KADOKA PRESS - Pioneer Review

KADOKA PRESS - Pioneer Review

KADOKA PRESS - Pioneer Review


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Commissioners proceed with electronic imagining for Register<br />

of Deeds office, deny billing for gravel screening and crushing<br />

~ by Robyn Jones ~<br />

The Jackson County Commissioners<br />

held their regular monthly<br />

meeting on Monday, April 9, with<br />

all commissioners in attendance.<br />

Mental illness billings and<br />

health care estimation notices were<br />

reviewed and all requests for payments<br />

were denied.<br />

Jackson County States Attorney<br />

Dan Van Gorp is revising the letter<br />

that is sent to the provider when<br />

the billings are denied.<br />

County Auditor Vicki Wilson<br />

presented the financial statement.<br />

A motion carried to transfer $3,000<br />

into the E911 Fund and approve<br />

the financial statement.<br />

A tax comparison for 2010 and<br />

2011 taxes was presented showing<br />

the tax levies and property valuation.<br />

Curt Reiter gave a presentation<br />

regarding electronic imaging for<br />

the Register of Deeds office. All documents<br />

need to be scanned and Reiter<br />

will rent the scanners to the<br />

county, which will vary in price according<br />

to the size of the scanner.<br />

Reiter stated that Register of<br />

Deeds Mitzi Mitchell will be able to<br />

scan the small documents, but he<br />

would do the larger plats and also<br />

change the blueprint documents to<br />

a white back ground with black<br />

type, so they’re easier to read. A<br />

motion carried to enter into a contract<br />

with Curt Reiter for imaging<br />

services.<br />

Emergency Manager Jackie Stilwell<br />

stated that Jackson County<br />

had been awarded a Hazardous<br />

Mitigation Grant and accepting the<br />

grant was approved.<br />

Bills were reviewed and all were<br />

approved as presented, except<br />

billings from Clinical Laboratory<br />

and Community Health Center of<br />

the Black Hills were denied.<br />

~ by Robyn Jones ~<br />

The Kadoka Area School Board<br />

held their regular monthly meeting<br />

on Wednesday, April 11 at 7:00 p.m.<br />

The agenda, financial report,<br />

bills and minutes from the March<br />

12 and 28 meetings were approved.<br />

Within the superintendent’s report,<br />

Jamie Hermann stated that<br />

the school improvement plan for<br />

each attendance center in the district<br />

is complete and has been submitted<br />

to the SD Department of<br />

Education, as required by Title 1.<br />

DakotaStep testing is near completion<br />

and due into the SD Dept.<br />

of Education by April 20.<br />

Section one of the Indian Education<br />

requirement has been completed<br />

and there will be a small<br />

increase in the amount allocated to<br />

the district.<br />

In previous years these funds<br />

have been used to provide a bus<br />

monitor and instructional aide positions.<br />

With these funds, a video<br />

surveillance system will be installed<br />

on the Wanblee and Interior<br />

buses. It is being considered to use<br />

the remaining fund balance to supply<br />

students with second portions<br />

for no charge at lunch.<br />

The budget process for the 2012-<br />

2013 school year has began.<br />

If the district qualifies as a heav-<br />

Fuel bids were opened and reviewed.<br />

A motion carried to accept<br />

the bids from Midwest Coop for<br />

bulk unleaded gas, #1 and #2 bulk<br />

diesel and propane. An additional<br />

motion carried to accept the bid<br />

from Discount Fuel for unleaded<br />

gas, #1 and #2 diesel at the pumps<br />

for the current daily pump price.<br />

The commissioners approved for<br />

the treasurer, auditor and register<br />

of deeds to attend the spring workshop<br />

for elected officials on May 9-<br />

11 in Pierre.<br />

Highway Superintendent Mitch<br />

Olney updated the commissioners<br />

on road maintenance being done.<br />

Currently they are completeling<br />

some work in the northern part of<br />

the county and plans include to do<br />

some on the road leading to the<br />

Breck residence and move to the<br />

southern part of the county.<br />

He stated that the push cat is<br />

being repaired in Rapid City and a<br />

demonstration of a mulcher is<br />

being scheduled to be held in late<br />

April.<br />

Olney presented quotes on<br />

2,000 - 2,500 watt generators. After<br />

discussion, it was determined that<br />

a larger generator would be more<br />

beneficial to the county.<br />

Olney made contact with<br />

Hogen’s Hardware and the purchase<br />

of a 9,000 watt generator in<br />

the amount of $769.00.<br />

Prior to purchasing a generator,<br />

the county had been using a generator<br />

owned by Olney. In exchange<br />

for the use of his generator, the<br />

commissioners declared four old<br />

bridge planks surplus and traded<br />

them to Olney as compensation for<br />

the use of his generator.<br />

Olney questioned about adding<br />

a dove tail to the flat bed trailer.<br />

Earlier it was agreed once the surplused<br />

metal beams had been sold,<br />

those funds would be used to cover<br />

the expense of the dove tail. Earlier<br />

ily impacted district, additional<br />

funding would be available through<br />

Impact Aid. There are several criterias<br />

that must be met to receive<br />

this status, including the creation<br />

of a pension fund through the levy<br />

collection process. The levy for this<br />

fund would be set at $0.30 per<br />

thousand, but the district would<br />

decrease the capital outlay fund<br />

levy by $0.30, so the tax base would<br />

not been increased.<br />

If the district would receive the<br />

distinction of heavily impacted, the<br />

district would receive approximately<br />

an additional one million<br />

dollars in funding.<br />

Elementary Principal Roger<br />

Jensen gave an update on activities<br />

for the remainder of the school year<br />

including field trip and music program<br />

dates.<br />

Jensen stated that the Response<br />

to Intervention (RtI)assessements<br />

for grades K-5 have been completed<br />

and there will be an RtI conference<br />

in July at Chamberlain.<br />

Jensen also presented a staff<br />

training schedule for teachers to<br />

attend to help prepare them for the<br />

common core testing that will be<br />

implemented in 2014.<br />

Secondary Principal Tim Hagedorn<br />

stated that the handbook is in<br />

the process of being updated and<br />

changes will be presented at the<br />

next board meeting.<br />

<strong>KADOKA</strong> <strong>PRESS</strong><br />

The official newspaper of Jackson County, South Dakota<br />

Piping in sprinkler system<br />

Work began on the sprinkler<br />

system at the Kadoka Nursing<br />

Home on Tuesday, April 10. A twomember<br />

crew has turned into four<br />

guys from Complete Contracting<br />

Solutions.<br />

Workers are boring through the<br />

cement walls and placing pipe<br />

along the ceiling. Each room will<br />

have three sprinkler heads installed.<br />

“It’s dusty, noisy and you need<br />

ear plugs,” said Ruby Sanftner.<br />

Once completed there will be a<br />

suspended ceiling put in and the<br />

lights will be lowered.<br />

Work will also continue in the<br />

clinic, WIC office and the basement.<br />

quotes for the dove tail were $3,500<br />

to $3,800. The commissioners<br />

asked Olney to obtain a current<br />

price qoute.<br />

Olney presented a bill from T.F.<br />

Luke & Sons for the crushing and<br />

screening that has been completed<br />

at the Kennedy pit. Van Gorp reviewed<br />

the bill and contract and<br />

stated that the commissioners<br />

could approve to pay the bill or<br />

wait until the project was completed,<br />

either decision was acceptable<br />

without breeching the<br />

contract. A motion carried to deny<br />

the billing and to have Van Gorp<br />

draft a letter to Luke with their decision.<br />

A motion carried to go into executive<br />

session at 2:37 p.m. for personnel<br />

matters. They returned to<br />

open session at 3:17 p.m., with no<br />

action taken.<br />

Commissioner Ronnie Twiss<br />

said that he had contacted Ken<br />

Barlett for an estimate on repairs<br />

that need to be done at the Interior<br />

shop.<br />

Olney stated that the road department<br />

should receive four different<br />

radios. Discussion was held<br />

on the possiblity of upgrading the<br />

repeater or if it would need to be replaced.<br />

Jackson County Sheriff Ray<br />

Clements, Jr. presented a bill from<br />

the jail in Winner.<br />

The commissioners then entered<br />

into executive session at 3:30 p.m.<br />

with Clements present. At 3:47<br />

p.m. they returned to open session,<br />

with no action taken.<br />

Discussion was held on liability<br />

if the county would assist at a fire<br />

to put in a fire line. Wilson will<br />

check with the insurance company<br />

prior to the next meeting.<br />

With no other business the<br />

meeting adjourned. The next regular<br />

meeting will be held on May 14<br />

at 9:00 a.m.<br />

~ by Robyn Jones ~<br />

The Jackson County Commissioner<br />

held a special meeting on<br />

Wednesday, April 11 at 2:00 p.m. in<br />

conjunction with the County Board<br />

of Equalization meeting.<br />

No appeals were submitted contesting<br />

values, although owner occupied<br />

status was added to one<br />

residence.<br />

Director of Equalization Brad<br />

Stone reported that when soil samples<br />

were updated, the tax exempt<br />

status was removed from a piece of<br />

property owned by the county.<br />

A tax exempt status was requested<br />

by Evergreen Children’s<br />

Home.<br />

The commissioners approved to<br />

both adding the tax exempt status<br />

for both properties.<br />

At 3:17 p.m. the commissioners<br />

entered into executive session for<br />

personnel matters. They returned<br />

to open session at 4:27 p.m. with no<br />

action taken.<br />

The burn ban resolution that<br />

was adopted at a previous meeting<br />

was discussed.<br />

An addendum was approved and<br />

added to the resolution reads as follows.<br />

“It is further resolved, that the<br />

ban on open burning does not apply<br />

to (1) those areas falling within the<br />

boundaries of any permitted commercial,<br />

state, or federal campground;<br />

(2) burn barrels, grate<br />

covered outdoor fireplaces, charcoal<br />

and liquid fuel grills, and (3) a contained<br />

fire used to heat irons for<br />

branding purposes.<br />

“It is further resolved, that the<br />

ban on open burning shall be in effect<br />

during any period of time that<br />

the fire danger, as determined by<br />

use of the South Dakota grassland<br />

fire danger index published by the<br />

National Weather Service, has<br />

reached the very high or extreme<br />

category in Pennington County.<br />

School board adopts policies for weather or emergency make<br />

up days, sponsoring extra curricular coop activities<br />

The class schedule for the 2012-<br />

2013 school year is near complete<br />

and student pre-registration will<br />

be done next week.<br />

The buildings and ground committee<br />

stated that the specification<br />

for the interior repairs on the Great<br />

Hall have been received, but the<br />

exterior specifications have not.<br />

Hermann stated that areas of<br />

sheetrock, insulation and some<br />

windows will be replaced.<br />

The policy committee reviewed<br />

corporal punishment and the sexual<br />

harassment section of the policy<br />

book and proposed a policy<br />

change that addresses the issues if<br />

board members excuse themselves<br />

or abstain from voting due to a conflict<br />

of interest and there is not a<br />

quorum casting a vote, then the<br />

passage of the motion will be determined<br />

by majority of the remaining<br />

board members.<br />

The board then entered into executive<br />

session at 7:30 p.m. with<br />

Hagedorn and a few citizens who<br />

were in attendance, for the purpose<br />

of student matters. The board returned<br />

to open session at 8:40 p.m.<br />

with no action taken.<br />

Second reading was held on the<br />

weather or emergency calendar<br />

make up policy and the school<br />

sponsored extra curricular activities<br />

policy, which were both approved<br />

for adoption.<br />

The ban on open burning shall automatically<br />

be suspended during<br />

any time period that the fire danger<br />

falls below the very high category<br />

in Jackson County.”<br />

Highway Superintendent Mitch<br />

Olney informed the commissioners<br />

that a quote to repair the push cat<br />

was received. The equalizer bar<br />

needs to be replaced and it is estimated<br />

to be approximately $7,000<br />

for total repairs. A motion carried<br />

to approve the repairs.<br />

Olney also requested permission<br />

to purchase more culverts, which<br />

$1.00<br />

includes tax<br />

Volume 105<br />

Number 40<br />

April 19, 2012<br />

Official Election<br />

Results<br />

Kadoka Area<br />

School Board<br />

Tuesday, April 10<br />

4 Mark Williams - 238<br />

Jim Brown - 187<br />

4 Ross Block - 245<br />

Mark DeVries - 98<br />

County commissioners make changes to burn ban<br />

<strong>Review</strong> and canvassing of the<br />

votes from the school board election<br />

that was held on April 10 was conducted.<br />

The election results were<br />

certified as Mark Williams 238<br />

votes, Jim Brown 187 votes, Ross<br />

Block 245 votes, and Mark DeVries<br />

98 votes.<br />

At 9:03 p.m. the board entered<br />

into executive session for personnel<br />

matters and returned to open session<br />

at 9:38 p.m.<br />

A motion was made and failed to<br />

renew the contract to Roger Jensen<br />

for the elementary principal position<br />

for the 2012-2013 school term.<br />

A motion was approved to renew<br />

the contract to Tim Hagedorn for<br />

the secondary principal position for<br />

the 2012-2013 school term.<br />

Support staff contracts were approved<br />

to be offered as recommended<br />

by the negotiations<br />

committee.<br />

Advertising for lunch services at<br />

the Midland School for the 2012-<br />

2013 was approved and was the<br />

final action item of the meeting.<br />

The board then entered into executive<br />

session at 9:41 p.m. for administrative<br />

staff contract<br />

negotiations. They returned to<br />

open session at 11:15, with no action<br />

taken, and the meeting was<br />

adjourned.<br />

The next regular board meeting<br />

will be held on Wednesday, May 9<br />

at 7 p.m. at the Kadoka School.<br />

The 2011 South Dakota Youth<br />

Risk Behavior Survey Report has<br />

been released.<br />

Administered every other year,<br />

the Youth Risk Behavior Survey is<br />

a questionnaire that assesses the<br />

six priority health-risk behaviors<br />

that result in the greatest amount<br />

of morbidity, mortality and social<br />

problems among youth.<br />

About 1,800 students in grades<br />

9-12 at randomly selected public,<br />

private and Bureau of Indian Education<br />

schools participated in the<br />

survey.<br />

Key indicators included in the<br />

report are outlined below:<br />

•27 percent of students were<br />

bullied on school property in the<br />

past 12 months<br />

•20 percent had been bullied<br />

electronically during the past 12<br />

months<br />

•18 percent seriously considered<br />

attempting suicide in the past 12<br />

months<br />

•49 percent were physically ac-<br />

was approved.<br />

A bill from Regional Health Reference<br />

Laboratory was reviewed<br />

and denied in the amount of $375.<br />

County Auditor Vicki Wilson<br />

stated that an organization has<br />

submitted an application for a special<br />

events license for malt beverage.<br />

Since the permit does not need<br />

to be submitted to the state, the<br />

county needs to set the application<br />

fee. Following discussion, motion<br />

carried to set the fee at $25 per day.<br />

With no further business, the<br />

meeting adjourned.<br />

Jury takes 30 minutes to find Thomas<br />

Petersen guilty of wife's death<br />

Jurors needed only about 30<br />

minutes to convict Thomas Petersen<br />

on April 16, 2012.<br />

Prosecutor Doug Hammerand<br />

successfully argued that using<br />

three knives to inflict 129 cut or<br />

stab wounds demonstrated malice,<br />

deliberation, premeditation and<br />

specific intent to kill beyond a reasonable<br />

doubt.<br />

“Folks, it’s that easy. Use your<br />

common sense,” Hammerand told<br />

jurors during his closing statement.<br />

Judy Renee Petersen, 36, died on<br />

June 4, 2011. Her husband, now a<br />

convicted murderer, will be sentenced<br />

on the one-year anniversary<br />

of her death. He will serve life in<br />

prison with no chance for parole.<br />

Petersen is due back in Butler<br />

County District Court at 2 p.m.<br />

June 4.<br />

Edwin Case of Dallas, Texas,<br />

Renee Petersen’s brother, spoke for<br />

the family after the verdict came<br />

back about 4 p.m. Monday.<br />

The ordeal of the five-day trial<br />

had been “very agonizing,” Case<br />

said, and he thanked prosecutors,<br />

investigators and others who had<br />

shown support along the way.<br />

The speed with which jurors<br />

worked was gratifying, Case added,<br />

and the conclusion of Petersen’s<br />

guilt was therefore inescapable.<br />

“It was helpful. A jury finding a<br />

verdict that quickly makes it very<br />

obvious,” Case said.<br />

Defense attorney Susan Flander<br />

tried to argue the viciousness of the<br />

attack itself proved Petersen was<br />

intoxicated and unable to form specific<br />

intent to kill.<br />

During her closing remarks,<br />

Flander asked jurors to imagine<br />

the crime and how long the slashing<br />

and cutting would take.<br />

“Can you do it in 129 seconds?<br />

Can you do it in 258 seconds?” she<br />

asked.<br />

“It’s a frenzied attack done by a<br />

crazy guy or a drunk guy. In this<br />

case it’s a drunk guy,” Flander<br />

added.<br />

Thomas Petersen took the witness<br />

stand in his own defense Monday<br />

morning, claiming he blacked<br />

out after his wife threatened him<br />

with a knife and scratched his face<br />

deeply enough to draw blood.<br />

Petersen admitted “flashes of<br />

memory” and “stabbing at” his wife<br />

but denied he meant to kill or had<br />

any recollection of causing Renee<br />

Petersen’s fatal wounds. He<br />

vaguely recalled picking up three<br />

knives.<br />

“What’s the next thing you remember?”<br />

Flander asked.<br />

“Standing over her next to the<br />

front door,” Petersen said.<br />

Hammerand, during cross-examination,<br />

focused on intricacies<br />

that Petersen testified he could remember<br />

on the day Renee Petersen<br />

died.<br />

“If you did not have specific intent<br />

to kill, why did you stab her<br />

129 times?” Hammerand asked.<br />

“I don’t recall,” Petersen said.<br />

“Why did you use three separate<br />

knives?”<br />

“I don’t have an answer to that<br />

question,” Petersen said.<br />

During his closing remarks,<br />

Hammerand rejected the idea that<br />

Petersen blacked out.<br />

“Isn’t it interesting,” Hammerand<br />

said. “He can remember<br />

Renee’s ‘evil look’ ... but right after<br />

that, when the attack starts, the<br />

memory starts to go.”<br />

reprinted with permission<br />

--by Dennis Magee<br />

for The Globe Gazette<br />

2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey results released<br />

tive for a total of at least 60 minutes<br />

per day during five or more of<br />

the past seven days<br />

•22 percent wrongly believe<br />

smokeless tobacco is safer than cigarettes<br />

•26 percent had five or more<br />

drinks of alcohol within a couple of<br />

hours, on one or more of the past 30<br />

days<br />

•24 percent of currently sexually<br />

active students, defined as<br />

those who’ve had sexual intercourse<br />

during the past three<br />

months, drank alcohol or used<br />

drugs before their last sexual intercourse.<br />

Studies have proven that physically<br />

and emotionally healthy students<br />

will perform better in the<br />

classroom and enjoy continued success<br />

throughout their lives.<br />

A comprehensive school health<br />

program is a key component in reducing<br />

the occurrence of risk behaviors<br />

among young people.<br />

Continued on page 2

Church Page …<br />

Gerald P. “Jerry” Kerkvliet _________<br />

Gerald P. “Jerry” Kerkvliet, 70,<br />

of Salem passed away on April 12,<br />

2012, at the VA Hospital in Sioux<br />

Falls, SD.<br />

Jerry Kerkvliet was born on November<br />

26, 1941, to John and Elizabeth<br />

(Koch) Kerkvliet in Rock<br />

Rapids, IA. The family moved to<br />

Salem, SD. Jerry received his education<br />

in Salem, graduating from<br />

St. Mary’s High School. In 1964 he<br />

enlisted in the army and served his<br />

country overseas for two years. On<br />

June 15, 1968, he married Faye<br />

Parke in Kadoka, SD. A year later<br />

he started trucking and did so until<br />

his health forced him to retire. The<br />

A national volunteer network of<br />

precipitation observers, or CoCo-<br />

RaHS (Community Collaborative<br />

Rain Hail & Snow Network) is<br />

looking for more volunteers to<br />

track precipitation events across<br />

South Dakota reported State Climatologist,<br />

Dennis Todey, during a<br />

recent iGrow Radio Network interview.<br />

"These are everyday people who<br />

enjoy measuring precipitation and<br />

are willing to report that on the internet,"<br />

he says, of the volunteers<br />

who measure and report after rain,<br />

hail and snow events.<br />

Despite today's automated technology,<br />

Todey believes local reporting<br />

is still essential in tracking the<br />

variability of rainfall.<br />

"It's a huge benefit to us to have<br />

people across the state who monitor<br />

precipitation. The biggest variability<br />

in weather across the state<br />

is how precipitation varies. Even<br />

with all the technology we have, we<br />

really need to have on-ground<br />

measurements all across the state<br />

to tell us what is really happening<br />

on the ground," he said. "Where we<br />

have heavy rain events, like flood<br />

events, the National Weather Serv-<br />

press@kadokatelco.com<br />

Inspiration Point<br />

Church Calendar<br />

CONCORDIA LUTHERAN • Kadoka • 837-2390<br />

Pastor Art Weitschat<br />

Sunday Services: 10:00 a.m.<br />


OUR SAVIORS LUTHERAN • Long Valley<br />

Pastor Frezil Westerlund<br />

Sunday Services: 5:00 p.m.<br />


Kadoka • Pastor Gary McCubbin • 837-2233<br />

Worship Services: 11:00 a.m.<br />

Sunday School: Sr. Adults - 9:45 a.m.<br />

Sunday School: All Ages - 9:45 a.m., • Sept. - May<br />

Release Time: 2:15 p.m. Wednesdays. • Sept. - May<br />

open road was his passion.<br />

Jerry was a member of St.<br />

Mary’s Catholic Church in Salem.<br />

He was also a member of the American<br />

Legion Post 140. He loved<br />

playing pool and bean-bags, where<br />

he served as “The Decider” in the<br />

Kerkvliet family tournaments. He<br />

was also an avid sports fan and followed<br />

politics religiously. His greatest<br />

love of all was for his family,<br />

especially his grandchildren. They<br />

were his greatest joy in life.<br />

Jerry is survived by his wife,<br />

Faye of Salem, his daughter, Teri<br />

(Jed) Kylander, and their children,<br />

Ella and Evan, all of Highlands<br />

Ranch, CO, a brother, Wayne<br />

(Carol) of Ham Lake, MN, three<br />

sisters, Sr. Marietta Kerkvliet of<br />

Yankton, SD, Donna (Jim) Muller<br />

of Ft. Collins, CO, and Mary Kay<br />

(Dave) Butler of Lake Carlos, MN,<br />

and many nieces and nephews.<br />

He was preceded in death by his<br />

parents, John and Elizabeth, his<br />

twin brother, Ronald, brother,<br />

Michael, brother-in-law, John Nitz,<br />

and three nieces, Sarah Nitz,<br />

Michelle Davis, and Kristine Mc-<br />

Quistion.<br />

Funeral mass were held at 10:30<br />

a.m. on Monday, April 16, 2012, at<br />

St. Mary’s Catholic Church in<br />

Salem. Visitation was held at 12<br />

p.m. on Sunday, April 15 with a 3<br />

p.m. rosary and a 7 p.m. prayer<br />

service all at Kinzley Funeral<br />

Home in Salem. Online guest book<br />

is available at www.kinzleyfh.com<br />

Weather reporting volunteers needed<br />

ice has issued flash flood warnings<br />

based on people's reports on how<br />

much rain fall there was," he said.<br />

Todey says volunteer reports can<br />

also be useful in documenting<br />

drought conditions.<br />

"If people can tell us how many<br />

days they've gone without rainfall,<br />

it helps us document drought conditions<br />

and better support disaster<br />

declaration because of drought," he<br />

said.<br />

Volunteers willing to be part of<br />

the CoCoRaHS network must be<br />

willing to take daily precipitation<br />

readings between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m.<br />

and report the events on-line. They<br />

are asked to use a standard 4-inch<br />

diameter rain gauge and will receive<br />

a small bit of training.<br />

A March Madness recruiting<br />

campaign is now underway. To<br />

learn more visit www.cocorahs.org<br />

or contact Todey at (605) 688-5678.<br />

For more information on this<br />

topic, visit iGrow.org. The iGrow<br />

Radio Network and SDSU Extension<br />

bring listeners an informative<br />

show each day. For more information<br />

on the iGrow Radio Network,<br />

or to listen to archived shows, visit<br />

www.igrow.org.<br />

Read Lamentations 3:24-26<br />

Many Christians struggle to discipline themselves<br />

in the area of self-gratification. There are so many<br />

Willing to Wait for God's Way things we want right now. And to make matters worse,<br />

we usually have the ability to follow through on our desires.<br />

That's what the entire credit card industry is all about: have it now; pay later.<br />

But finances aren't the only area where we get into trouble. Some people are in a hurry to be married<br />

and therefore make an unwise choice regarding a mate. Others don't even see marriage as necessary and<br />

opt for premarital sex instead of waiting for the right person. Or maybe you're just in a hurry to become<br />

successful and well-respected in your career, never giving any thought to whether your pursuit aligns<br />

with God's plans for your life.<br />

One reason the Lord wants us to wait is to protect us from our own self-destructive ways. Those who<br />

can't say no to their own desires end up enslaved to them. God wants us to be mature believers who have<br />

the character and self-restraint to wait for Him to provide in His perfect time. Because the heavenly Father<br />

is omniscient, He alone knows what's best. You can trust that if He asks you to wait, He has something<br />

more wonderful in mind than you could ever provide for yourself.<br />

Does anything seem to have a power over you? If so, it may be an area that requires the practice of<br />

self-restraint. Yield to the Lord, and submit your desires to Him. Then, begin saying no to temptations<br />

as you wait for God to reveal His will for your life.<br />

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Jury selected, compelling testimony<br />

delivered in Petersen murder trial<br />

Prosecutor Doug Hammerand<br />

opened his case against Thomas<br />

Petersen on Wednesday, April 11<br />

with compelling and emotional evidence,<br />

including testimony from<br />

an 18-year-old Eagle Scout.<br />

Cody George was only 17, however,<br />

when he discovered his<br />

mother’s bloody body in the family’s<br />

home in Greene and attempted<br />

CPR.<br />

Jurors learned George’s mother,<br />

Judy Renee Petersen, 36, suffered<br />

multiple injuries to her face, neck,<br />

head, chest and arms.<br />

“If you count every cut and stab<br />

wound, there’s 129,” Hammerand<br />

said.<br />

Thomas Petersen, Judy Renee<br />

Petersen’s husband and George’s<br />

stepfather, is on trial on a charge of<br />

first-degree murder. If convicted,<br />

he faces life in prison with no<br />

chance for parole.<br />

Petersen attacked his wife with<br />

three knives, Hammerand told jurors<br />

during his opening remarks.<br />

One was a filet knife, the second<br />

was a chef’s knife and the third<br />

was described as “short.” Two of the<br />

knives’ blades bent during the assault,<br />

according to Hammerand.<br />

“This case is not a whodunit,” he<br />

added.<br />

The fatal confrontation capped a<br />

downward spiral in the couple’s relationship.<br />

They had moved from<br />

Texas several years earlier because<br />

both liked the idea of living in Iowa<br />

and ultimately bought a home in<br />

Greene.<br />

Petersen worked as a Schwan<br />

delivery man. Renee Petersen was<br />

employed by a health clinic. But<br />

money was a problem, and eventually<br />

the van Renee Petersen drove<br />

was repossessed.<br />

“In June of last year, the marriage<br />

between Thomas and Renee<br />

Petersen was over,” Hammerand<br />

said.<br />

Petersen promised a family<br />

member he would make the divorce<br />

“as difficult as possible” for his wife<br />

and “make her life miserable,” according<br />

to Hammerand.<br />

Defense attorney Susan Flander<br />

conceded the point, even suggesting<br />

jurors would indeed find her<br />

client guilty, although not of firstdegree<br />

murder. She noted Petersen’s<br />

history with mental health<br />

issues and what she described as a<br />

serious drinking problem.<br />

“This is the action of a man<br />

under the influence of alcohol,”<br />

Flander said during her opening<br />

statement.<br />

That, she said, means Petersen<br />

could not form specific intent to<br />

kill. According to Flander, jurors<br />

must then conclude Petersen is<br />

guilty of a no more than second-degree<br />

murder.<br />

Renee Petersen got close to her<br />

husband during an argument and<br />

may have brandished something<br />

silver in Petersen’s direction, according<br />

to Flander.<br />

“He felt something against his<br />

testicles and Renee said something<br />

about ‘cutting them off’ and ‘waking<br />

up without them,’ ” Flander<br />

said.<br />

Because he had been drinking<br />

all through the day leading up to<br />

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Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.<br />


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Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m.<br />

Coffee & Donuts: 10:30 a.m.<br />

Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Sept. - May<br />


Father Bryan Sorensen • Kadoka • 837-2219<br />

Mass: Sunday - 11:00 a.m.<br />

Confession After Mass<br />


Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. • Church: 10:30 a.m.<br />


Gus Craven • Wanblee • 462-6002<br />

Sunday Church: 11:00 a.m.<br />

the fatal confrontation, Petersen<br />

blacked out, according to Flander’s<br />

version of events.<br />

“The next thing he knows, he<br />

wakes up and he saw a horrific<br />

sight,” Flander told jurors. “His<br />

only thought was to get his 2-yearold<br />

son out of there.”<br />

Law enforcement officials apprehended<br />

Petersen in South Dakota.<br />

He had the couple’s youngest child<br />

with him, according to numerous<br />

sources.<br />

Hammerand anticipated the<br />

question of specific intent and intoxication,<br />

which from the attorneys’<br />

opening statements appears a<br />

central issue in Petersen’s case.<br />

“His specific intent when he<br />

grabbed the first knife, the second<br />

knife and the third knife was to kill<br />

Renee Petersen,” Hammerand<br />

said.<br />

Jurors also heard from Beverly<br />

Truax, a dispatcher for Butler<br />

County who first spoke to Renee<br />

Petersen’s son, Cody George. Hammerand<br />

also played a recording of<br />

the 911 call from June 4, 2011. On<br />

it, George frantically pleads for<br />

emergency crews to hurry.<br />

“I need them here now,” the boy<br />

said.<br />

“Hang in there, man. I know it<br />

seems like forever,” a male dispatcher<br />

responded.<br />

“Momma, wake up,” George said<br />

later, adding “there’s no pulse or<br />

anything.”<br />

“Just keep pumping, man,” the<br />

dispatcher said.<br />

Many in the courtroom audience,<br />

including Renee Petersen’s<br />

mother, wept as the six-minute<br />

recording played.<br />

Six men and six women will determine<br />

Petersen’s guilt or innocence.<br />

Defense attorneys,<br />

prosecutors and the court picked<br />

the group from a field of 92 potential<br />

candidates.<br />

The process began at 9 a.m.<br />

Tuesday and concluded when those<br />

selected took an oath at 11:30 a.m.<br />

Wednesday. The court also selected<br />

two alternates — a man and a<br />

woman.<br />

Petersen appeared comfortable<br />

during the first two days of his<br />

trial. He actively participated with<br />

his defense team, Flander and Annette<br />

Boehlje, as they eliminated<br />

potential jurors Wednesday morning.<br />

At one point, Petersen smiled<br />

with others in the courtroom when<br />

Flander asked if any potential<br />

juror had ever been described as<br />

“stubborn or willful by anyone<br />

other than their spouse.”<br />

reprinted with permmission<br />

--by Dennis Magee<br />

for The Globe Gazette<br />

2011 Youth Risk<br />

Behavior Survey<br />

continued from front page<br />

The six priority health-risk behaviors<br />

include: behaviors that<br />

contribute to unintentional injuries<br />

and violence; tobacco use; alcohol<br />

and other drug use; sexual behaviors<br />

that contribute to unintended<br />

pregnancy and sexually transmitted<br />

diseases (STDs), including<br />

human immunodeficiency virus<br />

(HIV) infection; unhealthy dietary<br />

behaviors; and physical inactivity.<br />

The SD Youth Risk Behavior<br />

Survey is funded by the Centers for<br />

Disease Control and Prevention,<br />

and Coordinated School Health,<br />

which is a collaboration between<br />

the state departments of Education<br />

and Health.<br />

To view a complete report, go to<br />

http://healthyschools.sd.gov and<br />

click on Youth Risk Behavior Survey.<br />

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Kadoka Press<br />

Kadoka Press<br />

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Telephone 605-837-2259 • PO Box 309, Kadoka, South Dakota 57543-0309<br />

E-mail: press@kadokatelco.com Fax: 605-837-2312<br />

Ravellette Publications, Inc.<br />

PO Box 309 • Kadoka, SD 57543-0309<br />

Publisher: Don Ravellette<br />

News Writing/Photography: Ronda Dennis, Editor<br />

Graphic Design/Typesetting/Photography: Robyn Jones<br />

Published each Thursday and Periodicals postage paid at<br />

Kadoka, Jackson County, South Dakota 57543-0309<br />

Official Newspaper for the City of Kadoka, the Town of Interior, the Town of Belvidere,<br />

the Town of Cottonwood, the County of Jackson and the Kadoka School District #35-2.<br />


All of Jackson, Haakon, Jones, Mellette and Bennett Counties<br />

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April 19, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 2<br />

SD officers officers testify in<br />

Petersen trial on chase dangers<br />

Aided by technology, jurors on<br />

Thursday heard from the late<br />

Renee Judy Petersen and her husband,<br />

Thomas Petersen, the man<br />

accused of murdering her, at the<br />

second day of trail, April 12, 2012.<br />

“He was making threats against<br />

himself and me,” Renee Petersen<br />

texted.<br />

The message went to Thomas<br />

Petersen’s sister, Kelly Svebek,<br />

about two months before a fatal<br />

stabbing claimed Renee Petersen’s<br />

life.<br />

Thomas Petersen also “hinted<br />

at” killing himself if he did not win<br />

full custody of his children as the<br />

couple headed for divorce, according<br />

to Renee Petersen’s texts.<br />

He also “planned on attending a<br />

funeral in two weeks, and it wasn’t<br />

his.”<br />

Authorities allege Petersen<br />

stabbed and cut his wife more than<br />

120 times on June 4, 2011. He allegedly<br />

used three knives in the attack.<br />

Renee Petersen’s son, Cody<br />

George, discovered her body in the<br />

family’s home in Greene.<br />

Petersen, however, allegedly fled<br />

the scene with the couple’s 2-yearold<br />

son.<br />

Jurors on Thursday learned how<br />

close Petersen came to losing his<br />

own life during a confrontation<br />

June 5, 2011.<br />

Bryan Warner, a federal park<br />

law enforcement officer in June<br />

2011, testified about the pursuit in<br />

South Dakota that ultimately led<br />

to Petersen’s arrest.<br />

During the chase, Warner said<br />

he topped 100 mph in his patrol vehicle<br />

and watched as Petersen<br />

forced a sheriff’s patrol car off a<br />

road.<br />

Warner testified seeing Petersen<br />

eject his 2-year-old son from his<br />

pickup after stopping briefly during<br />

the pursuit.<br />

“I saw the defendant throw<br />

something out of the door. At the<br />

time I couldn’t comprehend was it<br />

was,” Warner said.<br />

“I realized it was the child that<br />

we were looking for,” as a result of<br />

an Amber Alert, he added.<br />

Officials were able to narrow<br />

their search for Petersen because<br />

he used a credit card in South<br />

Dakota. Warner was just a few<br />

miles away and deduced Petersen’s<br />

likely route.<br />

“There were only a couple of<br />

ways for the individual to go,”<br />

Warner said.<br />

While being taken into custody,<br />

Petersen talked about hoping for a<br />

cliff to drive off, according to<br />

Warner. He also suggested he<br />

wanted officers to shoot him.<br />

“He said he wished one of the officers<br />

had an itchy trigger finger,”<br />

Tornado warning systems to be tested April 25<br />

A statewide tornado drill will be<br />

conducted for South Dakota by the<br />

National Weather Service between<br />

9:00 and 9:30 am MDT (10:00 and<br />

10:30 a.m. CDT) on Wednesday,<br />

April 25. Because the exercise is<br />

used to ensure communications<br />

and warning systems are functioning<br />

properly before storm season,<br />

people will see and hear the alerts<br />

used for tornadoes.<br />

Outdoor warning sirens will be<br />

sounded in many towns. The sirens<br />

may not be heard inside homes and<br />

office buildings, as they are intended<br />

to alert people who are outdoors<br />

away from radio or TV.<br />

The drill will also include activation<br />

of the Emergency Alert System,<br />

which will interrupt local<br />

media broadcasts. The public<br />

should be aware that the scroll on<br />

television will look like a real warn-<br />

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Warner said.<br />

Warner and other officers<br />

trained their weapons on the man<br />

they believed was the subject of an<br />

Amber Alert issued in Iowa. A<br />

South Dakota trooper was using an<br />

assault rifle, and Warner had a<br />

shotgun, according to the park<br />

ranger.<br />

“I fired the first round of my<br />

shotgun,” Warner testified, “and<br />

racked the second shell.”<br />

Warner said Petersen made several<br />

“erratic” statements and cautioned<br />

the officer not to employ his<br />

Taser.<br />

“He said something to the effect<br />

of my day was going to go very<br />

badly, or end very badly,’” Warner<br />

said.<br />

Later parts of the incident were<br />

captured on video, recorded by a<br />

dashboard camera mounted in<br />

Trooper Clay Kartak’s patrol car.<br />

Kartak is a member of the South<br />

Dakota State Highway Patrol and<br />

joined the high-speed pursuit.<br />

On the video, jurors saw Petersen’s<br />

burning pickup and then a<br />

tense standoff that lasted about 20<br />

minutes.<br />

“Stop right there,” Kartak called<br />

to another officer on the video.<br />

“That’s the crazy guy.”<br />

Petersen walked several hundred<br />

yards, concealing a black item<br />

in a pocket as he walked along the<br />

highway.<br />

“He does have something in his<br />

hand. We do not know what it is,”<br />

Kartak reported at one point.<br />

Kartak admitted being “amped<br />

up” during what he described as a<br />

stressful situation. As officers jockeyed<br />

for position, closing in as Petersen<br />

retreated and backing off as<br />

he advanced, Kartak’s frustration<br />

seemed to show.<br />

Petersen swore repeatedly and<br />

threatened the officers.<br />

“My name is ___ ___,” he yelled.<br />

“I want this guy to shoot me,”<br />

Petersen added later, pointing at<br />

an officer holding what looked like<br />

a shotgun.<br />

In cross examining Kartak, defense<br />

attorney Susan Flander directed<br />

attention to another of her<br />

client’s comments.<br />

“He said his wife was trying to<br />

take his balls off with a paring<br />

knife. Is that correct?” Flander<br />

asked the trooper.<br />

“Yes,” he said.<br />

The video concluded when a officer<br />

fired his Taser. As Petersen<br />

went down in a ditch, at least nine<br />

law enforcement officials moved in<br />

quickly to subdue him and take<br />

him into custody.<br />

reprinted with permmission<br />

--by Dennis Magee<br />

for The Globe Gazette<br />

ing, while the audio will be identified<br />

as a test.<br />

Local emergency response agencies<br />

may practice their response<br />

procedures and schools will conduct<br />

safety drills for their students.<br />

Individuals do not need to take<br />

any action during the drill, but<br />

they are encouraged to make plans<br />

to protect themselves and their<br />

families before storms develop.<br />

Don’t wait until the storm is<br />

headed toward you as there won’t<br />

be time. Information about storm<br />

safety is available from county<br />

emergency management offices or<br />

visit the following web sites: The<br />

Rapid City National Weather Service<br />

at www.weather.gov/rapidcity,<br />

Black Hills Chapter of the American<br />

Red Cross at www.blackhillsredcross.org,<br />

and the South<br />

Dakota Department of Health at<br />

www.bReadySD.com.<br />


Copies Available<br />

at the <strong>Pioneer</strong><br />

<strong>Review</strong> in Philip<br />

Meals for<br />

the Elderly<br />

Monday, April 23<br />

Spaghetti with meatsauce, broccoli,<br />

garlic bread and mandarin oranges.<br />

Tuesday, April 24<br />

Roast pork, scalloped potatoes,<br />

parsely carrots, bread and pumpkin<br />

bar..<br />

Wednesday, April 25<br />

Salmon loaf, oven baked potatoes,<br />

peas, bread and pears.<br />

Thursday, April 26<br />

Oven fried chicken, mashed potatoes<br />

and gravy, seasoned green<br />

beans, dinner roll and peaches.<br />

Friday, April 27<br />

Hamburger on a bun with lettuce<br />

and onion, tator tots, baked<br />

beans and fresh fruit.

Belvidere News …<br />

Lookin’ Around<br />

by Syd Iwan<br />

Now that we’ve had April showers,<br />

we can probably expect May<br />

flowers. We can also probably expect<br />

the onset of garden fever and<br />

with a vengeance. This latter<br />

dreadful condition is when people,<br />

in the throes of optimism, plant a<br />

much bigger garden then they<br />

need or can reasonably expect to<br />

take care of. I speak from experience.<br />

In my younger years, I often<br />

plowed up a huge bit of ground<br />

with a tractor and then set to<br />

planting everything under the sun<br />

in great quantity. A normal garden<br />

would usually include radishes,<br />

leaf lettuce, peas, beans, beets,<br />

carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers,<br />

onions, corn, potatoes, squash and<br />

anything else that looked interesting.<br />

This was all fine and good<br />

until summer and reality took<br />

their toll. A large garden, as you<br />

know, will require a whole lot of<br />

weeding and, in this arid climate,<br />

watering. If you have much else to<br />

do in life, you may not be able to<br />

keep things under control long<br />

enough to get much of a harvest.<br />

As a result, I’ve had to rationalize.<br />

First off, many vegetables<br />

taste about as good when you purchase<br />

them as when you grow<br />

them. They may even be cheaper<br />

if you consider your time worth<br />

anything. Take green beans for instance.<br />

You can buy them quite<br />

reasonably in either frozen or<br />

canned form. I’ve never canned<br />

any that I’ve raised since those<br />

have been known to easily go bad<br />

and poison your entire family. We<br />

have frozen a lot of them, though,<br />

and I can’t really tell much difference<br />

between home-grown and<br />

purchased. Incidentally, my mom<br />

froze a lot of beans I’d raised, but<br />

she thought you should blanch<br />

them first which involves briefly<br />

boiling them before plunging them<br />

into ice water. Later we found you<br />

could just cut the dumb things up<br />

and freeze them without the tedium.<br />

There wasn’t much taste or<br />

texture difference between beans<br />

frozen the hard way or the easy<br />

way.<br />

Secondly, I’m not good with certain<br />

vegetables, such as corn. My<br />

dad could raise corn and so can my<br />

wife, but I don’t seem to have the<br />

knack. Mine grows two feet tall,<br />

tassels out, and puts out stunted<br />

little ears. Other veggies are so<br />

buggy that I tire of picking off bugs<br />

or fluffing everything with insecticide.<br />

Potatoes and every member<br />

of the cabbage family come to<br />

mind. The cabbage family would<br />

include cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower,<br />

Brussels sprouts, and<br />

kohlrabi.<br />

As a result of excessive gardening<br />

over many years, I have, of<br />

Belvidere News<br />

Grady Davis celebrated his<br />

twelfth birthday a couple times<br />

this last week. On Saturday, he and<br />

his family journeyed to Wall where<br />

they hooked up with their Irish<br />

friend, Trisha, visited with her and<br />

some friends of hers, toured Wall<br />

Drug, etc. Trisha has stayed at the<br />

Fortune Bed and Breakfast several<br />

times, and Francie visited her in<br />

Ireland last year. Then at Cowboy<br />

Church, held at the hall in<br />

Belvidere on Wednesday evening,<br />

they had a birthday cake and ice<br />

cream. Grady’s mom, Francie, is<br />

currently editing the South Dakota<br />

poetry magazine and will be working<br />

on that through April instead of<br />

writing Belvidere news.<br />

Rudy Reimann visited his folks,<br />

Rick and Rayma, in Midland on<br />

Friday and Saturday. His brothers,<br />

Stanley and Forrest, were home<br />

since they came to attend the Mike<br />

Schofield funeral in Philip on Friday.<br />

Rudy was a pallbearer at the<br />

funeral. Rudy was quite a bit<br />

younger than Mike but still considered<br />

him a good friend. Rudy said<br />

they had an inch of rain in Midland<br />

by Sunday morning and more came<br />

throughout the day.<br />

Bunny Green was visited on Saturday<br />

by her former daughter-inlaw,<br />

Penny, of Sturgis. Penny and a<br />

friend of hers brought all kinds of<br />

goodies with them for dinner and<br />

left the remainder for Bunny to use<br />

later. Penny is an artist, and<br />

Bunny says she can really paint.<br />

Bunny visited with Betty Kusick<br />

on the phone this week, but the two<br />

didn’t get together in person.<br />

Bunny also got a graduation announcement<br />

from the daughter of<br />

Dan Davidson of Idaho. Dan is the<br />

son of Marguerite Drabek and ran<br />

the truck stop in Kadoka for a<br />

number of years. He had some<br />

fairly serious health problems for a<br />

few years but seems to be recovered<br />

from those at present. Larry<br />

Grimme stopped by briefly on Sunday<br />

as did Wally Wells. Bunny also<br />

learned this week that her granddaughter,<br />

Cindy Houck’s husband,<br />

Garden Fever<br />

Syd Iwan • 344-2547<br />

course, gained a lot of knowledge<br />

through experience. Oddly enough,<br />

though, I often get carried away<br />

with things to the extent that they<br />

nearly drive me crazy. Then, after<br />

I’ve learned all I want to know<br />

about a subject, I sort of lose interest<br />

and go on to other things. The<br />

learning somehow seems more important<br />

and interesting than going<br />

on and continually using the<br />

gained knowledge and experience.<br />

I can’t exactly explain why that is,<br />

but it has happened to me more<br />

than a few times. Rabbit raising<br />

and photography come to mind.<br />

I’m still in my computer, writing,<br />

and piano playing modes, however,<br />

and all are complicated enough<br />

that they should hold my interest<br />

for a while yet.<br />

As you know, however, homegrown<br />

tomatoes and cucumbers<br />

are much superior to anything you<br />

can buy in a store. Neither do they<br />

take a lot of special care. A little<br />

watering and fertilizing should do<br />

the job, especially if you don’t have<br />

a lot of other plants to tend. This<br />

year, then, my plans are to have<br />

about three tomato plants and a<br />

couple hills of cucumbers. I might<br />

also plant a few radishes just because<br />

I like to grow them. They<br />

only take a month from seed to<br />

dinner table and are fun. I don’t<br />

eat them much since I don’t enjoy<br />

burping them for hours afterwards,<br />

but wife Corinne likes them<br />

which is a good excuse for growing<br />

them. Actually, I’d plant a few<br />

more things like beans, peas,<br />

beets, and squash if our life was a<br />

little more settled, but that doesn’t<br />

appear to be in the cards this year.<br />

Maybe next year.<br />

Huckleberries, by the way, are<br />

fun to grow. They do bake up into<br />

fairly good pies, but the best thing<br />

is when people see them growing<br />

and pick some to eat. They look delicious<br />

but are perfectly dreadful<br />

when raw. The grimace on the face<br />

of someone eating an uncooked<br />

huckleberry is priceless. So, for<br />

now, it’s about time to plant<br />

radishes, beets, peas, potatoes,<br />

and leaf lettuce since those thrive<br />

in cool weather and don’t do much<br />

if planted too late. I’ll leave those<br />

to you this year since you probably<br />

have already contracted garden<br />

fever and can’t wait to feel the soil<br />

run through your fingers. I personally<br />

will just wait a few more<br />

weeks and get going on some<br />

tomatoes and cucs. As you can see,<br />

I have garden fever under control<br />

for now, but there may be an outbreak<br />

of it at some time in the future.<br />

It’s hard to say. Good luck to<br />

you on having a sensibly sized garden<br />

this time around. If I can do it,<br />

so can you, or at least for this year.<br />

No bets on next year.<br />

Don, lost his sister in a car accident<br />

recently and had to fly to the funeral.<br />

Bill and Norma Headlee were<br />

visited a couple times this weekend<br />

by their daughter, Corale Dorn,<br />

and family of Dell Rapids. The<br />

Dorns were coming and going to<br />

Spearfish where they participated<br />

in the Whirlwind Horse memorial<br />

run. This was in commemoration of<br />

a high-school and college classmate<br />

of some family members that had<br />

been killed in a car accident.<br />

Corale’s sister, Monica, is another<br />

runner in the family but didn’t participate<br />

in the run this year since<br />

she is expecting a baby in June.<br />

This was a long run but shorter<br />

versions were also available.<br />

Norma figured between Corale, her<br />

husband, and kids, a goodly number<br />

of miles were covered. Headlees<br />

were also visited by Norma’s sister,<br />

Marge Kraushaar, of Illionois this<br />

week. Marge had been staying with<br />

her brother, Tom DeVries, for a few<br />

days, and they both came over for<br />

supper one day when Corale and<br />

family were there. The Headlee<br />

household was busy last weekend<br />

over Easter with daughters, Monica,<br />

Donella, and Anora, on hand<br />

with various family members. Several<br />

kids were involved which required<br />

the hiding and finding of<br />

lots of Easter eggs.<br />

Greg Badure said they have<br />

been staying fairly close to home<br />

this week, in part because the kids<br />

had colds and such. There wasn’t<br />

even Sunday school on Sunday<br />

since teacher, Merry Willard, called<br />

and said she wasn’t in to fighting<br />

muddy roads to come in that day.<br />

Greg said they will go back to the<br />

12-hour days required for rest-area<br />

maintenance starting in mid-May.<br />

Out at the ranch, Al and Bax are<br />

into calving and are being assisted<br />

this year again by Paul Scherff.<br />

Paul works most of the year on a<br />

dude ranch, the H F Bar, near Buffalo<br />

and Sheridan, Wyoming. It is<br />

in the foothills of the Bighorn<br />

Mountains. This is the same ranch<br />

that Greg worked on for about 15<br />

years, and it is considered the second<br />

oldest dude ranch in the country.<br />

It was started back about 1910<br />

when its owners were looking for<br />

additional income to pay for the<br />

ranch. Various guys from the area<br />

have worked there on and off,<br />

mostly through Greg’s encouragement<br />

since he was the first from<br />

this area to work there. Tojo Osborn’s<br />

nephew, Troy Ehrmantraut,<br />

was one of those who spent several<br />

seasons at the H F Bar and one<br />

who often comes here in the spring<br />

to help with brandings and other<br />

work. He does a lot of horse shoeing<br />

during the year as well.<br />

Mike Perault said calving has<br />

been going quite well, thanks in<br />

part to the nice weather this year.<br />

He was glad to report an inch and<br />

twenty hundredths of rain this<br />

weekend which he said was very<br />

welcomed.<br />

Mark DeVries said his sons,<br />

Gavin and Geoffrey, are in track at<br />

present. The family often attends<br />

the Kadoka meets to cheer them<br />

on. Mark’s folks, Jim and Lynn,<br />

came from Kansas a few weeks ago<br />

during their spring break since<br />

they are both teachers. Jim is expected<br />

back probably in May for a<br />

while as usual as are various other<br />

family members. Lynn DeVries has<br />

taught school in Korea on and off<br />

for quite a few years but is not<br />

planning any trips there in the<br />

near future due to unrest between<br />

the Koreas and between them and<br />

neighboring countries.<br />

Winter Hours<br />

Sun: 3 p.m. - 10 p.m.<br />

Closed Mondays<br />

Tues. - Thurs:<br />

5 p.m. - 10 p.m.<br />

Fri. - Sat: 5 p.m. to<br />

Midnight<br />

344-2210<br />


Norris News<br />

Marjorie Anne Letellier • 462-6228<br />

“April showers spring<br />

May flowers”<br />

Thomas Tusser<br />

Saturday evening before Easter,<br />

Chris and Cindy Knecht and boys<br />

of Martin visited in the Dan Taft<br />

home. Easter Sunday guests at the<br />

Tafts were Susan’s parents, Alvin<br />

and Judy Simmons, of Martin.<br />

On Monday, Dan Taft and<br />

daughters, Samantha and Morgan,<br />

helped Evan and Dorothy Bligh<br />

work cattle at Maxine Allards.<br />

Samantha left for USD in Vermillion<br />

that evening. Dan, Susan and<br />

Morgan took livestock to Philip for<br />

the sale on Tuesday.<br />

The Jason Burma family left for<br />

their home at Sunshine Bible Academy<br />

on Easter Monday afternoon<br />

after spending the Easter holiday<br />

weekend at Norris. They went<br />

home by the way of Platte and visited<br />

a bit with Andrea Beckwith at<br />

the Todd County Tribune in Mission.<br />

Heather Taft headed back to<br />

SDSU at Brookings on Tuesday<br />

after spending the Easter weekend<br />

at home.<br />

The school election was held at<br />

the Norris Township Hall on Tuesday<br />

with Susan Taft, Leona Wood-<br />

April 19, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 3<br />

enKnife and Erna WoodenKnife<br />

serving on the election board.<br />

School News:<br />

The Tuesday afternoon grade<br />

school basketball games with<br />

White River will continue through<br />

the month of April. This week it is<br />

at Norris gym, come and cheer the<br />

kids on.<br />

Parent/teacher conferences will<br />

be held on Thursday evening from<br />

4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Parents be sure<br />

and attend.<br />

Maxine Allard and Evan and<br />

Dorothy Bligh were among the<br />

huge crowd of folks attending the<br />

services for Scott Arrow held on<br />

Wednesday afternoon at the Norris<br />

School gym. Our prayers continue<br />

for his dear family.<br />

Thursday morning the James<br />

Letelliers were in Philip and enjoyed<br />

a visit with Ellen Totton. Jim<br />

and Jessie Root of Midland also<br />

stopped to visit Ellen that morning.<br />

St. John Lutheran Ladies Aide<br />

met Thursday afternoon at the<br />

church with Sharon, Jan Ring and<br />

June Ring and Pastor Denke attending.<br />

They were busy planning<br />

the upcoming LWML meeting.<br />

Saturday, the gals hosted the<br />

Lutheran Women’s Missionary<br />

League at the church basement<br />

with twenty one ladies attending.<br />

Ladies attended represented<br />

churches in Gregory, Winner, Rosebud,<br />

Murdo, Draper, Chamberlain<br />

and Lead.<br />

Pastor Andrew Utecht was the<br />

speaker for the event. They were<br />

thrilled to have former St. John<br />

Lutheran Pastor and Mrs. Bob<br />

Utecht attend, along with former<br />

St. John members, Emma Waack,<br />

and daughters, Dorothy and Mildred,<br />

of Winner. Glad to hear your<br />

“boys” are taking such good care of<br />

you, Emma.<br />

Julie Letellier was an overnight<br />

guest at the James Letelliers and<br />

did some yard work before the drizzly<br />

weather set in on Saturday.<br />

When she turned the water on at<br />

the Burma garden spot, it really<br />

did decide settle down and rain.<br />

Rain is the name of the game<br />

these days. We woke up to a lovely<br />

slow steady rain on Sunday and it<br />

continued through out the day.<br />

Rain is worth more than pennies<br />

from heaven in this country! We<br />

are a very grateful people and with<br />

such a dry winter, we began to<br />

wonder if it even could rain. The<br />

moisture was just what the doctor<br />

ordered for this country and it<br />

came at the right time, too. It was<br />

fun to hear reports of anywhere to<br />

1.5 inches to 2.8 inches and everywhere<br />

in between. We are thankful<br />

for every drop!<br />

Have a great week!<br />

State Treasurer’s office continues search for owners of unclaimed property<br />

--by Elizabeth “Sam” Grosz<br />

Community News Service<br />

Whether it is a forgotten safety<br />

deposit box or a lost dividend<br />

check, or even misplaced shares of<br />

stock, the state of South Dakota is<br />

the keeper of unclaimed property.<br />

However, State Treasurer Rich<br />

Sattgast and his staff don’t necessarily<br />

want to keep the property<br />

forever. In fact, they actively work<br />

to get such items back to their<br />

rightful owners.<br />

Now, with several innovative<br />

ideas in place, Sattgast and Unclaimed<br />

Property Administrator<br />

Lee DeJabet already are seeing<br />

large increases in inquiries about<br />

such property, and getting it back<br />

in the hands of the rightful owners.<br />

But, just what is unclaimed property?<br />

“We get property in from the financial<br />

institutions, life insurance,<br />

banks, credit card companies, and<br />

safe deposit boxes or stock,” said<br />

DeJabet, and it is put into the department’s<br />

data base with the last<br />

known person, address, or “whatever<br />

the holder (financial institution)<br />

gives us.”<br />

Financial institutions from all<br />

over the nation are required to do<br />

that each year with unclaimed<br />

property, she said. Once the state<br />

has it, the state is required to advertise<br />

what it is holding.<br />

The advertising season recently<br />

ended for the department, and inquiries<br />

have been pouring in. The<br />

ads listed names, addresses and a<br />

file number for each unclaimed<br />

property and are regionalized for<br />

the area served by the newspaper.<br />

“Now we will ask you a few questions,”<br />

said DeJabet about the<br />

process, “if we are talking to you on<br />

the phone.” That will be such<br />

things as name, address and social<br />

security number. If that matches,<br />

she said, a claim form will be<br />

mailed out.<br />

The claim form will have on it<br />

how much the property is, where it<br />

came from, how much it is, and the<br />

guidelines, or documentation the<br />

department needs.<br />

“Two things we always require,”<br />

said DeJabet, “are a governmentissued<br />

photo ID and your social security<br />

number.” There will also<br />

have to be proof if a name has<br />

changed, she added.<br />

Then, depending on what kind of<br />

property it is, business, inheritance<br />

and such, all have their own type of<br />

documentation needed, she said.<br />

Once the applicant returns the<br />

claim form, she said, and “everything<br />

is good, we process it and it<br />

goes for payment.” This generally<br />

takes 10 days, DeJabet said, but<br />

can take up to three weeks, because<br />

after the Treasurer’s office<br />

processes the claim, it goes to the<br />

State Auditor for issuance of the<br />

check.<br />

It may only take one to two days<br />

at the Treasurer’s office, she said,<br />

but once it gets to the Auditor’s office,<br />

it has to be checked and placed<br />

on their payment schedule. If either<br />

office is experiencing high volume,<br />

it can take the three-week<br />

span.<br />

If there are any problems in locating<br />

information, however, it can<br />

take longer. That is especially true<br />

when it involves someone who has<br />

died, DeJabet noted, and heirs are<br />

trying to locate the required information.<br />

However, using the department’s<br />

Internet site, www.sdtreasurer.gov,<br />

can greatly speed up the<br />

process, with the key being to have<br />

the right information to submit.<br />

If after searching the list at the<br />

site, and finding property, there is<br />

a claim form to complete. Print the<br />

form and sign it, photocopy the requested<br />

documentation, and mail it<br />

to the State Treasurer’s Office. A<br />

search can also be requested by<br />

phone, calling the division at 1-<br />

866-357-2547, or emailing at unclaimed@sdtreasurer.gov.<br />

Written requests for searches<br />

may be sent to State Treasurer<br />

Rich Sattgast, Unclaimed Property<br />

Division, 500 E. Capitol Ave.,<br />

Pierre SD 57501. Items to include<br />

are your legal name, prior name if<br />

it has changed, current mailing address<br />

and phone number. If a<br />

search of someone else’s name is requested,<br />

the relationship with that<br />

person must be included.<br />

“It’s good to do the Internet<br />

search,” reminded Sattgast, since<br />

the ad listing in the newspapers is<br />

only the current year.<br />

There also is a dollar limit for<br />

those listed in the ads, said DeJabet.<br />

The website, she said, lists<br />

everything $10 and up. Typically,<br />

she said, if a claim is made, the<br />

staff will check also to see if there<br />

is anything under $10.<br />

“So, then you’ll find that $1.83<br />

dividend,” DeJabet added, “and<br />

we’ll attach it.”<br />

Currently, Sattgast said, nothing<br />

under the $50 limit is listed in<br />

the advertisement. Come July 1,<br />

when new legislation goes into effect,<br />

that limit will increase to<br />

$125.<br />

But the website still will have<br />

everything $10 and up, DeJabet<br />

said, and “we have the ability to<br />

change that limit.” However, the<br />

problem with seeing that mythical<br />

$1.18, she said, is that people will<br />

see that and won’t act on it.<br />

If a claim form is not returned in<br />

120 days, DeJabet said, and no response<br />

received to the reminder<br />

sent out halfway through, “we will<br />

drop your claim, because as you<br />

can imagine, we get thousands of<br />

claims and they will remain open<br />

and in our system if we don’t have<br />

a deadline.”<br />

It always can be refiled, said<br />

Sattgast, adding, “these properties<br />

are in perpetuity—there is no<br />

deadline that they no longer belong<br />

to the person.”<br />

“Our database is kept forever,”<br />

said DeJabet, adding, “we never<br />

erase your name… if it has not<br />

been paid out, you will always be in<br />

there.”<br />

It is, she said, what is called “a<br />

perpetual liability to the state of<br />

South Dakota—we are obligated to<br />

pay that at any point in time, and<br />

your heirs can come back and claim<br />

it.” And, she added, many do.<br />

With about 9,000 new properties<br />

a year to handle, the two explained,<br />

and only three staff members, it is<br />

not feasible to do cold calling,<br />

searching for people, even though<br />

some may appear obvious to the casual<br />

observer. DeJabet said they do<br />

go through and pull out the public<br />

entities that may be listed.<br />

And, Sattgast noted, “we have<br />

been advised by the Attorney General<br />

not to do a cold call,” since it<br />

could be a mistaken identity.<br />

If something is sent out to somebody<br />

in error, agreed DeJabet, “it<br />

becomes very difficult for them to<br />

understand” when it is found it<br />

does not belong to them after all.<br />

Sattgast said he encourages people<br />

to check, since the state is currently<br />

holding $23 million worth of<br />

property… just waiting for rightful<br />

owners to claim.<br />

Sattgast and staff members are<br />

not just sitting back waiting for you<br />

to call, however… they are doing<br />

what they can to be visible and<br />

available at large statewide or regional<br />

gatherings of people, such as<br />

at the Sioux Empire Home Show,<br />

the Black Hills Home Show, the<br />

State Fair, the Sioux Empire Fair,<br />

Brown County Fair and<br />

DakotaFest in Mitchell.<br />

And the newspaper advertising<br />

that is done each year reaps benefits<br />

seen in increased numbers of<br />

applicants.<br />

By emphasizing the web page in<br />

that advertising this year, DeJabet<br />

said, there were 2,000 more claims<br />

submitted as a result during the<br />

three-week cycle of advertising.<br />

People who call in and are on call<br />

waiting also are encouraged to use<br />

the web page. People with so-called<br />

“smart phones” can scan the ap<br />

logo in printed information to also<br />

take them to the information.<br />

During the non-advertising time<br />

frame, she said, “we average 50 per<br />

day… but that is actually picking<br />

up as people become more aware.”<br />

Sattgast said the division has two<br />

main responsibilities: one is finding<br />

the properties out there, and the<br />

other is reuniting them with the<br />

people to whom it rightfully belongs.<br />

“You can write to us,” DeJabet said,<br />

adding, “you can call us, you can<br />

check on-line, you can check on<br />

your phone, you can visit us at the<br />

Fair or the Home Show, you can<br />

walk in—lots of ways to get to us.”<br />

“And we love to give money away—<br />

we are one of the few government<br />

agencies that likes to give money<br />

away.”<br />

Notice<br />

When sending<br />

subscription<br />

payments<br />

PLEASE return<br />

the entire pink<br />

postcard<br />

with your payment.

Locals …<br />

Word was received by relatives<br />

and friends this past week of the<br />

death of Gerald Kerkvliet of Salem.<br />

Jerry passed away on Thursday,<br />

April 12 in Sioux Falls. He was the<br />

husband of the former Faye Parke<br />

and they were residents of Kadoka<br />

until just a few years ago, when<br />

they moved to Salem. His funeral<br />

was held Monday at St. Mary’s<br />

Catholic Church in Salem. Sympathy<br />

is extended to his family.<br />

Mary Petras has been discharged<br />

from the Philip hospital<br />

and is now a resident of the<br />

Kadoka Nursing Home. Her<br />

daughters, Marcene Buehrer of E.<br />

Alton, IL., and Marsha and Mark<br />

Rayfield of Granby, CO., spent several<br />

days in Kadoka helping their<br />

mom get settled and visiting their<br />

brother and wife, Gary and Linda<br />

Petras. On Sunday Jody Petras<br />

and friend, John, of Rapid City and<br />

Bruce and Virginia Conlee of Black<br />

Hawk visited in the Petras home.<br />

Cindy and Kenny Wilmarth<br />

drove to Deadwood on Wednesday<br />

of last week where they attended<br />

the food show held there. On Saturday<br />

they went to Belle Fourche<br />

to the track meet, which took place<br />

on a very chilly, rainy day. On their<br />

way home they had supper at the<br />

Tricia and Kyle Amiotte home in<br />

Piedmont. They helped their<br />

daughter, Tricia, and their grandson,<br />

Cedar, celebrate their birthdays.<br />

Rob and Theresa Smith of Little<br />

Rock, AR, arrived in Kadoka on<br />

Friday. They are with the Family<br />

Life Ministries and Rob spoke in<br />

the Presbyterian Church on Sunday.<br />

While here they were guests of<br />

Boyd and Pat Porch. Theresa is the<br />

daughter of Mary Schnee. The<br />

Smiths left for their home on Sunday<br />

afternoon.<br />

Orville and Shirley Josserand<br />

entertained several relatives for<br />

Easter Sunday dinner on April 8.<br />

Among those present were Joe and<br />

June Wanczyk of Wall; Merilee<br />

Grimes, Levi and Elissa Grimes<br />

and children, Austin and Jessica<br />

Jean Grimes and sons, and Tom<br />

Alayna<br />

Marie<br />

Local News<br />

Sydne Lenox • Robyn Jones<br />

Grimes, all of Kadoka; Lindsey<br />

Davila and a friend, Matt Davis of<br />

Rapid City; Coleen and Matt<br />

McHolland of Fallbrook, CA, and<br />

Stacy Green and son, Lane, of Box<br />

Elder.<br />

The April meeting of Jackson<br />

County Unit 27, American Legion<br />

Auxiliary, was held on April 12 at<br />

the Community Room of the Gateway<br />

Apartments. Linda Riggins,<br />

Co-District President gave her report<br />

on the District Meeting which<br />

was held in Rapid City in March.<br />

She stated that the new District<br />

President is Janet Wasserburger of<br />

Rapid City and she will take over<br />

the position at the June Department<br />

Convention, which will be in<br />

Watertown. The only junior that<br />

will be attending Girls State is<br />

Kwincy Ferguson. Tessa Stout and<br />

Mariah Pierce have conflicting<br />

schedules and cannot attend the<br />

upcoming session. The Americanism<br />

Poem and Essay winners were<br />

announced and are as follows:<br />

poems – Grade four, Eve Patterson,<br />

first; Kaylee O’Daniel, second;<br />

Grade five, Kaylee Eisenbraun,<br />

first; Anna Stone, second; Class V<br />

– Tory Lurz, first, and Kianna<br />

Badure, second. Essays – Grade 3<br />

and 4, Jarred Hicks, first and<br />

Gabrielle Sitting Up, second; Grade<br />

5 and 6, Jacob Young, first and<br />

Alyssa Ciritak, second. All the first<br />

place winners also won in the district<br />

and their poems and essays<br />

were sent on for Department competition.<br />

Six large quilts and 14<br />

laprobes were taken to the Veterans<br />

Hospital in Ft. Meade this past<br />

month. The next meeting will be<br />

held on May 10.<br />

Jeff Willert rode in a couple<br />

rodeos this past week. He had no<br />

winning score in Pocatello, ID, but<br />

tied for first place in Logandale,<br />

NV, with a score of 83 and getting<br />

a check for $3,701. The last week in<br />

March he rode in Fargo, ND, placing<br />

fourth with a score of 75 and<br />

adding $520 to his overall winnings.<br />

Depending on the draw, he<br />

plans to ride in Red Bluff, CA, in a<br />

rodeo on April 20-22.<br />

Dance to Wilt Brothers<br />

Saturday, April 21st<br />

9 p.m. to 1 a.m.<br />

~ ~ Special ~ ~<br />

Prime Rib Steak<br />

with salad bar<br />

Club 27<br />

Hwy 284 • Kadoka • 837-2241<br />

It’s A Girl!<br />

Born on February 18, 2012<br />

7 lbs 13 oz • 20 inches<br />

at the Rapid City Regional Hospital<br />

Parents: Jeffrey Patterson & Cally Carlson<br />

Rapid City, SD<br />

~ ~ Proud Grandparents ~ ~<br />

Grandparents<br />

Charlie & Kathleen Carlson, Kadoka<br />

Grant & Susan Patterson, Kadoka<br />

Great Grandparents<br />

Jim & Pat Murdock, Whitewater, MT<br />

Lillian Carlson, Kadoka<br />

Adeline Kaufman, Delmont<br />

Patty Patterson, Kadoka<br />

Jerry Patterson, Kadoka<br />

Kadoka Nursing Home<br />

Kenton & Angela McKeehan • 837-2270<br />

Construction has moved inside<br />

the nursing home this week as the<br />

sprinkler system is being installed.<br />

It is quite noisy and dusty, but<br />

progress is being made quickly.<br />

Emma Jarl enjoyed the company<br />

of Bonnie Madsen on Saturday.<br />

Many friends stopped in to see<br />

Emma on her 98th birthday this<br />

week. Family members Stan, Debi,<br />

Trey, Savanna and Steve Knispel<br />

were present.<br />

Harold Schnee welcomed his<br />

daughter, Carol LaBau, on Saturday<br />

to celebrate his 95th birthday.<br />

Larry Grimme called on Harold.<br />

Rob and Teresa Smith, Harold and<br />

Mary's daughter from Little Rock,<br />

AR, were here this week.<br />

Joyce Handcock received several<br />

visitors on Saturday: Jim and<br />

Kathy Rock; Brice, MaKenna and<br />

Hayden Rock; and Preston, Bailey<br />

and Paisley Patterson. On Sunday,<br />

Tayta and Cappie West and Sanna<br />

and Brandon Rock came in to see<br />

Grandma Joyce. During the week<br />

Bonnie Ferguson, Jim and Kathy<br />

Rock, Kwincy Ferguson, and Sanna<br />

and Madalyn Rock were in to visit<br />

with Joyce.<br />

Awarded … Harry Weller<br />

poses with his National Interscholastic<br />

Athletic Administrators<br />

Association plaque. He received the<br />

award for 15 years as an athletic<br />

director.<br />

Home: (605) 837-2945<br />

Cell: (605) 381-5568<br />

Excavation work of<br />

WBackhoe<br />

WTrenching<br />

WDirectional<br />

Boring<br />

WTire Tanks<br />

Brent Peters<br />

ALL types!<br />

Located in<br />

Kadoka, SD<br />

��������������<br />

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Sunday, April 29<br />

at 2 p.m.<br />

Gateway Apts. Community<br />

Room, Kadoka<br />

Cards may be sent to:<br />

24080 South Creek Road<br />

Kadoka, SD 57543<br />

Mary Bull Bear visited with her<br />

daughter, Sonia, on Saturday.<br />

Granddaughters Nevaeh and<br />

Carsyn Pierce were in to see Mary<br />

on Sunday.<br />

Lova Bushnell stopped in to visit<br />

several friends on Saturday.<br />

Patty Patterson spent time with<br />

Preston, Bailey and Paisley Patterson<br />

on Saturday. Tammy Carlson<br />

visited with her mother on Sunday.<br />

Polly Kujawa enjoyed time with<br />

her son, Jim, this week.<br />

Ruth Klundt celebrated her<br />

birthday and her husband, Lyle,<br />

took her out to supper.<br />

Becky Chapman had a pleasant<br />

time with her family, Jodie<br />

O’Bryan, Faye O’Bryan, JD,<br />

Stormie and Ruby.<br />

Pastor Art visited with Joby<br />

Gerry, Carol Borelsen and Joyce<br />

Handcock on Monday.<br />

Pastor Ray Greenseth spent<br />

time with Mary Ellen Herbaugh on<br />

Monday.<br />

Dwight Louder had a good visit<br />

with his wife, Dorothy, and son,<br />

Kevin, on Wednesday.<br />

Sylvan Kruse enjoyed time with<br />

his brother, Charlie, on Friday.<br />

Kadoka to host Pacesetter<br />

basketball camp June 4-6<br />

Kadoka Area School will host a<br />

Pacesetter Basketball Camp for all<br />

boys and girls entering grades 3-12<br />

Monday – Wednesday, June 4-6 at<br />

the Kadoka City Auditorium.<br />

All boys and girls entering<br />

grades 3-5 will meet from 8:00-9:30<br />

a.m., all boys and girls entering<br />

grades 6-8 will meet from 9:30 a.m.<br />

– 12:00 noon and all boys and girls<br />

entering grades 9-12 will meet<br />

from 1:00-5:00 p.m. Each session<br />

is limited to the first 24 players to<br />

register. Players registered by May<br />

1 are offered a discount.<br />

The Pacesetter “Fundamentals<br />

for Champions” program stresses a<br />

solid foundation of instruction, followed<br />

by drills to simulate game<br />

situations, and games to help develop<br />

the skills into habit.<br />

The Pacesetter staff is compromised<br />

of former state champions,<br />

college coaches, or highly successful<br />

high school coaches who love<br />

teaching basketball to young people.<br />

Pacesetter focuses on teaching<br />

the most important skills to make<br />

the greatest possible improvement<br />

in a few days.<br />

Registration forms are available<br />

from Coach Mark Reiman. Interested<br />

players or parents may also<br />

call Pacesetter directly at 320-243-<br />

7460, check the website at<br />

www.pacesetter.com, or email<br />

Pacesetter Director Jeff McCarron<br />

at jeff@pacesetternet.com.<br />

Come Join Us!<br />

Tuesday, April 24 • 7 p.m.<br />

Creative Cuts & Fitness • Kadoka<br />

Presented by Brenda Jonhson<br />

90th Birthday<br />

Celebration<br />

for<br />

Russ Hicks<br />

No gifts please. Let your<br />

presence be your gift.<br />

April 19, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 4<br />

State Fair looks for South Dakota talent<br />

A long-time tradition at the<br />

South Dakota State Fair is the<br />

Sherwin Linton Show on the Centennial<br />

Stage, and the popular musician<br />

is looking for South Dakota<br />

talent to join him this summer at<br />

the Fair.<br />

A large part of Linton’s time is<br />

spent finding and presenting South<br />

Dakota talent at the State Fair.<br />

The Fair and Linton are asking<br />

for musicians, singers and variety<br />

performers to submit materials to<br />

the Fair for consideration to perform<br />

as guests with “The Sherwin<br />

Linton Show,” which performs<br />

three times daily on the Centennial<br />

Stage during the State Fair.<br />

“We like to invite entertainers of<br />

all ages, both professional and nonprofessional,<br />

to be on stage with us.<br />

They may use pre-recorded tracks<br />

for backup or play their own instruments,”<br />

Linton said. “The experience<br />

and exposure are very positive<br />

things not only for our audience<br />

but also the performers.”<br />

Linton invited two of last year’s<br />

guests, 18-year-old Lane Moore of<br />

Vivian and eight-year-old Delaney<br />

Johnston of Summit, to sing on his<br />

show at the Midwest Country<br />

Music Theater in Sandstone, Minn.<br />

The Midwest Country show is aired<br />

nationally each week on the RFD<br />

TV Network.<br />

For consideration for the 2012<br />

South Dakota State Fair, please<br />

submit a photo, brief bio and CD or<br />

DVD to: Sherwin Linton, Centennial<br />

Stage, South Dakota State<br />

Fair, 890 3rd Street SW, Huron, SD<br />

57350.<br />

The 2012 South Dakota State<br />

Fair will run from Thursday, Aug.<br />

30 through Monday, Sept. 3. Channel<br />

Seeds Preview night will be<br />

Wednesday, Aug. 29. For more information<br />

on State Fair events,<br />

contact the Fair office at 800-529-<br />

0900, visit www.sdstatefair.com or<br />

find it on Facebook and Twitter.<br />

Jackson County FSA<br />

Michael Goetzinger, County Executive Director<br />


The Jackson County-Farm<br />

Service Agency (FSA) reminds producers<br />

that the deadline to enroll<br />

in the 2012 Direct and Counter-<br />

Cyclical Payment (DCP) or Farm<br />

Program is June 1.<br />

DCP provides payments to eligible<br />

producers on farms enrolled for<br />

the 2012 crop year. There are two<br />

types of DCP payments: direct<br />

payments and counter-cyclical<br />

payments. Both are calculated<br />

using the base acres and payment<br />

yields established for the farm.<br />

DCP is authorized by the Food,<br />

Conservation, and Energy Act of<br />

2008 (2008 Farm Bill). Participating<br />

producers agree, among other<br />

things, to apply conservation compliance<br />

plans on Highly Erodible<br />

land, control weeds/pests and follow<br />

the swampbuster/sodbuster<br />

provisions.<br />


The U.S. Department of Agriculture's<br />

Farm Service Agency<br />

(FSA) FSA makes direct and guaranteed<br />

farm ownership (FO) and<br />

operating loans (OL) to family-size<br />

farmers and ranchers who cannot<br />

obtain commercial credit from a<br />

bank, Farm Credit System institution,<br />

or other lenders. HYPER-<br />

L I N K<br />

"http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/new<br />

sReleases?area=newsroom&subject=landing&topic=pfs&newstype=prfactsheet&type=detail&it<br />

em=pf_20120330_farln_en_frmln1<br />

2.html" \t "_top" FSA loans can be<br />

used to purchase land, livestock,<br />

equipment, feed, seed, and supplies.<br />

Our loans can also be used to<br />

construct buildings or make farm<br />

improvements.<br />

FSA also makes operating loans<br />

of up to $5,000 to eligible individual<br />

rural youths age 10 through 20<br />

to finance income-producing, agriculture-related<br />

projects. The proj-<br />

Spring Fling<br />

Saturday, April 21<br />

at Club 27 • 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.<br />

Norwex<br />

Princess House<br />

Pampered Chef<br />

Mary Kay<br />

Tupperware<br />

ect must be of modest size, educational,<br />

and initiated, developed<br />

and carried out by rural youths<br />

participating in 4-H clubs, FFA or<br />

a similar organization.<br />

The project must be an organized<br />

and supervised program of<br />

work. It must be planned and operated<br />

with the assistance of the<br />

organization advisor, produce sufficient<br />

income to repay the loan,<br />

and provide the youth with practical<br />

business and educational experience<br />

in agriculture-related skills.<br />


"http://forms.sc.egov.usda.gov/eFor<br />

ms/welcomeAction.do?Home" \t<br />

"_new" loan application forms and<br />

information are available on our<br />

website @ HYPERLINK<br />

" h t t p : / / w w w. f s a . u s d a . g o v "<br />

www.fsa.usda.gov. We also encourage<br />

you to contact your HYPER-<br />

L I N K<br />

"http://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app?state=us&agency=fsa"<br />

\t "_new" local USDA Service Center<br />

to learn more about our programs<br />

and the information you<br />

will need for a complete application.<br />


•USDA Ag Service Center<br />

closed in observance of Memorial<br />

Day – May 28<br />

•Final day to obtain 2011 crop<br />

sunflowers & grain sorghum grain<br />

loans- May 31<br />

•As mentioned above, the deadline<br />

to enroll in the 2012 Direct<br />

and Counter-Cyclical Payment-<br />

DCP or Average Crop Revenue<br />

Election-ACRE or a.k.a. Farm Program<br />

is June 1<br />

•Supplemental Revenue Assistance<br />

Payment Program (SURE)<br />

2010 crop disaster – June 1<br />

•2011 ACRE Production Evidence<br />

– July 15;<br />

•Deadline to Report Acres –<br />

July 15.<br />

Cookie Lee<br />

Miche<br />

Partylite<br />

Just For Fun

This & That …<br />

Kadoka is host to Harry Weller Track Meet<br />

The Harry Weller track meet<br />

was held in Kadoka on Tuesday,<br />

April 10.<br />

Boys Events<br />

Discus<br />

3rd Logan Ammons 133.11<br />

4x200 Relay<br />

4th Kadoka 1:42.4<br />

Kenar VanderMay, Chandlier Sudbeck,<br />

Brady Sudbeck, Sean Ireland<br />

1600 Meter Run<br />

2nd Clint Stout 4:58.5<br />

4x100 Relay<br />

4th Kadoka 49.2<br />

Kenar VanderMay, True Buchholz,<br />

Brady Sudbeck, Wyatt Enders<br />

400 Meter Dash<br />

5th Sean Ireland 55.7<br />

300 Meter Hurdles<br />

4th Chandlier Sudbeck 45.3<br />

Medley Relay<br />

1st Kadoka 4:06.8<br />

Kenar VanderMay, Brady Sudbeck,<br />

Clint Stout, Sean Ireland<br />

300 Meter Hurdles<br />

4th Chandlier Sudbeck 45.3<br />

4x400 Relay<br />

2nd Kadoka 3:49.8<br />

Sam Pretty Bear, Chandlier Sudbeck,<br />

Clint Stout, Sean Ireland<br />

Girls Events<br />

Long Jump<br />

2nd Kate Rasmussen 14’6<br />

5th Gusti Terkildsen 13’1.75<br />

Triple Jump<br />

3rd Kate Rasmussen 30’6.5<br />

Jackson County<br />

Title Co., Inc.<br />

PO Box 544 • Kadoka, SD 57543<br />

u u u u u<br />

Open Tuesday & Wednesday<br />

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.<br />

(605) 837-2286<br />

Snacks<br />

Food<br />

Coffee<br />

Ice • Beer<br />

Pop<br />

Groceries<br />


FUEL<br />

Kadoka Oil Co.<br />

Kadoka, SD<br />

605-837-2271<br />

For fuel &<br />

propane delivery:<br />

1-800-742-0041<br />

(Toll-free)<br />

Mark & Tammy Carlson<br />

High Jump<br />

5th Raven Jorgensen 4’5<br />

Pole Valt<br />

4th Jerica Coller 5’6<br />

4x800 Relay<br />

1st Kadoka 10:32.5<br />

Tess Byrd, Shaley Herber,<br />

Victoria Letellier, Tia Carlson<br />

100 Meter Hurdles<br />

5th Marti Herber 19.4<br />

4x200 Relay<br />

1st Kadoka 2:01.7<br />

Taylor Merchen, Marti Herber,<br />

Tess Byrd, Victoria Letellier<br />

1600 Meter Run<br />

1st Tia Carlson 5:42.5<br />

6th Scout Sudbeck 6:28.4<br />

4x100 Relay<br />

2nd Kadoka 57.3<br />

Taylor Merchen, Destiny Dale,<br />

Gusti Terkildsen, Kwincy Ferguson<br />

400 Meter Dash<br />

6th Shaley Herber 1:08.6<br />

Medley Relay<br />

3rd Kadoka 4:56.1<br />

Taylor Merchen, Victoria Letellier,<br />

Shaley Herber, Tess Byrd<br />

800 Meter Run<br />

1st Tia Carlson 2:30<br />

3200 Meter Run<br />

4th Scout Sudbeck 13:31.2<br />

4x400 Meter Relay<br />

2nd Kadoka 4:34.9<br />

Tess Byrd, Shaley Herber,<br />

Victoria Letellier, Tia Carlson<br />

Medley relay … Brady Sudbeck hands off to Clint Stout during the<br />

medley relay at the track meet on Tuesday, April 10 in Kadoka. The relay<br />

team of Kenar VanderMay, Sudbeck, Stout and Sean Ireland took first<br />

place with a time of 4:06.8. --photos by Robyn Jones<br />

Triple Jump … Kate Rasmussen<br />

took third place with a<br />

jump of 30’ 6 1/2”.<br />

Long jump … Gusti Terkildsen<br />

made a jump of 13’ 1.75” which<br />

captured fifth place.<br />

Midwest<br />

Cooperative Kadoka<br />

South Dakota<br />

•Grain •Feed •Salt<br />

•Fuel •Twine<br />

Phone: 837-2235<br />

Check our prices first!<br />

Ditching & Trenching of<br />

ALL types!<br />

837-2690<br />

Craig cell 605-390-8087<br />

Sauntee cell 605-390-8604<br />

Ask about our solar wells.<br />

2012 Center of the Nation Invitational, April 14<br />

Girls Events<br />

Girls 100 Meter Dash<br />

13, Terkildsen, G., 14.69. 15, Dale,<br />

D., 14.86, 27. Pierce, M., 15.89.<br />

Girls 400 Meter Dash<br />

5, Herber, S., 1:08.67. 8, Ferguson,<br />

K., 1:10.76. 24, Pierce, M., 1:22.02.<br />

Girls 1600 Meter Run<br />

1, Carlson, T., 5:44.88. 4, Sudbeck,<br />

S., 6:25.36. 11, Anderson M.,<br />

6:55.49.<br />

Girls 3200 Meter Run<br />

3, Sudbeck, S., 13:12.00. 7, Anderson,<br />

M., 14:38.05.<br />

Girls 100 Meter Hurdles<br />

6, Pierce, M., 20.06.<br />

Girls 300 Meter Hurdles<br />

8, Pierce, M., 1:00.86.<br />

Girls 4x100 Meter Relay<br />

3, Kadoka Area 58.06.<br />

Girls 4x200 Meter Relay<br />

5, Kadoka Area 2:01.96.<br />

Girls 4x800 Meter Relay<br />

1, Kadoka Area 10:31.70.<br />

Girls 1600 Sprint Medley<br />

3, Kadoka Area 5:00.93.<br />

Girls High Jump<br />

7, Jorgensen, R., 4-03.<br />

Girls Long Jump<br />

4, Rasmussen, K., 14-04.50. 8,<br />

"The healthiest competition<br />

occurs when average people win<br />

by putting above average effort."<br />

-Colin Powell<br />

The Kadoka FFA Chapter is<br />

back at it again! On April 4th the<br />

CDE teams traveled to Philip and<br />

Wall to compete in the District FFA<br />

Career Development Event.<br />

Once again all of the teams did<br />

great, pushing to the fullest potential<br />

of each student.<br />

The Farm Management team<br />

placed first with Brandon Dale<br />

placing 2nd individually, Chance<br />

Knutson placed 3rd, Kenar Vander-<br />

May in 5th and Sean Ireland picking<br />

up the 8th position.<br />

The Natural Resources team<br />

placed 3rd overall, with CIint Stout<br />

in 8th place, and Aage Cepecha in<br />

10th independently.<br />

The Livestock Judging team had<br />

a rough go overall, but Jed<br />

Brown lead the team with a 6thplace<br />

finish.<br />

Parent’s Night<br />

at the Kadoka School<br />

April 19th • 5 to 8 p.m.<br />

Keep the focus<br />

on your business!<br />

Call us for a spot<br />

on our B&P.<br />

837-2259<br />

Phone<br />

837-2697<br />

Kadoka<br />

SD<br />

B.L. PORCH<br />

Veterinarian<br />

Love & Logic<br />

Terkildsen, G., 13-07.<br />

Girls Triple Jump<br />

3, Rasmussen, K., 30-07. 9, Terkildsen,<br />

G., 28-06.75. 14, Jorgensen, R.,<br />

25-10.<br />

Girls Shot Put<br />

14, Word, M., 24-05.<br />

Boys Events<br />

Boys 100 Meter Dash<br />

31, Merchen, T., 14.09.<br />

Boys 1600 Meter Run<br />

23, Anderson, B., 6:18.80. 26,<br />

Merchen, T., 6:38.17.<br />

Boys 3200 Meter Run<br />

13, Anderson, B., 12:46.57. 14<br />

Boys 110 Meter Hurdles<br />

4, Sudbeck, C., 18.95.<br />

Boys 300 Meter Hurdles<br />

4, Sudbeck, C., 45.32.<br />

Boys 4x200 Meter Relay<br />

7, Kadoka Area 1:41.82.<br />

Boys 4x800 Meter Relay<br />

5, Kadoka Area 9:48.01.<br />

Boys 1600 Sprint Medley<br />

3, Kadoka Area 4:06.16.<br />

Boys Shot Put<br />

8, Ammons, L., 37-05.<br />

Boys Discus<br />

2, Ammons, L., 127-02.<br />

FFA competition continues, headed<br />

to state convention in Brookings<br />

The Horse Judging team placed<br />

1st. Nicole VanderMay placed first<br />

individually, with Tessa Stout trailing<br />

close behind in 3rd place.<br />

Logan Ammons was 4th, True<br />

Buchholz 6th and Katie Lensegrav<br />

took 7th. This was the first time<br />

that all of the Horse Judging team<br />

placed in the top ten. It is a very<br />

great accomplishment.<br />

The Range Plant I.D. team had<br />

another 1st-place finish in the<br />

team standings. Kate Rasmussen<br />

placed 1st independently, with<br />

Austin Thayer in 4th, Myles Addison<br />

6th and Logan Christensen in<br />

7th place.<br />

This week the FFA Chapter will<br />

be traveling to the State Convention<br />

in Brookings, SD. A follow up<br />

of the convention will be with held<br />

in the following week’s paper. As always,<br />

we appreciate your support<br />

of the FFA Chapter.<br />

techniques presented by Myrna Becker<br />

Supper will be served &<br />

Child care provided<br />

Everyone Invited!<br />

--Tessa Stout<br />

Pacesetter Basketball Camp<br />

Mon. – Wed., June 4-6 at the<br />

Kadoka City Auditorium<br />

All boys and girls entering grades 3-5 will meet from 8:00-9:30 a.m.<br />

All boys and girls entering grades 6-8 will meet from 9:30 a.m. – noon<br />

All boys and girls entering grades 9-12 will meet from 1:00-5:00 p.m.<br />

Each session is limited to the first 24 players to register.<br />

Players registered by May 1 are offered a discount.<br />

Registration forms are available from Coach Mark Reiman.<br />

Interested players or parents may also call Pacesetter directly<br />

at 320-243-7460, check the website at www.pacesetter.com<br />

or email Pacesetter Director Jeff McCarron at<br />

jeff@pacesetternet.com.<br />

Business & Professional<br />

Directory for Kadoka<br />

& Surrounding Area<br />

Sonya Addison<br />

Independent Scentsy Consultant<br />

605-837-2077 home<br />

605-488-0846 cell<br />

sraddison.scentsy.us<br />

Divisions of Ravellette Publications, Inc.: Kadoka Press: 837-2259<br />

<strong>Pioneer</strong> <strong>Review</strong>: 859-2516 • The Profit: 859-2516<br />

Pennington County Courant: 279-2565<br />

New Underwood Post: 754-6466 • Faith Independent: 967-2161<br />

Bison Courier: 244-7199 • Murdo Coyote: 669-2271<br />

April 19, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 5<br />

On Wednesday the 11th of April,<br />

five students from Kadoka Area<br />

High School attended the Mitchell<br />

Technical Institute’s exploration<br />

day.<br />

Bri Stone and Sierra Sitting Up<br />

explored the culinary school and<br />

were able to check out housing options<br />

as well.<br />

Ty Merchen, Ryder Sanftner and<br />

Chris Anderson took in the power<br />

sports major, farm and industrial<br />

tech, carpentry and diesel engines.<br />

The students represented<br />

Kadoka well, and seemed impressed<br />

with the new building and<br />

advancement that is taking place<br />

at MTI.<br />

Below are some of the student<br />

responses from the day.<br />

What I can say about the trip is<br />

it was very fun -- there was some<br />

stuff I like and didn’t really like. I<br />

didn’t like the ag technical because<br />

there was too much talking and<br />

they were saying stuff I all ready<br />

know. But my last class was very<br />

good -- we got to see a lot of equipment<br />

they worked on. I really liked<br />

Mitchell but I would like to see<br />

what other schools have too.<br />

--Ty Merchen<br />

The MTI visit helped me learn<br />

more about what kind of thing I am<br />

able to do, my career was carpentry,<br />

it’s what I was looking at doing.<br />

But I found out a lot about power<br />



The Kadoka Area School District will be conducting their annual<br />

pre-school and kindergarten screening on Wednesday,<br />

May 16th. All pre-school children ages birth through five and<br />

any six-year-olds that are new to the district and have not previously<br />

been screened are eligible for testing. This includes all<br />

children in the Kadoka Area School District -- Kadoka, Long Valley,<br />

Interior and Midland. Sara Speer, Birth to Three Coordinator,<br />

will be available for testing and questions.<br />

This screening is free and will help determine the specific<br />

needs of individual children. It will help answer questions about<br />

developmental progress or school readiness skills. The preschool<br />

screening will include a check of speech, language, vision,<br />

hearing and motor skill development. Someone from<br />

Jackson County Health will be there to conduct the hearing and<br />

vision screening and to check shot records.<br />

Parents are asked to call Danielle at 837-2173 and register<br />

their children. Only those kindergarten children not already attending<br />

pre-school need to call and register. This will help in<br />

child count for pre-school and kindergarten enrollment.<br />

Parents will be called to schedule appointments for this<br />

screening. Parents with questions concerning the screening<br />

and/or scheduling are requested to call the elementary office or<br />

Pam Bonenberger, pre-school/speech, or Becky Keegan,<br />

kindergarten, at 837-2173.<br />

There will also be Head Start sign up.<br />

Kadoka, SD<br />

605-837-2431<br />

Philip, SD<br />

605-859-2610<br />

Check out our website!<br />

http://www.goldenwest.net/~kdahei<br />

Complete line of veterinary<br />

services & products.<br />


8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.<br />


8:00 a.m. to noon<br />

by appointment<br />

KAHS students<br />

explore MTI<br />

in Mitchell<br />

A look at college life … Sierra Sitting Up and Bri Stone (pictured<br />

above), and also pictured bottom with Syder Sanftner, Chris Anderson<br />

and Ty Merchen spent a day exploring the Mitchell Technical<br />

Institute. --courtesy photo<br />

sports and farm power. I talked a<br />

lot about types of financial aid and<br />

where I could live; I found more<br />

about road construction and power<br />

line careers. At this point I don't<br />

know what I am doing, but I have<br />

a lot of information about the careers,<br />

financial aid and types of<br />

scholarships I might try and find. I<br />

have a lot to think about until I<br />

graduate, but at least I know what<br />

kind of classes I could take to help<br />

me in tech school. I’ll have to get<br />

my grades up and come in on time<br />

to school. I’ll have to try a lot more<br />

to get my grades up and keep them<br />

up, if I want to go to MTI, but I<br />

think I am going to have to grow up<br />

a little before I start thinking about<br />

a school and actually pass high<br />

school!<br />

--Chris Anderson<br />

I felt like the trip to Mitchell<br />

was a great learning experience to<br />

see the type of environment that I<br />

will be working in and the way that<br />

you behave in a shop such as the<br />

way our tour guides showed us<br />

they act. I felt like this gave me a<br />

better outlook at going to school<br />

there and I believe I will. Thank<br />

you for your patience and cooperation<br />

on helping us out and taking<br />

time out of your day to show us<br />

what we can look forward to in college.<br />

--Ryder Sanftner<br />

Kadoka Clinic & Lab<br />

601 Chestnut<br />

Kadoka, SD 57543-0640<br />

Fax: 837-2061 Ph: 837-2257<br />

MONDAY<br />

Dave Webb, PA-C<br />


Dave Webb, PA-C<br />

Wednesday - CLOSED<br />

Please call Philip Clinic<br />

800-439-8047<br />


Dr. David Holman<br />

FRIDAY<br />

Dr. Coen Klopper<br />

Clinic Hours:<br />

8:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:00<br />

Lab Hours:<br />

8:15 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:00<br />

The Lab & X-ray departments<br />

accept orders from any provider.<br />

Kadoka Clinic is a Medicare provider &<br />

accepts assignments on Medicare bills.

Public Notices …<br />



FOR BIDS<br />

Sealed bids for the Interior Repairs for<br />

the Kadoka Area School District, Kadoka,<br />

South Dakota, will be received by the<br />

Kadoka School District no later than<br />

2:00pm CDT May 4, 2012. Bids will be<br />

opened at this time. Bids will be received<br />

at the school district offices located 800<br />

Bayberry Street, Kadoka, SD 57543.<br />

The Board of Education will act on the<br />

bids at their regularly scheduled meeting<br />

on Wednesday, May 9, 2012, at 7:00<br />

p.m., at the school district offices in<br />

Kadoka, SD.<br />

The project consists of interior gypsum<br />

board repairs at the Kadoka Schools<br />

Great Hall, Kadoka, SD. Refer to the<br />

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documents for the extent of the additions<br />

and renovations.<br />

The work will be completed per the<br />

"Summary of the Work," as is listed in the<br />

project specifications. It is suggested that<br />

the bidder review the "Contract Documents"<br />

consisting of the project specifications<br />

and contract drawings<br />

completely in addition to visiting the actual<br />

site. Bids will be received for a single<br />

prime contract on a lump sum basis for<br />

all the required work. All construction will<br />

conform to the latest Standards of the International<br />

Building Code.<br />


There will be a non-mandatory pre-bid<br />

meeting on April 27, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.<br />

MST. The meeting will review the project<br />

requirements and both the Architect and<br />

Owner will be available for questions at<br />

that time. The meeting place will begin at<br />

the School District Offices, 800 Bayberry<br />

Street, Kadoka, SD.<br />


All bids shall be in accordance with forms<br />

and specifications attached to and made<br />

a part of the contract documents. Contract<br />

documents including plans and<br />

specifications may be examined at the<br />

following locations:<br />

Baldridge & Nelson Architects and<br />

Engineers, Inc., Sioux Falls, SD<br />

Plains Builders Exchange,<br />

Sioux Falls and Rapid City, SD<br />

Sioux Falls Builders Exchange,<br />

Sioux Falls, SD<br />

Construction Industry Center,<br />

Rapid City, SD<br />

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Bidders may obtain copies of the contract<br />

documents at the office of the Architect<br />

– Baldridge & Nelson Architects and<br />

Engineers, Inc., 408 W. Lotta Street,<br />

Suite 2, Sioux Falls, SD 57105, 605-334-<br />

7179, in accordance with the Instructions<br />

to Bidders. No partial sets will be issued.<br />

Only one set will be issued to bidders.<br />

Bidders must provide a 24 HR notice<br />

prior to picking up contract documents.<br />



This Advertisement for Bids does not<br />

commit the Owner to award a contract,<br />

nor to pay any costs incurred in the<br />

preparation of bid(s) or to procure supplies.<br />

The Owner reserves the right to reject<br />

any and all bids, to waive any<br />

informalities or irregularities and to re-advertise<br />

when it is in the best interest of<br />

the Kadoka School District.<br />


Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified<br />

check, cashier’s check or draft in<br />

the amount of 5% of the base bid and all<br />

add alternates and drawn on a State or<br />

National Bank or a 10% bid bond issued<br />

by a Surety authorized to do business in<br />

the State of South Dakota and made<br />

payable to the Kadoka School District<br />

35-2.<br />


CURITY<br />

The successful bidder will be required to<br />

furnish and pay for satisfactory performance<br />

and payment bonds in the amount<br />

of 100% of the amount of the Contract<br />

Award.<br />

Bids received which do not fully comply<br />

with the above provisions and any deficient<br />

bids submitted may be resealed<br />

and returned to the bidder. No bids shall<br />

be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60)<br />

days after the opening of the bids without<br />

the consent of the Owner.<br />

Eileen Stolley<br />

Business Manager<br />

Kadoka Area School District 35-2<br />

[Published April 12, 2012, at the total approximate<br />

cost of $48.74]<br />



FAIRS OF <strong>KADOKA</strong><br />


DISTRICT NO. 35-2<br />

Notice is hereby given that the Kadoka<br />

Area School District No. 35-2 of Kadoka,<br />

South Dakota has been audited by<br />

DeSmet and Biggs, LLP, Certified Public<br />

Accountants for the fiscal year ended<br />

June 30, 2011. A detailed report thereon<br />

is available for public inspection, during<br />

normal business hours, at the business<br />

office of the School District, and also<br />

available at the Department of Legislative<br />

Audit in Pierre, South Dakota or on<br />

the Department of Legislative Audit website<br />

at http:www.state.sd.us/legislativeaudit/Reports/reports_all.htm.<br />

The report also contains the auditor’s<br />

findings and recommendations concerning<br />

less significant deficiencies in internal<br />

control at the district.<br />

[Published April 12, 2012, at the total approximate<br />

cost of $11.56]<br />

NOTICE<br />

The advertising signs<br />

for Main Street are<br />

provided by KCBA.<br />

Please,<br />

remember to<br />

remove them from the<br />

street and take the<br />

posters off the boards<br />

after use.<br />

April 19, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 6<br />

Kadoka Area spelling contest winners announced<br />

1st grade … Front row (L-R): 1st Ian VanderMay,<br />

2nd Felicity Keegan, 3rd Alissa Janis. Back row: 4th<br />

Bobbi Fisher, 5th Emilia VanderMay, alt. Jordan<br />

Grimes.<br />

3rd grade … Front row (L-R): 1st Tawny Gropper,<br />

2nd Jackson Grimes, 3rd Jade Hutchinson. Back<br />

row: alt. CJ Livermont, 5th Tack Tines, 4th TJ Hamar.<br />

5th grade … Front row (L-R): 1st Kaylee Eisenbraun,<br />

2nd Marcella Baldwin, 3rd Anna Stone. Back<br />

row: alt. Tel VanderMay, 5th Cameron Good, 4th Torry<br />

Rattling Leaf.<br />

7th grade … Front row (L-R): Jacob Rosales, 2nd<br />

Ciara Stoddard, 3rd Emma Stone. Back row: 5th Miranda<br />

Dale, 4th McKenzie Stilwell, alt. Carson Good<br />

(not pictured).<br />

2nd grade … Front row (L-R): 1st Xavier Wright,<br />

2nd Jayden Leach, 3rd Kash Block. Back row: 4th<br />

Abby Finn, 5th Denton Good, alt. Ashley Hand.<br />

4th grade … Front row (L-R): 1st Rosalie Rosales-Kleinhans,<br />

2nd Mason Grimes, 3rd Kaelan Block.<br />

Back row: 4th Gabrielle Sitting Up, 5th Richard Lamont,<br />

alt. Caylo Huber.<br />

6th grade … Front row (L-R): 1st Aybree Pitman,<br />

2nd Bobbi Antonsen, 3rd Tyra Fugate. Back row: 5th<br />

Rosemary Hoon, alt., Raya Garrett, 4th Sage Keegan.<br />

8th grade … Front row (L-R): Tigh Livermont,<br />

2nd Allie Romero, 3rd Braden Letellier. Back row: 4th<br />

Nathan WoodenKnife, 5th Briaunna Williams, alt. Jerica<br />

Coller.<br />

Jones County to host West River Spelling Contest<br />

Jones County will be hosting the next level of the spelling contest on Monday, May 7 at 12:00 noon MT. All<br />

the above first through fifth place winners in each grade will be competing. Words for the contest will come from<br />

the Eaton’s True Blue Speller. The contestants will take a written test, with only the contestants, pronouncers<br />

and monitors allowed in the room. All contestants will take the first 25 words. Round two will consist of ten<br />

words with additional rounds consisting of five words each. The decision of the correctors will be final. Each<br />

participant will receive a certificate of participation. Awards will be handed out to the top five finishers in each<br />

grade at the awards ceremony. Schools taking part in the contest will be Kadoka, Jones County, Philip and White<br />


Local & Statewide Classified Advertising …<br />

Classified Advertising<br />

& Thank You Rates:<br />

$5.00 minimum/20 words<br />

plus 10¢ for each word thereafter.<br />

POSITION OPEN: Kadoka Area<br />

School District is seeking applications<br />

for an Elementary Principal.<br />

Application can be found on the<br />

Kadoka Area School District website.<br />

Applications must include cover<br />

letter, resume, and references, and<br />

submitted either electronically to<br />

Jamie.Hermann@k12.sd.us or mail<br />

to Kadoka Area School District, Attn:<br />

Jamie Hermann, 800 Bayberry St.,<br />

PO Box 99, Kadoka, SD 57543.<br />

Kadoka Area School District is an<br />

EOE. KP40-3tc<br />

ACCEPTING BIDS: Kadoka Area<br />

School District 35-2 is accepting<br />

bids to provide the school lunch program<br />

at the Midland School. The bid<br />

will include ordering, preparing,<br />

serving, and clean up after lunch<br />

each and every day school is in session.<br />

Student milk and free commodities<br />

will be available to the<br />

successful bidder and these fluctuate<br />

on a monthly basis. Please submit<br />

bids on a per plate basis to:<br />

Kadoka Area School 35-2, Attn:<br />

Jamie Hermann, PO Box 99,<br />

Kadoka, SD 57543, 605-837-2175<br />

ext. 100. Application deadline is May<br />

1, 2012. The Kadoka Area School<br />

District reserves the right to accept<br />

or reject any or all bids.<br />

KP40-2tc<br />

POSITION OPEN: The Kadoka<br />

Area School is accepting applications<br />

for a K-12 instrumental music<br />

instructor for the 2012-2013 school<br />

year. Applications are available on<br />

the school website at<br />

www.kadoka.k12.sd.us and can be<br />

submitted through e-mail or postal<br />

mail Attn: Jamie Hermann. EOE.<br />

KP39-3tc<br />

<strong>KADOKA</strong> CITY-WIDE RUMMAGE<br />

SALE: Saturday, June 2. tfn<br />


or part-time positions available. Applicants<br />

must be prompt and have<br />

attention to detail. Positions available<br />

at Budget Host Sundowner and<br />

America’s Best Value Inn. Apply at<br />

ABVI or call Joe at 808-284-1865.<br />

KP38-tfn<br />


Machinery & Miscellaneous Auction<br />

at Philip Livestock Auction on Saturday,<br />

May 19. Poster deadline Monday,<br />

April 23. Please call<br />

605-859-2577 to consign.<br />

KP32-10tc<br />


CRETE: ALL types of concrete work.<br />

Rich, Colleen and Haven Hildebrand.<br />

Toll-free: 1-877-867-4185;<br />

April 20-21-22-23:<br />

The Hunger Games (PG-13)<br />

Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m.<br />

Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m.<br />

�����������<br />

����������� ������<br />

April 27-28-29-30:<br />

Mirror, Mirror (PG)<br />

May 4-5-6-7: 21 Jump Street (R)<br />

May 11-12-13-14:<br />

The Three Stooges (PG)<br />

May 18-19-20-21:<br />

American Reunion (R)<br />

May 25-26-27-28:<br />

The Pirates: Band of Misfits (PG)<br />

Kadoka Press<br />


Please read your<br />

classified ad the first<br />

week it runs.<br />

If you see an error,<br />

we will gladly rerun<br />

your ad correctly.<br />

We accept<br />

responsibility<br />

for the first<br />

incorrect<br />

insertion only.<br />

Ravellette Publications,<br />

Inc. requests that all<br />

classifieds and cards<br />

of thanks be paid for<br />

when ordered.<br />

A $2.00 billing charge<br />

will be added if ad is<br />

not paid at the time the<br />

order is place.<br />

Payment by cash,<br />

check or credit card<br />

is accepted.<br />

Office, 837-2621; Rich, cell 431-<br />

2226; Haven, cell 490-2926; Jerry,<br />

cell 488-0291. KP5-tfc<br />


do all types of trenching, ditching<br />

and directional boring work. See<br />

Craig, Diana, Sauntee or Heidi<br />

Coller, Kadoka, SD, or call 605/837-<br />

2690. Craig cell 390-8087, Sauntee<br />

cell 390-8604, email<br />

wrex@gwtc.net. 27-tfc<br />

APARTMENTS: Spacious one-bedroom<br />

units, all utilities included.<br />

Young or old. Need rental assistance<br />

or not, we can house you. Just<br />

call 1-800-481-6904 or stop in the<br />

lobby and pick up an application.<br />

Gateway Apartments, Kadoka.<br />

36-tfc<br />


Excavation, Inc. Excavation<br />

work of all types. Call Brent Peters,<br />

837-2945 or 381-5568 (cell).<br />

KP24-tfc<br />

SEPTIC TANK PUMPING: Call 837-<br />

2243 or contact Wendell Buxcel,<br />

Kadoka, SD. 10-tfc<br />

POSTER BOARD: White and colored.<br />

At the Kadoka Press. tfc<br />

RUBBER STAMPS: Can be ordered<br />

at the Kadoka Press. Regular<br />

or self-inking styles. tfc<br />


Dakota's best advertising buy! A 25word<br />

classified ad in each of the<br />

states’ 150 daily and weekly newspapers.<br />

Your message reaches<br />

375,000 households for just<br />

$150.00! This newspaper can give<br />

you the complete details. Call (605)<br />

837-2259. tfc<br />

SCRATCH PADS: 50 cents each at<br />

the Kadoka Press. tfc<br />

Thank You<br />

Thank you to so many of you for<br />

your support, encouragement, and<br />

kind words in my bid for the Kadoka<br />

Area School Board. I appreciate all<br />

of you!<br />

Jim Brown<br />

Full Service<br />

Mechanic<br />

Shop!<br />

We make hydraulic hoses &<br />

On-the-farm tire service!<br />


Cars for salvage, call today!<br />

HOURS:<br />

Mon - Fri: 7:30 to 5:30<br />

Saturday: 8 to Noon<br />


WESTERN AUCTION: Buick 45,000<br />

mi. Car, 2011 Enclosed Trailer, 2800<br />

Gold & Silver Coins, 59 Guns, Antiques,<br />

Artifacts, Furniture, Art, Apr<br />

28-29, Wall, SD, 1-605-544-<br />

3316,www.PiroutekAuction.com<br />



needed! Train to become a Medical<br />

Office Assistant! No experience<br />

needed! Local job training. Placement<br />

available. HS diploma or GED<br />

and PC needed! 1-888-926-7884.<br />


GREAT PAYING JOBS! Statewide<br />

construction jobs, $12.00 - $15.00<br />

OR MORE hourly + benefits. Summer<br />

or permanent. No experience<br />

necessary. Hit Pay Dirt! Apply Online<br />

www.sdwork.org.<br />


CARE is searching for dedicated,<br />

caring nurses to join our team. We<br />

have full and part time LPN and RN<br />

positions available. We offer excellent<br />

benefits and competitive wages.<br />

For more information please contact<br />

TerryAnn Scott at (605) 673-2237<br />

ext. 29 or log onto www.regionalhealth.com<br />

to apply. EEOC/AA.<br />

SELL CABLE TV, Internet and Phone<br />

throughout SD. Great Income, Travel<br />

Required. Need vehicle, valid drivers<br />

license. Must pass background<br />

check. Call Matt 1-888-657-0791.<br />


at a stable dealership with three locations<br />

in South Dakota and four locations<br />

in Nebraska. Excellent<br />

benefit package. A/C service departments.<br />

Wages DOE. For locations<br />

and phone numbers check our website:<br />

www.grossenburg.com.<br />


NANCE Worker: Full-time. Must<br />

have commercial driver’s<br />

license/able to obtain within 3<br />

months of hire date. Benefits package.<br />

Position open until filled. Apply:<br />

Haakon Co. Highway Dept., 22260<br />

Lake Waggoner Rd., Philip, SD<br />

57567. 605/859-2472.<br />


MAN, full time, Pierre area. Must<br />

have CDL, supervisory experience<br />

preferred. Wage DOQ. Contact DOL<br />

or Hughes County, 605-773-7477.<br />

Closes April 27. EOE.<br />

TRI COOP ELEVATOR, Gully, MN, is<br />

seeking a qualified General Man-<br />

J&S ReStore<br />

Kadoka, South Dakota<br />


We’re here for all your<br />

vehicle maintenance!<br />

Give us a call today!<br />

TIRE & SERVICE WORK - CALL 837-2376<br />

ager, a diversified grain, energy, and<br />

agronomy cooperative with sales exceeding<br />

$15 million. Position requires<br />

knowledge in grain marketing,<br />

financial management, human resource<br />

management. Competitive<br />

salary and benefits. Send or fax<br />

(888-653-5527) resume to: Larry<br />

Fuller, 5213 Shoal Drive, Bismarck<br />

ND 58503 Email:<br />

larry.fuller@chsinc.com.<br />

MADISON DAILY LEADER is seeking<br />

a motivated, solution-driven advertising<br />

representative to generate<br />

and manage accounts for print and<br />

online. Excellent benefits. Send<br />

cover letter and resume to<br />

Melissa@MadisonDailyLeader.com.<br />

GREAT PAYING JOBS! Statewide<br />

construction jobs, $12.00 - $15.00<br />

OR MORE hourly + benefits. Summer<br />

or permanent. No experience<br />

necessary. Hit Pay Dirt! Apply Online<br />

www.sdwork.org.<br />


Dental of South Dakota has an exciting<br />

opportunity for a health professional<br />

to work as a coordinator with<br />

the mobile dental program. Successful<br />

candidate will have excellent communication<br />

skills, the ability to lead<br />

others, the ability to multi-task, and a<br />

passion for working with children.<br />

Coordinator will be responsible for<br />

supervising a team of 3-4 staff,<br />

scheduling patient visits, and working<br />

with local community organizations<br />

in an effort to provide dental<br />

care to underserved children. Position<br />

is based out of Pierre and requires<br />

travel up to 40weeks/year,<br />

M-F at various sites across South<br />

Dakota. Coordinator must be willing<br />

to drive a 40 ft. long truck (CDL training<br />

will be provided). Excellent<br />

salary/benefit package including:<br />

medical, dental, vision, life & disability<br />

insurance, paid vacation, sick<br />

leave, continuing education opportunities,<br />

and 401k. Send cover letter<br />

and resume to: Summer Sporrer,<br />

HR, Delta Dental of South Dakota,<br />

720 N. Euclid Ave., Pierre, SD<br />

57501.<br />


Deere Dealership, Yankton / Freeman.<br />

Servicing, repairing, reconditioning<br />

customer/dealer equipment.<br />

Service department experience and<br />

tools required. Contact Rick Stone<br />

605-760-4436 StoneR@deerequipment.com.<br />


Preston, SD, is seeking a qualified<br />

General Manager. This $175M cooperative<br />

with 4 locations offering grain<br />

marketing (with rail), full service retail<br />

agronomy, energy (bulk/retail), and<br />

feed (bulk/bag). Grain, agronomy,<br />

energy, feed, and service as well as<br />

April 19, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 7<br />

financial and personal management<br />

experience required. Email:<br />

larry.fuller@chsinc.com or fax (888-<br />

653-5527) resume to: Larry Fuller,<br />

5213 Shoal Drive, Bismarck ND<br />

58503.<br />


Duties include loading and unloading<br />

trucks, delivery, filling bins,<br />

customer sales. Benefit package.<br />

Send resume to Johnson Lumber,<br />

Attention Dan, 22 W 5th Ave, Webster,<br />

SD 57274; 605-345-6000.<br />

TODD COUNTY SCHOOL District,<br />

Mission, SD is seeking candidates<br />

for the position of superintendent of<br />

schools. The candidate needs to<br />

have the proper certification requirements<br />

and should be a strong educational<br />

leader with human relations<br />

skills and knowledge of working with<br />

cultural diversity. Contact Dr. Julie<br />

Ertz at 605-391-4719 or<br />

jertz@asbsd.org for application materials.<br />

Filing deadline May 4th.<br />

TOWN OF POLLOCK, SD: Maintenance<br />

employee. Must have or be<br />

able to obtain Class 1 water/wastewater<br />

certification. Salary DOE. Call<br />

605-889-2490 for application. Deadline<br />

to apply is May 7, 2012.<br />

GREAT PAYING JOBS! Statewide<br />

construction jobs, $12.00 - $15.00<br />

OR MORE hourly + benefits. Summer<br />

or permanent. No experience<br />

necessary. Hit Pay Dirt! Apply Online<br />

www.sdwork.org.<br />

FULL-TIME PIPE layer/machine operator.<br />

For local NESD excavation<br />

work. CDL required. Wages/benefits<br />

DOE. Call Clint Duerre, Duerre Excavation,<br />

Bristol, SD - 605-492-3475.<br />

FOR SALE<br />

THRIFTSTORE & MORE offers<br />

large selection of children & adult<br />

clothing, household items, books and<br />

toys. Children’s clothing JUST .49<br />

cents; adult .99 cents. Open Thurs.<br />

& Fri. 10 AM -5:30 PM, Sat. 10 AM -<br />

2 PM CST. I-90, Exit 225 & 226, Main<br />

Street, Presho.<br />

NEED A REASON to live in the<br />

Northern Black Hills? Look here. Established<br />

and highly successful<br />

PAINTING BUSINESS for sale. Call<br />

605-641-4940 daytime for information.<br />

NOW IS THE CHANCE to buy a well<br />

established & successful business in<br />

the State Capitol of S.D. The Longbranch<br />

is for SALE (serious inquires<br />

only). Call Russell Spaid 605-280-<br />

1067.<br />


DAKOTA LOG HOME Builders representing<br />

Golden Eagle Log Homes,<br />

building in eastern, central, northwestern<br />

South & North Dakota. Scott<br />

Connell, 605-530-2672, Craig Connell,<br />

605-264-5650, www.goldeneagleloghomes.com.<br />

PETS<br />


both parents they are registered and<br />

excellent hunting dogs, waterfowl or<br />

upland birds. Pups were born 3-1-<br />

2012. $400. 605-730-2088.<br />



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Call Trever 1-888-782-7040.<br />



statewide for only $150.00. Put the<br />

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2259or 800-658-3697 for details.<br />

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We’re Open Monday - Friday<br />

8 a.m. - Noon • 1 - 5 p.m.<br />

Phone 837-2214<br />

Tim home 837-2087<br />

Dave cell 488-0326

Agriculture …<br />

Winner Regional Extension Center<br />

Bob Fanning, Plant Pathology Field Specialist • 605-842-1267<br />

2012 Wheat GDD Ahead of<br />

Normal; Frost Damage?<br />

As the warm winter of 2011-12<br />

transitioned to a warm spring, a<br />

common topic of conversation has<br />

been the winter wheat getting too<br />

big too fast. The threat of a late<br />

spring frost, when wheat is in an<br />

advanced growth stage and impacts<br />

to yields are greater is still<br />

possible.<br />

To determine how far ahead of<br />

normal the 2012 winter wheat<br />

crop is; visit the South Dakota<br />

“Automatic Weather Data Network<br />

(AWDN) archived degree<br />

days” website: http://climate.sdstate.edu/awdn/archive/degreedays.asp.<br />

Choose the time period<br />

you are interested in and the automatic<br />

weather station you would<br />

like to calculate Growing Degree<br />

Days (GDD) for. For wheat GDD,<br />

enter 32 in the GDD box and 95/32<br />

in the methods boxes.<br />

Wheat GDD advanced early and<br />

quickly in 2012 compared to normal<br />

in most or all locations in<br />

South Dakota. At the Hamill, SD<br />

AWDN, from February 1 to April<br />

10, accumulated wheat GDD were<br />

934, compared to the normal level<br />

of 510. With a normal accumulation<br />

of wheat GDD of 15 per day<br />

for this time of year, one can calculate<br />

that winter wheat development<br />

is approximately 4 weeks<br />

ahead of normal.<br />

The growth stages of wheat are<br />

not strictly tied to, but highly dependent<br />

on GDD. The early and<br />

rapid progress of wheat GDD in<br />

2012 has led to winter wheat<br />

growth stages advancing much<br />

earlier in the year than normal.<br />

The progress of wheat growth<br />

stages is also affected by the photoperiod<br />

(length of day) and vernalization<br />

(cold temperature)<br />

requirements of various varieties.<br />

Data for accumulated GDD for the<br />

various growth stages of wheat can<br />

be found in the Montana State<br />

University publication, “Using<br />

Growing Degree Days to Predict<br />

Plant Stages.”: http://msuextension.org/publications/AgandNaturalResources/MT200103AG.pdf.<br />

Reports of early-planted winter<br />

wheat beginning to joint in southcentral<br />

South Dakota began coming<br />

in as early as April 6. With 50%<br />

probability of the last spring frost<br />

(28 degrees F) ranging from mid-<br />

April to Mid-May across most of<br />

the wheat growing area in South<br />

Dakota, plenty of opportunity remains<br />

for damaging frosts to occur.<br />

The last spring frost can also occur<br />

later than the “50% probability”<br />

SDSU Extension<br />

forestry specialist<br />

discusses freeze,<br />

tree health<br />

After the April 9 freeze, many<br />

South Dakotan's are asking, "What<br />

will last night's freeze do to my<br />

trees?"<br />

Not as much as you think, is<br />

John Ball's answer.<br />

The SDSU professor, SDSU Extension<br />

Forestry Specialist and the<br />

South Dakota Department of Agriculture,<br />

Forestry Health Specialist,<br />

says some of the tree's foliage will<br />

recover, some foliage will show<br />

blackened margins but otherwise<br />

recover, and some trees will lose<br />

most of their leaves from the frost -<br />

however, the good news is much of<br />

this foliage will be replaced.<br />

"The tender foliage on trees that<br />

are leafing out is sensitive to freeze<br />

injury and I already saw some wilting<br />

leaves this morning, however,<br />

fortunately many tree species to<br />

have a "reserve chute" and will put<br />

out a second set of leaves in the<br />

next few weeks to replace the lost<br />

ones," Ball said.<br />

He adds, "We saw this about<br />

three years ago in the north-central<br />

part of the state and the trees recovered<br />

just fine. The biggest problem<br />

will be the flowering trees."<br />

Ball explains that once the flowers<br />

are killed, that's it.<br />

"You will not get replacement<br />

flowers this spring, so the loss of<br />

the flowers means no fruit this fall<br />

on the pears and plums that are in<br />

bloom right now," he said. "At least<br />

in the northern half of the state the<br />

apples have not bloomed yet so<br />

they should be fine. But in the<br />

southern half of South Dakota,<br />

where the apples were blooming,<br />

we may see less fruit set on apples<br />

as well as the other fruit tree<br />

crops."<br />

For more information and answers<br />

to tree-related questions,<br />

visit iGrow.org.<br />

Newsprint<br />

End Rolls<br />

$5.00 each<br />

Kadoka Press<br />

dates, and an analysis conducted<br />

by SDSU Extension Climatologists<br />

suggests that late spring frosts are<br />

more common following dry winters.<br />

The Kansas State University<br />

publication: “Spring Freeze Injury<br />

to Kansas Wheat”:<br />

http://www.ksre.ksu.edu/library/cr<br />

psl2/c646.pdf is an excellent resource<br />

to assess freeze injury to<br />

wheat. The growth stages, approximate<br />

temperature (duration of 2<br />

hours) at which injury occurs, and<br />

yield effects are: tillering – 12 degrees<br />

F, slight to moderate; jointing<br />

– 24 degrees F, moderate to<br />

severe; boot – 28 degrees F, moderate<br />

to severe; heading – 30 degrees<br />

F, severe; flowering – 30 degrees F,<br />

severe; milk – 28 degrees F, moderate<br />

to severe; and dough – 28 degrees<br />

F, slight to moderate.<br />

For more information, visit<br />

http://igrow.org/ or contact your<br />

Regional Extension Center.<br />

Buckbrush (Western<br />

Snowberry) Control<br />

A question recently came in regarding<br />

control of buckbrush, or<br />

western snowberry in pastures.<br />

Herbicides rated “Good” for buckbrush<br />

control in “Weed Control in<br />

Pasture & Range” include 2,4-D,<br />

Escort and Chaparral. This and<br />

other publications in the SDSU<br />

Weed Control factsheet series are<br />

available at your Extension Center<br />

or online at:<br />

http://www.sdstate.edu/ps/extension/weed-mgmt/weed-mgmtpubs.cfm.<br />

Calendar<br />

4/27-29/2012: State 4-H Shoot,<br />

Expo Center, Ft. Pierre, SD<br />

5/1-2/2012: Growing SD Conference,<br />

Brookings, SD<br />

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April 19, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 8<br />

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Controlling meal costs tips<br />

There are many ways to stretch<br />

your food dollar. Everyone wants to<br />

get their money’s worth in food<br />

these days. Healthful eating<br />

doesn’t have to cost more. It might<br />

even cost less. Healthy foods give<br />

you more value for your dollar.<br />

Controlling food costs wisely involves<br />

careful grocery shopping.<br />

You will spend more if you are hungry,<br />

so try to eat something before<br />

you go shopping. Consider shopping<br />

alone; it may allow you more<br />

time to read labels and compare<br />

prices if you aren’t distracted by<br />

family members. Read labels so<br />

you’ll know what you are paying<br />

for. Compare cost of similar food<br />

items by using unit pricing. To find<br />

the best buy, you need to compare<br />

the costs of the amounts you need<br />

for a meal or for a serving.<br />

Planning ahead will assist you<br />

in spending less on food. Write a<br />

weekly meal plan. It should include<br />

all daily meals plus snacks and<br />

even those eaten away from home.<br />

Try to include at least one “planned<br />

over” meal per week to use leftover<br />

food from another meal. Check<br />

your fridge and cupboards to see<br />

what you already have on hand,<br />

then make a shopping list and stick<br />

to it.<br />

When shopping, choose basic,<br />

nutritious foods rather than readyto-eat,<br />

highly processed and refined<br />

foods. Foods that are more conven-<br />

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ient usually cost more. As an example,<br />

consider choosing unsweetened<br />

fruit juice, water or low fat milk instead<br />

of soft drinks. Another option<br />

would be to select homemade,<br />

lightly salted popcorn, dry roasted<br />

nuts or natural nuts, instead of<br />

snack chips. Try to shop just once a<br />

week. It’s easier to make wise<br />

choices if you shop less often. Use<br />

coupons for foods you really want.<br />

A food isn’t a good deal if no one<br />

eats it.<br />

Sometimes processed foods are<br />

less expensive, but they are usually<br />

higher in fat, sugar, salt and artificial<br />

ingredients and lower in vitamins,<br />

minerals and fiber. These<br />

types of foods are fine to eat once in<br />

a while, but you should plan to select<br />

more nutritious foods to eat<br />

daily.<br />

Food is a manageable expense,<br />

so it can be a focus for reduced<br />

spending when money is tight. By<br />

planning ahead and managing<br />

your money wisely, you can still<br />

serve meals that are delicious and<br />

nutritious. Go to http://www.mealsmatter.org/MealPlanning/<br />

for meal<br />

planning tools created to make<br />

healthy meal planning easier for<br />

your family.<br />

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--by Ann Schwader, Nutrition<br />

Field Specialist<br />

SDSU Extension-Winner Regional<br />

Extension Center<br />

E-mail us at:<br />

press@kadokatelco.com<br />

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