

404 T H E G O D D E L U S I O NLincoln, Abraham, 266-7linkage, 197Lofting, Hugh, 13Loftus, Elizabeth, 316London bombings (July 2005),1, 303, 306Lords of the Golden Horn(Barber), 272Los Angeles Times, 23Losing Faith in Faith (Barker),325Lot, 239-40love, irrational, 184-6Luke, gospel of, 93-4, 95Luther, Martin, 190, 200, 275,285-6lying, 231McGrath, Alister, 54-5Mackie, J. L., 82-3McQuoid, Nigel, 332, 334, 336Madison, James, 43, 45Madrid bombings, 306Magdalene Asylums, 317Magdalene Sisters, The, 317magic, homoeopathic, 188Maimonides, Moses, 254, 256-7Malallah, Sadiq Abdul Karim,287Malcolm, Norman, 83Malcolm, Wayne, 332, 334Manx Shearwater, 87Mark, gospel of, 96, 320, 352marriage, 261-2martyrdom, 171, 305, 308Marx, Karl, 276Mary, see Virgin MaryMasih, Augustine Ashiq 'Kingri',287Matthew, gospel of, 93, 94, 95,275, 343Maxwell, James Clerk, 98Meaning of Life, The (MontyPython), 300Medawar, Jean, 298, 299-300Medawar, Peter, 154, 298,299-300Mein Kampf (Hitler), 273, 275Meme Machine, The(Blackmore), 193, 196memeplexes, 196-7, 198-200memes, 191-201; religious,199-200Men Who Stare at Goats, The(Ronson), 368Mencken, H. L., 27, 228, 230n,331Mendel, Gregor, 99Mendel's Demon (Ridley), 140Mensa Magazine, 103Micah's prophecy, 93, 94Michelangelo, 86Middle World, 367-8, 369-70,373-4Midianites, 245Mill, James, 232Mill, John Stuart, 4, 232Miller, Kenneth, 131Mills, David, 44, 84-5Mind of God, The (Davies), 19Miracle of Theism, The(Mackie), 83miracles, 58-60, 61Missionary Position, The(Hitchens), 292Mona Lisa, 89'Monkey Trial'(1925), 284monotheism, 37-8Montreal police strike, 228-9Mooney, C, 396Moore's Law, 272moral dilemmas, 222-6Moral Minds (Hauser), 214, 222morality, 206-7, 211-33Morisi, Anna, 311Mormonism, 36, 201Morris, Henry, 334Mortara, Edgardo, 311-15Moses, 73, 244-8, 255, 341moths, 172-4motive to be good, 231mover, unmoved, 77Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 86Mueller, Andrew, 25-6, 52Muhammad: cartoons depicting,24-7; foundation of Islam, 37,287Mullan, Peter, 317Mulligan, Geoffrey, 204multiverse theory, 145-7mutation rate, 192Myers, P. Z., 69, 319nMytton,Jill, 321-2, 325Nambas, 204-5Napoleon, 46n, 276National Academy of Sciences,100-1National Center for ScienceEducation (NCSE), 66-7natural selection: altruismfavoured by, 217, 221; as aconsciousness-raiser, 2,114-19, 134, 143-4; as'crane', 73, 140, 158; chanceand, 113, 140; children's viewof, 180; favouring rules ofthumb, 220-1; genetic, 201;improbability and, 113-14;replicators, 191; versusdesign, 2, 79, 114, 141Natural Theology (Paley), 79Nature, 100, 101Naughtie, James, 336Nautilus, 124Necker Cube, 89Nehru, Jawaharlal, 45New College, Oxford, 358-9New Orleans, 238-9New Republic, 269New Statesman, 22New Testament, 250-3New York Times, 44, 65, 68n,254, 290New Yorker, 305Newhart, Bob, 62, 64News of the World, 315, 316Newsday, 254Newton, Isaac, 98, 1221984 (Orwell), 286, 287nineteenth century, 156-7Nixon, James, 23Noah, 237-8, 334Nobel Prize, 100, 103, 142,153, 292NOMA (non-overlappingmagisteria), 54-61, 101, 153nNorthern Ireland: names offactions, 21, 339; religiousculture, 166; sectarianconflict, 1, 260; segregatededucation, 259Not By Genes Alone (Richersonand Boyd), 196nuclear fusion, 142nucleus, atomic, 142Numbers, book of, 245obedience, 174-6Observer, 281O'Casey, Sean, 235OFSTED, 335Old Testament, 31, 38, 108,237-50, 254, 286; God of, seeYahwehomnipotence, 77-8omniscience, 77-8On the Jews and their Lies(Luther), 275Onion, 288, 319nOperation Rescue, 292, 294Optimism: The Biology of Hope(Tiger), 187Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, The(Waugh), 350origami, 193-5Origin of Consciousness in theBreakdown of the BicameralMind, The (Jaynes), 350Origin of Species, The (Darwin),11,98, 122-3original sin, 252Origins of Virtue, The (Ridley),218Orwell, George, 287Our Cosmic Habitat (Rees), 55Owens, Jesse, 271Owens, Karen, 78Oxford Companion toPhilosophy, 108pacifism, 21paedomorphosis, 350pain, 169Paine, Thomas, 38Pakistan: Danish cartoon issue,24-5, 26; penalty for blasphemy,286-7Pale Blue Dot (Sagan), 12, 361Paley, William, 79Palin, Michael, 300pantheism, 18-19PAP (Permanent Agnosticism inPrinciple), 47-8, 51, 58

I N D E X 405Papua New Guinea, aboriginalpeoples, 166Parfitt, Derek, 399particles, 147Pascal, Blaise, 103-5, 249Pascal's Wager, 103-5patriotism, 232-3Paul of Tarsus, 37, 93, 252,253, 257, 276peacock, tail of, 163Peacocke, Arthur, 99, 150Pearson, F. S., 191npedophilia, 315-16Penn and Teller, 128-9Permian extinction, 47, 50Persinger, Michael, 168personal incredulity, argumentfrom, 128, 129Pharaoh, 242Phelps, Fred, 290-1Philip, Prince, 205-6Phillips, Kevin, 286physical stance, 181Pinker, Steven, 168, 228Pirsig, Robert M., 5Pius X, Pope, 358Pius XII, Pope, 277placebo effect, 167-8planets, numbers of, 137-8Point Counter Point (Huxley),84, 86Poitier, Sidney, 271Polkinghorne, John, 99, 147, 150polytheism, 32-6Potlatch Effect, 218-19Potter, Gary, 290prayer, 61-6pre-Cambrian, fossil rabbits in,128Price of Honour (Goodwin),302Probability of God, The(Unwin), 105'pro-life' campaigns, 300proofs of God's existence, 85Providence, 277psychology, evolutionary, 179Pullman, Philip, 130npulsars, 71-2purgatory, 358-60quantum theory, 364-5Quest in Paradise(Attenborough), 202Quirinius, governor of Syria, 93Qur'an, 37, 307, 344race, attitudes to, 265-7Rahman, Abdul, 287Raphael, 86'Rapture Ready', 254Rawls, John, 264Reagan, Ronald, 288reciprocation, 216-18, 220Reconstructionists, 319redwood, giant, 120Rees, Martin, 14, 55-6, 141-5/156regress, 77religion: as a by-product ofsomething else, 172-9;cargo cults, 202-7; theDarwinian imperative, 163-6;direct advantages of, 166-9;group selection, 169-72;meme theory, 191-201;psychologically primed for,179-90; survival value of,172Religion Explained (Boyer), 36,177Religious Coalition forReproductive Choice, 297nRenfrew, Colin, 170replicators, 191, 192reputation, 218-19Revelation, book of, 257-8, 302Richard Dawkins Foundationfor Reason and Science(RDFRS), 7, 363Richerson, Peter, 196Ridley, Mark, 140Ridley, Matt, 125, 218Ridley, Nicholas, 314RNA, 137Roberts, Keenan, 319-20Roberts, Oral, 32-3Robertson, Pat, 239, 290Robeson, Paul, 271Robinson, Jackie, 271Rocks of Ages (Gould), 55, 57Roman Catholic Church:bortion policy, 60, 291;abuse of children, 316-18,321; as memeplex, 200;doctrine of purgatory,358-60; Hitler's religion,273-4; marriage policy,261; miracle policy, 59-60;Mortara kidnap case,311-15; polytheism of,34-5; role of guilt, 167Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare),221, 222Ronson, Jon, 368-9Roosevelt, Franklin, 67Root of All Evil? (ChannelFour), 1, 6, 318Rothschild, Eric, 133Rothschild, Lionel, 313Royal Institution ChristmasLectures, 363Royal Society, 101-2, 281, 335Rumsfeld, Donald, 268Ruse, Michael, 67-9Rushdie, Salman, 22, 25, 260Ruskin, John, 118Russell, Bertrand: briefly convincedby ontologicalargument, 81-2; courageousviews, 104; on death frombelief, 306; on outward beliefin religion, 97; teapot parable,51-2, 53, 54, 69; view ofdeath, 354-5Russian Orthodox Church, 273Sacranie, Iqbal, 25-6, 287-8Sacred Depths of Nature, The(Goodenough), 13sacrifice, human, 327-8Saddam Hussein, 107, 247, 273Sagan, Carl: Contact, 72;Demon-haunted World, 366;on life elsewhere in universe,47, 69-70; on love of science,366; on religion and theUniverse, 12; on views ofGod, 19; Pale Blue Dot, 12,361St Matthew Passion (Bach), 86Salmon of Doubt, The (Adams),116Sanhedrin, 254Sarah, 241-2Satan, 5, 91, 108, 304Saudi Arabia: status of women,302; Wahhabism, 249, 288Scarborough, Rick, 23Schrodinger, Erwin, 365-6Schubert, Franz, 86, 87Science and Christian Belief(Polkinghorne), 150Science of Good and Evil, The(Shermer), 214, 226Scientology, 201Scopes, John, 284Scott, Eugenie, 66Seaton, Nick, 340Secular Bible, The(Berlinerblau), 95secularism, 38-46self-deception, 187Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins),196, 215nSelfish Meme, The (Distin), 196Seneca the Younger, 276SETI (Search for ExtraterrestrialIntelligence), 70, 71, 72, 73,138Seven Clues to the Origin ofLife (Cairns-Smith), 129sexual behaviour, 166, 169,221-2Shaheen, Naseeb, 344Shaikh, Younis, 287Shakespeare, William, 86, 87,221-2, 243, 344Shaw, George Bernard, 167Sheen, Fulton J., 19Shennan, Stephen, 196Sherman, Robert, 43Shermer, Michael, 102, 168,184, 214, 226-7, 345, 361Shorter Oxford Dictionary, 353Shulevitz, Judith, 68nSilver, L. M., 386, 392sin, 251-2Singer, Peter, 225-6, 271, 392Sins of Scripture, The (Spong),237Sistine Chapel, 86Six Impossible Things BeforeBreakfast /Wolpert), 186-7Skilling, Jeff, 215n

404 T H E G O D D E L U S I O N

Lincoln, Abraham, 266-7

linkage, 197

Lofting, Hugh, 13

Loftus, Elizabeth, 316

London bombings (July 2005),

1, 303, 306

Lords of the Golden Horn

(Barber), 272

Los Angeles Times, 23

Losing Faith in Faith (Barker),


Lot, 239-40

love, irrational, 184-6

Luke, gospel of, 93-4, 95

Luther, Martin, 190, 200, 275,


lying, 231

McGrath, Alister, 54-5

Mackie, J. L., 82-3

McQuoid, Nigel, 332, 334, 336

Madison, James, 43, 45

Madrid bombings, 306

Magdalene Asylums, 317

Magdalene Sisters, The, 317

magic, homoeopathic, 188

Maimonides, Moses, 254, 256-7

Malallah, Sadiq Abdul Karim,


Malcolm, Norman, 83

Malcolm, Wayne, 332, 334

Manx Shearwater, 87

Mark, gospel of, 96, 320, 352

marriage, 261-2

martyrdom, 171, 305, 308

Marx, Karl, 276

Mary, see Virgin Mary

Masih, Augustine Ashiq 'Kingri',


Matthew, gospel of, 93, 94, 95,

275, 343

Maxwell, James Clerk, 98

Meaning of Life, The (Monty

Python), 300

Medawar, Jean, 298, 299-300

Medawar, Peter, 154, 298,


Mein Kampf (Hitler), 273, 275

Meme Machine, The

(Blackmore), 193, 196

memeplexes, 196-7, 198-200

memes, 191-201; religious,


Men Who Stare at Goats, The

(Ronson), 368

Mencken, H. L., 27, 228, 230n,


Mendel, Gregor, 99

Mendel's Demon (Ridley), 140

Mensa Magazine, 103

Micah's prophecy, 93, 94

Michelangelo, 86

Middle World, 367-8, 369-70,


Midianites, 245

Mill, James, 232

Mill, John Stuart, 4, 232

Miller, Kenneth, 131

Mills, David, 44, 84-5

Mind of God, The (Davies), 19

Miracle of Theism, The

(Mackie), 83

miracles, 58-60, 61

Missionary Position, The

(Hitchens), 292

Mona Lisa, 89

'Monkey Trial'(1925), 284

monotheism, 37-8

Montreal police strike, 228-9

Mooney, C, 396

Moore's Law, 272

moral dilemmas, 222-6

Moral Minds (Hauser), 214, 222

morality, 206-7, 211-33

Morisi, Anna, 311

Mormonism, 36, 201

Morris, Henry, 334

Mortara, Edgardo, 311-15

Moses, 73, 244-8, 255, 341

moths, 172-4

motive to be good, 231

mover, unmoved, 77

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 86

Mueller, Andrew, 25-6, 52

Muhammad: cartoons depicting,

24-7; foundation of Islam, 37,


Mullan, Peter, 317

Mulligan, Geoffrey, 204

multiverse theory, 145-7

mutation rate, 192

Myers, P. Z., 69, 319n

Mytton,Jill, 321-2, 325

Nambas, 204-5

Napoleon, 46n, 276

National Academy of Sciences,


National Center for Science

Education (NCSE), 66-7

natural selection: altruism

favoured by, 217, 221; as a

consciousness-raiser, 2,

114-19, 134, 143-4; as

'crane', 73, 140, 158; chance

and, 113, 140; children's view

of, 180; favouring rules of

thumb, 220-1; genetic, 201;

improbability and, 113-14;

replicators, 191; versus

design, 2, 79, 114, 141

Natural Theology (Paley), 79

Nature, 100, 101

Naughtie, James, 336

Nautilus, 124

Necker Cube, 89

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 45

New College, Oxford, 358-9

New Orleans, 238-9

New Republic, 269

New Statesman, 22

New Testament, 250-3

New York Times, 44, 65, 68n,

254, 290

New Yorker, 305

Newhart, Bob, 62, 64

News of the World, 315, 316

Newsday, 254

Newton, Isaac, 98, 122

1984 (Orwell), 286, 287

nineteenth century, 156-7

Nixon, James, 23

Noah, 237-8, 334

Nobel Prize, 100, 103, 142,

153, 292

NOMA (non-overlapping

magisteria), 54-61, 101, 153n

Northern Ireland: names of

factions, 21, 339; religious

culture, 166; sectarian

conflict, 1, 260; segregated

education, 259

Not By Genes Alone (Richerson

and Boyd), 196

nuclear fusion, 142

nucleus, atomic, 142

Numbers, book of, 245

obedience, 174-6

Observer, 281

O'Casey, Sean, 235


Old Testament, 31, 38, 108,

237-50, 254, 286; God of, see


omnipotence, 77-8

omniscience, 77-8

On the Jews and their Lies

(Luther), 275

Onion, 288, 319n

Operation Rescue, 292, 294

Optimism: The Biology of Hope

(Tiger), 187

Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, The

(Waugh), 350

origami, 193-5

Origin of Consciousness in the

Breakdown of the Bicameral

Mind, The (Jaynes), 350

Origin of Species, The (Darwin),

11,98, 122-3

original sin, 252

Origins of Virtue, The (Ridley),


Orwell, George, 287

Our Cosmic Habitat (Rees), 55

Owens, Jesse, 271

Owens, Karen, 78

Oxford Companion to

Philosophy, 108

pacifism, 21

paedomorphosis, 350

pain, 169

Paine, Thomas, 38

Pakistan: Danish cartoon issue,

24-5, 26; penalty for blasphemy,


Pale Blue Dot (Sagan), 12, 361

Paley, William, 79

Palin, Michael, 300

pantheism, 18-19

PAP (Permanent Agnosticism in

Principle), 47-8, 51, 58

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