SRIJAN 2002-2003(1st Edition)

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J. Elancheran,

Pre-final Year,

Electrical Engineering.

Graphic By : Soumitri Deva Dutt

On that creeping dusk of December,

When I zinged those waves of love,

And the bosom that brought me up

It was all a gone case of trauma.

The slackened breeze and gazing

Daffodils Stood silently with a mourn.

The drizzling December sky and

Screeching sparrows too were mum.

Evident mumbles of a shrinking voice

From deep inside is still disagreed.

The inevitable changes are many

But this change was a real heavy

The December sky has departed

Right into the folds of history

Never to return and Never to reflect.

Still I feel those last moments.

Tube Thought:

Each of us, have our own thoughts of pains and memories of some acute emotions lying in the gloomy corner of the

heart. There are no words that can define them or by no means you can tunnel it out. Its true that some feelings neither can be expressed

to other people nor they understand it. These are not the simple words rather from somewhere deep inside, the expression of my feelings

for the loved one who departed for lifetime. I dedicate these words to that beloved soul of kindness and affection I lost forever and the

understanding is up to you.

*RIMS) (

IMPOSTOR n. A rival aspirant to public honors.


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