind, I'll listen"

"Look Sukanya, I am at the helm of my family, the Malliks, I have got huge responsibilities on me. You know my dad sacrificed

his life doing a great thing. I know I can't go any where near that greatness but surely enough I need to give it my best shot. And for

that I need to spend some time with myself."

"Does that mean we are finished with a relationship which never started?"

There was no response from Ram's end, soon the line went dead.

What made Ram make up his mind was his long visit to the bridge yesterday. Hearsay was absorbing every point of his argument

that happened to be simple and lucid.

"Yeah! I do love her, no doubt. And by doing what I am about to do my love for her won't die down. In fact my fondness for her

would grow all the more. To love and be loved it's not necessary to move hand in hand and do all sorts of crap that the lovers are

(smut!) (

Beware of the man whose God is in the skies. (too -o3)

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