SRIJAN 2002-2003(1st Edition)

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gni Of An epoch


Mrs. Saroj Thakur,

August 25,Year 2018

Sr. Lecturer,

Applied Sciences & I-Eumanities Department

Sitting in this auditorium among students, many of whom I was sure had been forced by their seniors to fill the chairs to give a

semblance of at least a respectable farewell to me, I was suddenly filled with nostalgia for what had been for such a long time my

working place. Oh, this tooth was really giving me a lot of trouble, but still the plate in front of me looked tempting enough to tolerate

a visit to my dentist, the steaming hot Gulabjamun melting in my mouth, how nice it tasted but why didn't I listen to my rational self?

Looking at the boys, oops! sorry, students I thought of a number of them having passed out from this college and were they any

different from the ones sitting in front of me? Did I use the word "college" but it is "National Institute Of Technology," my rational self

again corrects me. But what is the difference between a college and an institute-- a question good enough to put in the first Periodical

examination-- making a mental note of it I felt a bit satisfied, wasn't it a good practice to put all those questions to the students that you

don't know yourself! But you are going to be retired in a few days, wasn't this farewell in this very context only, warned my rational


What was happening to me? Why was I not able to concentrate upon the totality of the situation? Perhaps old age was fast catching

up with me--what was this boy saying--was he putting a question to me, regarding my experiences in the college? Damn this habit of

dozing of in between discussions, ever since I had taken to the wearing of these thick glasses, it had really become so very convenient

to take a wink or two in the class itself, when the students thought I was deep in thought, I enjoyed a nap, and had they not slept in my

class all these years, why must I be guilty! Oh, it was really painful to sit in the same posture for such a long time!

But what was this boy asking me--"Could you please relate a few of your memorable experiences in this institute as we understand

that you have been associated with the college since last many years?" Oh God, not again, How boring not only to teach the same

syllabus year after year but to answer the same very questions, why can't these students be innovative? Looking surreptiously at the

watch of the boy sitting next to me, I could easily see the time and the date, oh God, my kids back home had arranged for a small get

together, I may not be late for that. But why I used the word kids for my grown up children surprised me.

"Madam; please tell us something about the time when this institute of ours was known by the name of REC," pestered the same

boy again.

Was it "our institute" that caught my attention once again? When did we start calling this college as an institute? Walking down

the memory lanes, I gasped, wasn't it in the year 2002 that we gave a new nomenclature to this college. Suddenly I shuddered at some

unpleasant memory.

It was the same date, August25, 2002 when an epoch came to an end ushering us in a new era. How do I remember the date after

such a long time? But how could I ever forget as it was my Birthday that day when suddenly hell let loose and a horrible incident

unheard of in the history of this glorious college of ours took place. Suddenly I found myself drifting towards happenings of the past

on that fateful day.

August 25, year 2003.

Sitting in the serene and peaceful environment of the Manimahesh Temple, the blind Dhritrashtra asked Sanjaya of the outcome

@oo2-it It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. (sftimpf)

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