SRIJAN 2002-2003(1st Edition)

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♦ Acknowledgement


Bhowmick Sir, the pabrone of 'SRIJAN' for making things smoother anO easier for us than be

Our beloved Saroj Maim, the mentor who lent her helping hand wherever we crave?) for,

Avi, for his ardent zeal ano correcting me wherever I stumbled,

Ana for leading the team for Divvy alio Yore sections,

Surya, for his excellent HR development within the board,

Ana for charting out roabmaps anb teething the Hindi wing,

Peeyush ano Nisith, for steering the linguistic sections,

Vineet, for leading almost all the artwork, for collages iamb group-snaps,

Kapil, for leading typing work anO for collages alio flux,

Saroha, for arranging the columns ano theme section (with Chakravarty),

Inti, for finances ano shaping the Podium section,

Also, this trio, for interviewing DC,

Chandra, for outstandingly alio enthusiastically guiding the Hindi unit's work,

Saurabh eine) Nibhi for mantras (also, Chandra) ana Hindi nomenclatures,

chakravarty, for quotes (also Saurabh ano Niohi) ano recording the minutes,

Rahuf, Inoer (me Swati for enriching Divvy with so many interesting articles,

Ko4li for certificates (also, Rajput) ano notices (also, Inber),

Rajput for compiling exceptionally brilliant list of fillers,

Peeyush, Inti, Kabul ana Saurabh for interviewing Director,

Rajput, Swati and Kohli for interviewing TPO,

Tashi, for most of the drawings at first page of each section,

Pobber, for cartoons an6 back page design,

Brahma, Shrutika anb Ritika for graphics (also Tashi),

Tashi, Shrutika ano Ritika for sketches of ebitors,

Vineesh into Soumitree, for shooting exclusive photographs,

Hemant for assisting in typing work,

SRbeepta, Murli alb Ruby for their short-term cooperation,

NITH Informatics Center, for procuring some essential photos,

All contributors for making 'SRIJAN' a reader's delight,

All the NITHians for their praise, criticism, support, abvices ane even mockery throughout our work,

My floormates an6 batchmates for bearing with me throughout the work,

Anb anyone else, who helped us but whose name has been missed.

-kumar vijay misbra



There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it.

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