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'skyhooks', 73, 155, 157, 158

slavery, 169, 265, 271

slippery slope arguments, 293-4

Smith, Joseph, 201

Smith, Ken, 258

Smolin, Lee, 146, 156

Smythies, John, 185

Snowflakes, 294

Social Evolution (Trivers), 187

Sodom and Gomorrah, 239-40

Sookhdeo, Patrick, 307

Soul of Science, The (Shermer),


Spectator, 307

spectrum of probabilities, 50-1

Spinoza, Benedict, 18

Spong, John Shelby, 237

Stalin, Joseph, 67, 107, 153,


Stamp Dawkins, M., 396

stances, 181-4

Stannard, Russell, 61-2, 99,


stars, 48, 71-2, 142, 146

stem-cell research, 294

Stenger, Victor, 118

Sterelny, Kim, 165-6

Stevas, Norman St John, 298

Stirrat, Michael, 101, 102

strong force, 142

Stubblebine, General, 368-9

suffering, 297

suicide: assisted, 356-7;

bombers, 1, 304-5, 308

Sulloway, Frank, 102

Supreme Court, US, 22, 291,


Susskind, Leonard, 118, 145

Sutcliffe, Peter, 88

Sweeney, Julia, 4, 250, 323-5

Swinburne, Richard, 58, 63-5,


symbiosis, 216-17

Table Talk (Hitler), 276

Taliban: art appreciation, 1,

248-9; punishment for homosexuality,

289; religious views,

246, 263, 287, 288; treatment

of women, 290, 302

Tamarin, George, 255-7

Tamil Tigers, 306

Tanna, 203-6

Tanner Lectures, 6

TAP (Temporary Agnosticism in

' Practice), 47, 48, 51

Tasmanian wolf, 268

teapot, celestial, 51-2, 53, 54,


Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 154

teleological argument, 79, 181

Teller, Penn and, 128-9

Templeton Foundation, 19,

62-3, 65, 151-3, 344

Templeton Prize, 19, 98n, 99,

152-3, 285

Ten Commandments, 42, 237,

244, 246, 248; New, 263-4

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 175

Teresa of Avila, 186

Teresa of Calcutta, 292

Terror in the Mind of God

(Juergensmeyer), 294

terrorists, 304-5

Terry, Randall, 292-3, 294

theism, 18, 38, 50, 54, 109, 143

theocracy, American Christian,


theodicy, 108

Thomas, gospel of, 96

Thomas Jefferson: Author of

America (Hitchens), 42

Thomson, J. Anderson, 143

Tiger, Lionel, 187

Tin Men, The (Frayn), 183

Tipler, Frank, 135

Tit-for-Tat, 218

Toland, John, 274

Tonge, Jenny, 331

Trinity, 33-4, 152, 200

Trivers, Robert, 187, 216

Turing, Alan, 289

Twain, Mark, 354, 357

2000 Years of Disbelief

(Haught), 98

Type Three Secretory System

(TTSS), 131-2

Unauthorized Version, The

(Lane Fox), 93, 95

unicorn, 52

United States of America, 38-46

Unweaving the Rainbow

(Dawkins), 214, 361

Unwin, Stephen, 105-8

utilitarianism, 232, 293

vampire bats, 217

Vanuatu, 203-6

Vardy, Peter, 331-2, 334, 336

Veblen, Thorstein, 218-19

Venter, Craig, 99n

Venus, 35

Venus' Flower Basket

{Euplectella), 119

Vermes, Geza, 206, 251, 253

Vice Versa (Anstey), 180

Vidal, Gore, 37

Virgin Mary, 34, 35, 91, 93, 186

Virus of the Mind (Brodie), 196

viruses, mental, 186, 188

visions, 90, 91-2

Voltaire, 18, 38, 306

von Neumann, John, 289

Wace, Henry, 48-9

Wagner, Richard, 344

Wahhabism, 249, 288

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 118, 119

Ward, Keith, 149-50

Ward, Lalla, 1, 98n

Warraq, Ibn, 32, 96n, 307

Washington, George, 40, 45

Washington Post, 290

Watchtower, 119-21

water, 136-7

Watson, James, 99-100

Watts, Isaac, 258-9

Waugh, Auberon, 156n

Waugh, Evelyn, 31, 350

Weinberg, Steven, 12-13, 249

Wells, G. A., 97

Wells, H. G., 269-70

Whitcomb, John C, 334

White, Gilbert, 13

Why Gods Persist (Hinde), 177,


Why Good is Good (Hinde),


Why I Am Not a Muslim

(Warraq), 32, 307

Why We Love (Fisher), 184

Wickramasinghe, Chandra, 113

Wilde, Oscar, 191

William of Wykeham, 358-9

Williamson, Hugh Ross, 46

Wilson, A. N., 93, 96n

Wilson, D. S., 170

Wilson, E. O., 67, 347

wings, 123-4, 139, 179

Winston, Robert, 14

Wise, Kurt, 284-6

Witham, Larry, 100-1, 102

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 367, 368

Wodehouse, P. G., 180, 343-4

Wolpert, Lewis, 186-7, 366

women, status of, 265, 271, 302

World Trade Center, 1, 303, 306

Wotan, 31, 35, 53

Wuthering Heights (Bronte), 86

Yahweh (God of Old

Testament): deplorable

character of, 31, 38, 248;

existence of, 53; falling in love

with, 186; God of Old

Testament, 20; jealousy, 104,

243-6; power of, 213;

shocking role model, 241,

248; treatment of humans,

238-40, 243, 245, 247-8

Yugoslavia, former, 21

Zahavi, Amotz, 218-20

Zeitgeist, moral, 265-72, 286,


Zeno, 81

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