SRIJAN 2002-2003(1st Edition)

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took lace. Several ancient Hindu temples were destroyed and scores of Hindus were killed in the city of Anantnag. After

this, in the period of 1990-91 in a sate of terrorist violence, 2400 people died & about 300,000 were driven out of their


Terrorist violence witnessed a steep upward trend after that but got controlled with the general elections in the state

after a gap of seven years.Farooq Abdullah, son of Sh. Abdullah, came into power. After this the Prime minister of India &

Pakistan met each other a number of times. But Pakistan continued to foster terrorism.

In late April 99 there was a large scale springtime infiltration in the region of Kargil. The infiltrators about 700 in number

succeeded in occupying most of the peaks in region. This led to limited war for the first time; the Indian armed forces used

air power to stop infiltration. This war led to a steep rise in military presence near the border and a full fledged war was


Due to Pakistan's alliance looking with the US in the war against terrorism, Pakistan had to unwillingly stop cross

border terrorism for a period of time. This prevented the worst from occurring. But still Pakistan is helping foreign

mercenaries to wage militancy in India.

With all these years of violence in Kashmir the common man has been devastated. Most of the families lost their

properties, family members, friends , in short their life has now become dependent on guns & bullet. All of them, if not

openly but in their hearts want peace back in Kashmir & all of them fervently hope that a day will come when the militancy

infested state shall shine with the grandeur of the 'Paradise on Earth'.

Tube Thought: Kashmir , the paradise on earth is known for its beauty but very few know its political history .This article

gives small amount of the Kashmir's history.

Graphic by : Sauvik Podder



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