SRIJAN 2002-2003(1st Edition)

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Avvvy You Keep `My j-rehl


Vika_s Saroha

Second Year,

Electronics and Communication Engineering.

A Worried Fellow

The departing sun was giving way to the languid darkness. It was an hour ago that Mrs. Mallik's son Ram was expected home.

This was not the only reason for Mrs. Mallik's trepidation but also the way in which Ram was changing, changing in a dubious way.

This was literally giving her sleepless nights. Wouldn't any other mother feel the same way when the lone heir is god knows

headed somewhere. Being the only son, Ram was expected to do all the duties of a son as well as the responsibilities of the head of

the family were soon to be given to him.

Ram not completely oblivious to his mother's worries regarding him was sitting on the bridge across the stream, with his

distinguished equanimity eventually vanishing. This spot, without doubt, was his favorite. He had been visiting it for the last sixteen

years. And what did he do there? Only he knew, he talked with someone, probably himself.

The purpose of this visit was to rid him of the indecisiveness that had descended on him. It isn't that he hadn't got tackle problems,

in fact this father-less boy has had loads, but what worried him was the consequence of a wrong decision. Hastily he grabbed his bag

and sprinted for the last bus for his home. Fortunately he reached the bus stop, just in time for the bus. Another half an hour and he'll

be home.

A Proud Son

Ram was still a kid of five years when he lost his father. Maj. Anil Mallik, a martyr of the 1971 war, a Vir Chakra awardee, was

a brave man. Had it not been for his mother's insistence Ram would have joined the army himself .Ram wielded the tag of being a

'Mallik', son of a brave man and a very responsible and sensible lady. Mrs. Mallik had been working as a teacher since 1972.

The wall clock had struck 8 when the door bell rang. Mrs. Mallik, expecting Ram, hurried to the door. Yes it was indeed Ram,

merry and cheerful as always. Seeing her son in a state of normalcy, some of her concern subdued but still the worries were not

completely allayed. "Where have you been, I was beginning to worry", asked Mrs. Mallik. "I was on the bridge, admiring the serene

beauty of the place, lost all track of time and You know ma!" replied Ram.

"Are you sure, there's nothing troubling you", with a grin, "Why do I get the feeling that you are hiding something from me"

"Ma every thing is just fine. You know me. I haven't hidden anything from you."

"I know that's what worries me all the more, if there's anything it's got to be something concerning you. And you don't want your

ma to worry about it."

Ram understanding the futility of any discussion at this point of time, when he had reached a decision, gave a comforting smile.

"Ma I am starved may I have something to eat."

"Sure, dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes in the mean time you have a change."

As usual Ram was up at five in the morning. After the daily ablutions he took to the ground, skirting the residential area. Going

by hearsay Ram had been keeping this routine for quite some time now. No doubt at 6 ft. 2 in. he had a musculature that anyone would

envy. The training cadets never ceased to amaze and excite him. Some times he wondered how it would feel to be a part of them. Every

now and then he would find time to drop into the gym and sweat a few good and satisfying hours.

The College And The Girl

Being Thursday, the first couple of hours were free today. Ram decided to utilize this time for the impending exams. In a couple

of week's time, exams would ensue. From the corner of his eye he could see Sukanya approaching the table where he sat. With a heap

of fat and dusty books to look into, he paid no heed towards her arrival, or pretended that way.

Yes he had made his decision. She sat beside him for a few moments and when couldn't get Ram to talk; she crouched over the

table and commented "Wow! Started preparing for the exams". With a start Ram acknowledged her arrival and flashed a warm smile

on his nodding face. He intended some serious studies. She sat there for a few moments,.blinking her eyelids in a flurry. Sukanya let

it pass, she would let allow her latest and best friend and a prospective lover, study.

Sukanya was, indisputably the most beautiful girl in the college. With silky black tresses, there were stares all the way. Always

@O42-03) ( It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid. (SRLBAND

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